Ours Are Better Hands

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Ours Are Better Hands

Ours Are Better Hands

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In this clip from the Shoah Foundation archives, a camp inmate makes claims about the treatment of bodies.

In this February 5, 1995 clip from the show 60 Minutes, jewish Senator Dianne Feinstein speaks on her desire to confiscate all guns in the United States.

In 1974, McDonald’s released a new commercial with a jingle to market its Big Mac sandwich. This is an aspect of the idea of “content marketing,” a subsidiary of “experience management.” “Experience management” has accomplished devastatingly significant cultural disruptions since its implementation. The most significant of these is the replacement of traditional cultural symbols with corporate economic symbols. Where coats of arms once hung, now corporate logos light up. Where folk songs were once sung, now people recite burger ingredients. “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions; on a sesame seed bun” became a contemporary “folk song” in service of a corporate behemoth, rather than a unique people and culture they created.

This video is an archival reproduction of content owned by Big Think. Original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpOan0hqdNA Original description follows.

Richard Reeves, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, discusses the importance of friendships and the potential “friendship recession.” He notes that loneliness can be as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes per day, but measuring and quantifying friendships is difficult. According to Reeves, an ideal number of close friends is around three or four.

But alarmingly, 15% of young men today report having no close friends, compared to 3% in the 1990s. The COVID pandemic has further tested friendship networks, with women being the most affected due to their friendships' reliance on physical contact. Other factors likely have contributed to the decline in friendships in the 21st-century U.S., including geographical mobility, parenting demands, workism, and relationship breakdowns.

Reeves emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and nurturing friendships as they don't form spontaneously. Admitting the desire for friends requires vulnerability and openness, which may be difficult for some individuals.

In this short interview, Edward Bernays describes how he used economic propaganda to alter the dietary consumption and production of American breakfasts.

On May 8, 2013, the San Diego Center for Jewish Culture at the Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center hosted the “Taboo Talks.” This is an excerpt from an interview at the event of Rabbi Gary Katz and Mike Kulich of Monarch Distributors. Monarch being a pornography distribution firm, they spoke on the power and control of jews in the pornography industry.

For more and corroborating information on this, please see the associated links.


This is a short film by Erica Pinto, published by the African American Policy Forum. Shown to Virginia high schoolers as part of the curriculum, the video claims–against all physical evidence–that whites receive innate racial benefits in society for which they should be ashamed, and that it is unreasonable to hold nonwhites to objective, external standards reachable by all others.

For more information, please see the associated links.


In the 11th episode of Life is Worth Living, Fulton J. Sheen illustrates the difference between natural law and positive law, as well as natural rights and positive “rights.” The relevant section for this citation runs from 4:28 to 6:10 and is transcribed as follows:

“Materialism is their philosophy of life which believes there is nothing but matter. There is no God, there is no soul. Why these two denials? They’re intrinsic to communism. Why no God? We can understand that. The second paragraph of our Declaration of Independence states that ‘it is a self-evident principle that the Creator has endowed man with certain unalienable rights.’ In other words, we have rights and liberties–freedom of press, conscience, and association–which do not come from the government, the will of the majority, or the state. They come from God, therefore the state cannot take them away. They have to deny God because that would be another source of rights than the state or the Party. In order to build up this structure of theirs that the Party is supreme, they must hold that any right or liberty which the individual possesses comes to him from the Party. Therefore the Party can take the rights and liberties away. But if there was a God, there would be rights not dependent upon the Party, so they have to deny God.”

This panel from DealBook 2017 was titled The Economy, Consumers and Redefining the Long Term. In it, Larry Fink, CEO of BlackRock, and Kenneth Chenault, CEO of American Express, are interviewed. For the purposes of the citation in the book, the most relevant quote (found starting at 27:46) is reproduced here:

“Behaviors are gonna have to change. This is one thing we're asking companies. You have to force behaviors, and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors… What we were doing internally is if you don't achieve these levels of impact your compensation could be impacted. You have to force behaviors. If you don't force behaviors–whether it's gender, race, or just any way you want to say the composition of your team–you're gonna be impacted. We're gonna have to force change.” ~ Larry Fink

This is a 1994 perfume commercial for “V, by Vanderbilt.” In its brief seconds, some of the core tenets of sophist teachings are promoted–individualism, subjectivism, and the commodification of identity.

The act of destroying the traditionalist values of the West (racial identity, cultural homogeny, religious teachings, and the promotion of chastity, marriage, and raising children to your cultural heritage) has left a major psychological gap in its inhabitants. Even in brainwashing, you cannot simply remove a person’s identity; it must be replaced with another, otherwise severe psychological problems occur. To replace Western traditions and values, the controllers of the economy have instead sold us a “product lifestyle.” Where before people would buy a product for its reliability, functional utility, and benefit to the healthy rearing of a family, now they buy products because “they look cool” or “a famous person endorsed it” or “everyone has one.” Marketers make products, no matter how mundane, feel as though they have a “life” of their own, and that they are intrinsic to your happiness or a “successful” life.

Again, a bit of an odd thing to post on its own, but it makes sense given its context as merely a backup for the citation in my book. For more on this point, see the following videos.


This is a clip from the television show Seinfeld, season 6, episode 15, “The Beard,” first aired February 9, 1995. George Costanza imparts to Jerry Seinfeld one of the core tenets of the ideology of sophism. To wit, that nothing exists outside of the individual’s subjective perception, and that reality itself is determined by the subjective beliefs of the individual.

