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Re upload from Ms K
If anyone can figure out why it was removed from site X please share your thoughts.


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

1 video

Category Music

Bout Me - I'm as organized as the 99c bin at WalMart, I only drink alcohol on my birthday and when it’s not my birthday,
I go into survival mode if tickled, I learn from the mistakes of people that took my advice
Nationality - Strayalian: 1% Aussie 98% Messed Up
Hobbies - Counting flies
Favorite Music - JINJER and Tatiana Shmailyuk (Jinjer singer)
Favorite Movies - Anything that doesn't include Nicolas Cage
Favorite TV Shows - Anything that doesn't include adverts and Nicolas Cage
Likes - Anyone who dislikes Justin Bieber music
Dislikes - Anyone who likes Justin Bieber music
Habits - Recovering Ice Cream and Chocolate Addict
Sports - Professional armchair umpire (all sports)
Religion - Dudeism - The Church of the Latter-Day Dude
Relationship Status - Depends on who's asking
Life Goals - Be Batman, Meet Justin Bieber and Nicolas Cage