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A bunch of irrational claims among the lines of "ignorance is strength" – funded with german tax money.
source; https://www.instagram.com/reel/CckjpCADafx/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=

Komplikationen nach einer Corona-Impfung sind selten, aber es gibt sie. Nach einem "Umschau"-Bericht haben sich weitere Betroffene gemeldet. Sie fordern eine zentrale Anlaufstelle und eine bessere Aufarbeitung.

Danke an alle GEZ-Gebührenzahler für diesen leider notwendigen Beitrag.

Kate Sugak and Dean Braus speaking with Dr Stefan Lanka about PCR Tests and disproven virology

Seemingly, The Simpsons has signaled it already. Proof is there when they come down

Mr Tom Lausens investigations suggest there was a huge fraud in regard of proclaimed scarcity of intensive care beds.

mirrored from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LY-0JqFoxA

Listen to this man!!❤️

Watch to the end
#TruckersForFreedom #Unity



00:00 Intro
00:59 Zitat des Schreckens
01:23 Das Video des Jahres | Bitte teilen
01:55 Geheimplan nun offensichtlich
03:04 Insiderinformationen
08:11 Die freiwillige Zwangskontrolle | Social Scoring

Transcript, roughly:

I also got a lot of hate and criticism for holding up a sign saying "I am not a feminist"

Most of that criticism came from feminists who claimed I did not
know what the word feminism means because feminism is actually a movement
for equality – so today I wanted to speak
to those feminists and explain why I'm
still not a feminist and my third wave
feminism is not in fact a movement for

I want to start by asking a
question if feminism is a movement for
equality why do we not see equal
representation of both genders issues
and why do we not see feminists
complaining about benefits that women
have over men in certain situations.

Very few know that around 100000
to 140000 males are raped annually in
US prisons. This is more males raped than
females in the u.s. annually – yet
feminists remain silent on the issue
almost half the domestic abuse victims
in the US and Canada are men yet there
are no safe houses for them, no court
advocacy programs, no subsidized
counseling or legal care like women receive.

Despite being half the victims they are
basically ignored men make up 80% of
suicide victims 92% of workplace deaths
97% of combat deaths and 77% of homicide
victims. Men are objectified, men are
raped, men are mistreated, men are held to
ridiculously high societal standards just like women.
Yet feminists continue to place this blanket judgment over all
men that they are all privileged and all
women that they are all oppressed – yet as
a woman I will almost always win custody
of children in a divorce case. I will
receive less than half the sentence
a man does for the exact same crime and
actually have my rape and assault
accusations taken seriously and I won't
be laughed at for not being manly enough.

With one quick google search I can find
a safe house in my area if I have been
in an abusive relationship as a woman.
I am more likely to get a government or
military job despite qualifications just
to fill a quota due to affirmative
action and I'm also more likely to get
into a university because of my gender.

So if feminism really were a movement
for equality you would see feminists
rioting about the hundred and forty
thousand men raped you would see them
questioning the fact that women get less
than half the prison sentence a man does
for the exact same crime.

Yet we do not see equal representation of men's and
women's issues despite popular belief.

Feminism is not in fact a synonym for
equality I'm not trying to say that men
have more issues than women my point is
that both genders have issues and to
argue that feminism is a movement for
equality and doesn't just represent one
genders issues is quite frankly
ridiculous so this is why I'm not a
feminist I'm not a feminist because I
believe that both genders should be
treated equally and both their issues
should be addressed

I'm not a feminist because I believe I should prove that
I'm worthy of a job rather than having
it given to me to fill a quota I'm not a
feminist because feminists are
unintentionally creating a world of
reverse sexism that I don't want to be a
part of so I will stick to promoting
equality and justice rather than a Pho
form of equality under the label of a
gender bias word feminism

During the COVID-19 pandemic, so-called "Immunity passport" that shows proof of inoculation before a traveler boards a plane or other means of mass transportation. In 2020, IBM developed a digital health pass that would be shown at sports stadiums, workplaces, or transportation systems to allow admittance. There has been increasing controversy regarding the morality of such passports, as well as how this may affect civil liberties and rights.

Mirrored with thanks to Tyler Fischer

mirrored - satire

Alle Credits an Gunnar Kaiser. Backup only:

“Einer neuen Wahrheit ist nichts schädlicher als ein alter Irrtum" sagte schon Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Also will ich es nun zugeben: Ich habe mich geirrt. Und wie ich mich geirrt habe...

