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Just a clip from my last vid for those who wont watch the whole thing

Music in this epic High End production by: Timpani Drum Roll and "Lullaby" by Purrple Cat

Taxes really are a part of slavery, Lets chat in this short vid

AI the LowDown tells you how AI is the tool for the Elites to enslave us forever

This Guy gave me a really good Shout out and included a great quick some-up of my Channel.

The reflection upon us re the absurdity of these blatantly obvious Lies, deceit and genocide whilst we look the other way.

Happy New Year Resolutions that will be good for ALL Sheeple Kind!

Sheeeeeeeeeeeple!......Haaaappppyyy Christmaaaasssss!!!!!!!!!

A bit rushed but I still give you better news than the Mainstream media hoes ever will

What the Hell is going on in the Middle East?! Is this going to lead to WW3!!! Lets talk about what we know so far...We really are a War hungry race of beings

They're relaunching the Covid Nonsense and burning or flooding the crap out of everywhere they want cleared.... All this and Climate lies we are in BIG trouble

So much going on.... I cover the agenda media hoe reaction to the Luis Rubiales kiss, Covid 19 bullcrap (my favourite subject) Climate nonsense and what we need to do :-)

Don't depend on our owners for anything...its time to be free and self sufficient

Lets talk about our harsh reality and the bizarre stuff thats going down... Lets judge ourselves and try to ascend spiritually.

Another Dystopian Nightmare is coming our way...This time in the form of an ORB

Vote NO to the indigenous voice to parliament or better still just ignore it...it's a trap!
and ACMA is Fascists and must be defied

Dramatic changes are coming to these to these two sorry states and the rest of us will suffer greatly in these turbulent times....except the Evil Elites, they'll be very happy

What do people really think of 5 super rich dudes dying in a crazy Titanic adventure?

What on earth are they doing over there in USA!!!????!!!???

Social media and Queensland police thugs going after those labelled as 'Conspiracy Theorists'

Trying to save delusional cRaZy 🤪 Australian Furries

Trying my hand at saving delusional brain 🧠 washed Australian Furries

The Government doesn't help minority groups without an evil 😈 ulterior motive

It's all an evil 😈 💉 game... Us Sheeple 🐑 🐑 🐑 are being played like a piano

Humanity will Never have a greater chance of waking up than now.... The evil 😈 💉 💉 💉 🤮 ☠ global agendas are sooooooooh blatant Sheeple 🐑 must be blind to no see them


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

47 videos

Category News & Politics

Otis The political Furry wants to chat with you about what you think is going on with the world.
The Furry fandom consist of many intolerant assholes with just a few friendly tolerant and beautiful anthropomorphic fun loving creatures.
I'm a beautiful yellow dog...what do you want to be and what do you think is going on with this world?

You don't have to be a furry to join in, just be nice.