That's a lot to write merely to cite a one sentence quotation for one subsection of a chapter in the book, but here it is. Also, I’m quite confident that a mere 11 seconds legally counts as “fair use,” but as my videos are already blocked throughout the European Union for containing truth they deem to be illegal, and as obviously fair use content is removed from other video sites constantly, who knows these days.

In honor of the original file being removed from YouTube for violating sophist emotional sensibilities.

From IMDB: Contemporary philosopher Roger Scruton presents a fascinating argument for the importance of beauty in our art and in our lives, and explores what truly is and is not beautiful, regardless of its beholder.

This is a brief excerpt of a speech given by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Israel America Council’s National Conference Nancy in 2019. Herein is described an instance of treason against the United States–specifically that of prioritizing the welfare of foreigners over that of citizens.

“I have said to people when they ask me if this Capitol crumbled to the ground, the one thing that would remain is our commitment to our aid… and I don’t even call it aid… our cooperation with Israel. That’s fundamental to who we are.”

In this formal talk, presented by Penguin Books, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari speaks on the matter of biochemical and psychological “hacking” of human beings, en masse, in order to shift sociological trends and craft ideological consensus within global society.

This idea builds directly upon the works of Google, et. al. with computer algorithms designed to trick people into sending every facet of their personal information to a global database for these companies and persons to manipulate. See here for more: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KmEJrFb3SZ0H/

Repuload, since the previous file has apparently been corrupted. I don’t understand why, since it tells me it’s still visible…

Adam Curtis explores the falsity of modern life in his own inimitable style. Though he’s spent the best part of four decades making television, Curtis’s signature blend of hypnotic archive footage, authoritative voiceover and a seemingly inexhaustible appetite for bizarre historical tangents is better suited to the web, a place just as resistant to the narrative handholding of broadcast TV as he is. He argues that an army of technocrats, complacent radicals and Faustian internet entrepreneurs have conspired to create an unreal world; one whose familiar and often comforting details blind us to its total inauthenticity.

In this audio file, Bella Dodd, a leader in the Communist Party of America in the 1930's and ‘40s, explains her work as legal council for the communist infiltration of the USA and of the Catholic papacy.

This audio is preserved here specifically to highlight her testimony of the words of one Alexander Trachtenberg on the nature of communist infiltration of the United States. The relevant quote begins at 1:09:35.

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of communism. We will not take it under the label of socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable. We will take it under liberalism, under progressivism, under democracy. But take it, we will."

For more, see her book School of Darkness (1954), as well as her testimony before the House Un-American Activities Committee.

In this interview with recently repatriated Germans, testimony is given of Polish atrocities against the German minority in the lands annexed to Poland after WWI.

In this radio interview, Dr. Tommy Curry, an associate professor at Texas A&M, claims that murdering white people can today be “justified” for the sake of “black liberation” through a historical context of “retribution.”

In this 1992 documentary, David Cole, a jew, travels to Auschwitz and scientifically investigates the industrial death camp claims surrounding the facility, debunking them each in turn.

In this panel discussion at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, the authors of the Common Core standards state that one of the functions of the new system is to institutionally suppress and discriminate against whites.

In this documentary from National Geographic, the long-debunked holocaust claim of “lampshades made from human skin” is discussed, dissected, and explained.

In this video from the USC Shoah Foundation, former Auschwitz camp inmate Rachel Hanan speaks of long-disproven hoaxes about showers using cyanide gas, soap made from human fat, skin re-used as parchment, and making sausages from human flesh.

In this news report summarizing the court trial of Ernst Zundel for speaking against the narrative of the holocaust, we discover that preeminent holocaust historians cannot account for neither any scientific evidence of homicidal gas chambers nor an order to exterminate jews.

In this ABC News article, former Oprah guest star Herman Rosenblat is exposed as having fabricated his life’s story of involvement in the holocaust and concentration camps for the purpose of personal gain, fame, and financial windfalls.

In this 2001 interview, Elie Wiesel gives insight on his life and one of his more prescient quotes.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

84 videos

Category News & Politics

This channel exists as a repository for many of the videos used as citation in the forthcoming book [title withheld]. The book will be made available for purchase soon, and details will be included here when applicable.

If people don’t know what truth is, it becomes possible to hide anything from them. The world as we know it is a lie. Why is the economy collapsing, despite record currency printing and stock market numbers? Why do we not feel safe in our own neighborhoods, despite record multiculturalism? Why are our lives empty and unfulfilling, despite record materialism? Why is what the media says so discordant with our experiences? What changed in the last century to make us all so depressed, downtrodden, and insignificant? Who is responsible for the state of the world today?

From the history of the modern world–and the people, places, and things behind it–to philosophy, economics, religion, and race, [title withheld] attacks these topics and much more. It’s a book of truth and nothing but it. Once you know the truth, you’re immunized against lies. Though truth is often extremely painful, shocking, infuriating, and even revolutionary, it’s still true. Truth governs our lives, unless you let lies take hold. Once you know what the truth is, what will you do about it? Will you leave the world under the yoke of its current masters, or will you make changes to restore control over your own lives?

Ours are better hands.

Please note that as all videos have been censored in the European Union, a VPN will be required to view them in those physical locations.