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scenes from a train route leading from Bruck an der Mur to Graz in Styria, Austria, in February 2024; music: 'Anthem, part 3' by Philip Glass (from the soundtrack to the movie 'Powaqqatsi'); video by neuron (2024)

Train route from northern outer district of Vienna, Austria to the border between Vienna and Lower Austria at Gerasdorf.
Music by Vangelis ('Good to see you' from the album 'The city' (1990)).
Video by neuron (2023).

Für alle Zeiten festgehalten und niemals vergessen. Die Sprüche der Impf-Faschisten und deren Kollaborateure in Österreich 2021 und danach.

Two Russian comedians play a prank on Michael Ludwig, the corrupt Mayor of Vienna, Austria, pretending to be Vitali Klitschko, Mayor of Kiev, Ukraine, who not only did not notice anything unusual for the whole time but in the end even has himself trained to raise the Ukrainian flag on command. :-D

This is the man who still mercilessly tortures the citizens of Vienna throughout summer with ridiculous mask mandates in public transport. Well, masks and vaccines are a great business. And warmongering, too.

"English", German subtitled.

Source of the video:

Austrian rally against still here existing totalitarian "corona" measures, also against fearmongering & warmongering while the Austrian socialist party traditionally celebrated itself on May 1st, 2022. ;)

Einige der Protagonisten von Corona-Diktatur und Impf-Faschismus.

Es ist immer wieder dasselbe zynische Spiel. Die bekannte Handschrift. Mit großzügiger Unterstützung der westlichen "Qualitäts"-Medien. 🤮

Second big rally in Vienna this weekend, this time a 'Europe for freedom' event with a lot of speeches at the beginning and a large procession around the Ring with 50.000+ participants.

Business as usual. B-)

Eine völlig korrupte, kriminelle Bundesregierung und deren Pharma-Lobbyisten-Bande, verkauft als "unabhängige Experten". Und das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.

Again tens of thousands on the streets in Vienna (classic Ring route) against our "beloved" government. Again and again. As long as necessary.

This mass anti government demonstration on the streets of Vienna - again with tens of thousands of attendees - was also a rain & storm battle. Nevertheless, resistance continues. As long as necessary. ;)

Another big rally in the Austrian capital against "Great reset", vaccination terror, lockdowns and other atrocities currently plaguing this planet.

🌲 Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Weihnachtsansprache
veröffentlicht am 24.12.2021 um 04 : 38 Uhr

Bhakdi: "Zeit, ein Zeichen gegen die Spaltung zu setzen!"

Ein Zeichen der Solidarität mit allen Opfern von COVID und der COVID-Schutzmaßnahmen.

In Wien, beim Lichtermeer und Lichterzug am 26.12.2021. Treffpunkt um 15 : 30 Uhr am Heldenplatz.

For the second time in December there were mid-week mass protests all over Austria. This time, the Vienna rally (or rather the part of it that was filmed by me) was much smaller than the recent megademos with this time around 1.000 attendees taking a route from the city district of Vienna through the most crowded part of Mariahilfer Straße (a famous shopping mile) and back again, taking the message of freedom and against mandatory pharma treatments and Covid stalinism to the crowd of shopping sheeple. ;) The parallel protests in some other towns and cities of Austria this afternoon were even more impressive, most notably Linz and Graz with thousands of people on the streets respectively.

Am Mittwoch, den 15.12.2021 fand vormittags ein Protest von ca. 1.000 im Gesundheitsbereich tätigen Menschen vor der Wiener Ärztekammer statt. Der mittlerweile schon als Widerstands-Legende zu bezeichnende Amstettner Arzt Dr. Kashofer hält dabei eine Rede, in der er den hoch korrupten Präsidenten der Österreichischen Ärztekammer, Thomas Szekeres, einen der Hauptkollaborateure des aktuellen österreichischen Impf-Faschismus, zum Rücktritt auffordert.

Again, around 100.000 people gathered in Vienna for the next major protest against the totalitarian, corrupt & criminal government of Austria (or rather those who so far remained from this bunch of criminals) & vaccination terror in the name of Big Pharma. Once again, we went the Ring route around the City disctrict of Vienna.

On December 4th, 2021, 100.000 and more people gathered again in the streets of Vienna to protest against the totalitarian, corrupt & criminal government of Austria & vaccination terror in the name of Big Pharma. Locations in this recording include the Ring as well as an early short passage through Landstraße (3rd district of Vienna).

On Friday, Nov. 19th, the criminal, pharma-funded Austrian government finally declared open war on its people, trying to make Austria the fascist shithole of Europe for the second time in recorded history. Saturday, Nov. 20th: More than 100.000 people (official estimations range from 38.000 to 350.000) took the streets in Vienna protesting against their pathetic puppet government and the corrupt mainstream media presstitutes supporting their narrative. Protests in this video were recorded at the "Ring" around the central city district of Vienna. But many more groups of people were active at the same time in other regions of Vienna, such as Mariahilfer Straße & Gürtel.

Scenes from the anti-government rally in Vienna, Austria on 9-11-21.

Scenes from the Austrian anti-government rally in Vienna on Saturday, March 20th, 2021. This time there were many bigger and smaller groups all over the city. The scenes covered here are from one of the bigger groups at "Wiedner Guertel" near Hauptbahnhof (Vienna's main railway station).

Dieses Video ist eine Dramatisierung. Es beschreibt die wenigen Schritte, die es braucht, um von scheinbar vernünftigen Vorgaben zu einer dystopischen Weltordnung zu gelangen. Original:

Scenes from the Austrian anti-government rally in Vienna on Saturday, March 6th, 2021. Attendance was clearly better than on the last big rally in Vienna on February, 13th. This time we - again - had tens of thousands people in sometimes split up groups starting from Ring/Heldenplatz/State opera, peacefully marching through the city and finally joining each other in the Prater area.


Created 4 years ago.

62 videos

Category News & Politics