Paint Rosy Lips

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Paint Rosy Lips



Chemtrails, weather manipulation and geoengineering is what cause the extreme weather events. Without this the weather would be normal; mostly blue sky and fluffy clouds, somtimes overcast and rainy, but the sky would never be striped or checkered, like we see today.
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Allegedly filmed from the ISS (with the kamera tilted to not make earth look too flat).
Oddities: The sun is moving, not the ISS. The sun is small and under the horizon. The ISS managed to shoot timelapse at both sunrise and sunset although moving at 27,600 km/hr.
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Imagine standing firm on a trail platform and as a train passes by believe it is the platform that moves.
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Watch how small the sun gets as it moves away and how it grows in size as it comes back. The sun is moving in a circle above the earth plane. In the summer it's close the (North) Pole and in the winter it's closer to the Earths outer edge, Antarctica.
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This passage from Isaiah 11:6 is said to always have read "The wolf will live with the lamb", allthough most Christians know it to read, as MLK in the video (from his speech at the Nobel Prize award in 1964), "The lion and the lamb shall lie down together".

Apart from the memory of Christians worldwide, the verse appears on record, still in the original form, only in very few film clips and books. Among these books are The Complete Literary Guide to the Bible, Dictionary of Jewish Terms and A Course in Miracles.

The text change has been explained as being a "mandela effect" phenomenon; people just believe they did read it that way. The books and clips show that the text has indeed been altered. How do you actually change text in billions of Bibles, old ones and all new? By using spells and black magic.
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Another sun with clouds behind. It's amazing that many who film these kinds of things don't even think about that it would be impossible to zoom in on the sun with a Nikon P1000 if the sun were really 93 million miles (!) away. That is 150 million km. Or, for that matter, that the clouds are actually behind the sun.
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This footage of the ISS shows a space station supposedly hurling by at a speed of 27,600 km/h (5 miles per second). Most disbelievers think the ISS is a mockup facility in the Neutral Boyancy Lab at NASA Johnson Space Center and perhaps a hologram in the sky to maintain the illusion.
Also, it has been confimed that an object that size, would not be detectable in the sky were it 420 km away, as we're told is the altitude of the ISS.
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People need to know that pilots know well about the chemtrails but won't come out publicly confirming out of fear of loosing their jobs or worse.
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Fluoride (or deadly insect powder) for dental health is a scam.
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The most used argument to prove the earth is curved is the "boats disappearing over the horizon". Yet, a boat can easily be brought back with the help of a super zoom camera, such as the Nikon P 900, 950, or 1000; there is no curve, only a limit in the human ability to see far. Lasers, lighthouses, periscopes, railguns all have a range that far exceed what's visible to the human eye, and they all operate in straight lines.

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For this to happen, were the sun still, the earth would have to move away from the sun in a non rotating manner, and move very far away for the sun to shrink that much (the sun is supposedly 93 million miles away) But, it's not the earth moving, it's the sun.
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These shows are scripted and rehearsed to tell truths in plain sight aka revelation of the method. Revelation of the Method, or RoM, is an occult art wielded by the puppeteers behind the scenes of our society. It’s the practice of revealing hidden truths and sinister agendas in plain sight, cloaked in symbolism and subtext, or like here in joking about killing people.
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Have you ever seen a NASA "live" feed (they're all edited) with the ISS flying over Antarctica? Probably not, because there is no Antarctic continent.
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These people are not real scientists. They are aggressive "pop science communicators" and actors. Popular science is garbish and indoctrination for the masses.
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Unless one has been to space oneself one can’t claim that the Earth is NOT flat.

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Mars is not a solid planet 225 million (!) km from Earth but a relatively close, living star. This can be judged by the fact that Mars, as well as the Moon and other "planets", can be zoomed in with a superzoom camera with only x83, which would be impossible from a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

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Boats "behind the curve" brought back into sight.
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Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

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