In den letzten Wochen sind einige Studien erschienen, die mein Weltbild doch noch einmal gründlich ins Wanken gebracht haben. Es handelt sich um zahlreiche Ergebnisse wissenschaftlicher Forschung, die mich die Lage noch einmal in einem ganz anderen Licht betrachten lassen. Diese sind in ihrer Masse so eindeutig, dass ich rekapitulieren und unsere Situation noch einmal überdenken muss. Ja ich weiß, das nennt man wohl "zurückrudern". Aber seht selbst.

Quellen zum Video: http://kaisertv.de/2021/09/03/ich-hab...

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#philosophie #gunnarkaiser

DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI (dt. Virologe):
"Es ist alles geplant... das ist jetzt eine andere Ebene der Kriminalität."

MICHAEL YEADON (ehem. Pfizer Chef Wissenschaftler):
"Dieses System wurde mit Hilfe von Lügen zu einem bestimmten Zweck eingerichtet."

DR. ROBERT MALONE (Erfinder der mRNA Technologie):
"Unser Problem ist die Annahme, dass dieser Impfstoff wie jeder andere Impfstoff ist, (...) und das ist er nicht."

KARY MULLIS (Erfinder des PCR Tests):
"Wenn man es (PCR-Test) gut macht, kann man alles in jedem finden."

DR. PETER McCOLLOUGH (Epidemiologe, Cardiologe, Internist):
"Das hier ist Wissenschaft auf Abwegen. Diese Todesfälle stehen in so engem Zusammenhang mit dem Impfstoff."

Das Originalvideo findest du hier:

Deutsche Unfallversicherung:

Deutsche Unfallversicherung - Masken richtig benutzen:

Immer mehr Ärzte werden in Deutschland unter Generalverdacht gestellt, angeblich "Gefälligkeitsatteste" für Menschen auszustellen. Paxisdurchsuchungen, Beschlagnahmungen von Patientenakten und Computern im großen Stil durch Polizei und Staatsanwalt setzen immer mehr Ärzte unter Druck.

Da es sich um gravierende und einschneidende Maßnahmen für jeden einzelnen Arzt handelt, stellen sich grundsätzliche Fragen zur Unantastbarkeit der Berufsethik des Arztes, zur Glaubwürdigkeit seines Handelns, zur Verhältnismäßigkeit staatlicher Maßnahmen und deren rechtlicher Grundlage. Wir sind besorgt über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und informieren Sie deshalb durch Ärzte, Psychologen und Rechtsanwälten auf unserer Pressekonferenz.

,,Nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen? Ärztliches Handeln im Spannungsfeld politischer Entscheidungen."
Dr. med. Johanna Deinert,
Allgemein- und Notfallmedizin, Virologie

A world of tighter top-down government control and more
authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing
citizen pushback

In 2012, the pandemic that the world had been
anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s
H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating
from wild geese — was extremely virulent and
deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared
nations were quickly overwhelmed when the
virus streaked around the world

via: YT; Victurus Libertas VLTV

Important - This video of Harry Vox originally aired in New York City on October 21st 2014. This is an important detail that should not be overlooked, it shows that this plan has been in operation since that time. Note Victurus Libertas is under severe and heavy censorship, my downloader could not even find this video, and when it eventually did, all that is available is the audio track. "They" do NOT want this video circulated.... It first re-aired here about a month ago, hidden amongst the pet videos... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuOxG-rnj30

I believe this is the document that Harry referenced:
Rockefeller Document referenced in video
(link downloads PDF, bypasses tracking info):


You might find this related video interesting as well:
Bill Ryan: "China will catch a cold," Project Camelot 2010
SPEAK Project (1 minute)

The Scenario Paper;

The American standard for video has long been 30 frames per second.
If the fly did take the shortest route, the distance from off-screen to pence's head had been approx 10cm.
That makes a speed of 100mm per frame which is approx. 108 kilometres per hour (> 67 mp/h)
That makes it the fastest fly on record so far, in addition to having balls of steel considering the tough landing!


Warum es so viele Schlafschafe gibt.
In diesem Experiment wird es gut dargestellt.
Wirklich erschreckend!!

Speaking of one case, the officials make claims "it was a death under normal conditions".

Those psychopaths say that it belongs to the new normal to have children (6, 13 and 17 years old, as in these cases) suffering to death beneath their masks.

Great spin; redefine "normal" so to make it legal to make teachers and parents enforce children to gag themselves to death.



Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

55 videos

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