Stephen Bell

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Stephen Bell



Super fin og godt i stand 3KJ minarelli motor, som er fuldstændigt nyrenoveret, alt er nærmest nyt.

For sale here:

Ny dele:
Naraku racing krumtap 10Ø (meget undervurderede krumtap)
Naraku blæsehjul til variator
Naraku Nålleje
Polini Hi-speed variator
Politi trim fjeder blå og 22kg trykfjeder
RMS racing kobling den lille 105mm
Wingbell koblingsklokke 105mm
Nyt krumtapshus
Ny euro 1 stator
Athena kilerem
2x SKF C4 krumtapslejer med Athena simmerringe
SKF leje til gering
2x lejer til motorophæng
Racing membran
STD RMS-studs
RMS blæsehjul
4x pindbolte til cylinder
Diverse: 2 membran pakninger 1x gearings pakning 1x pakning bag stator 2x låsering til oliepumpe, holder til simmerrig, bøsning til variator, nyt starter drev samt holder dertil, møtrikker til kobling og skål, gribestjerne til kickstarter, not til krumtap, oliepumpe drev,
Aksel til motorophæng med 2x låsering
6x 5.8 grams ruller
Nålleje til starterkobling
Alle møtrikker og bolte er udskiftet til ny
Helsyntetisk gearolie

Alt i alt en Yamaha jog motor som spækket med ny dele og motorblokken er godt i stand efter den er blevet udbedrede, jeg har lavet er par gevind gode igen, ligesom jeg også har lavet holder til bremsekablet på motor godt igen, se billederne
OBS: som man kan se sælges motoren uden cylinder kit, dog kan ma få 150kr rabat på dette 70cc sport cylinder kit jeg har her

Motor er testet for tæthed med leakdown metoden og den holder fuldstændigt tæt, dog skal man bruge flydende pakning sammen med sine membranpakninger, stator er helt ny. Ydermere lækker denne motor ikke gearolie, OBS: oliepumpen er ikke testet denne sælges som defekt selvom den formentlige virker, el-starter motoren er testet denne virker også.

OBS: Denne motor sælges uden starterkobling ellers er alle andre dele dertil samt uden bremsebakker, herudover er det ikke muligt at bruge centerstøttefod på denne motor.

Der ydes 14 dagens garanti fra leveringsdatoen og frem

Tager gerne dine PGO og minarelli motorer, i bytte mod afslag i prisen på denne motor
Tilbyder fragt over hele DK for 150kr med forsikring og tracking

Tak for kigge

My Twitter/x

07-04-2024 NEWS: The fake real-life Truman show goes viral again it is not difficult to understand why they want the fake real-life Truman show to supersede the actual reality on the ground! Because if you were to judge me upon what happens in actual reality and not what is happening in the fake real-life Truman show, or their synthetic telepathy communications that are broadcasted all over the world! so on and so forth, no one would have any interest in hating and despising me as if I was some great invading force of your country! I’m not I’m only the so-called protagonist in a global social engineering program, brought to you by the likes of United States government and the CIA! remember that next time you indulge in their psychological operations, it is primarily fake and fabricated! And in the unlikely circumstance you want to break their arbitrary rules! just asked me of a given narrative is true or not and I will reply to you truthfully, and I could probably back it up with documentation and evidence?

Watch in 4 here:

A lot of people have certainly heard about my efforts! going against Glenn Greenwald and others from the so-called alternative media! whom have been trying to discredit the phenomena of Havana syndrome, targeted individuals and even the existence of electromagnetic weapons! so obviously I couldn’t sit by! and say nothing to this state-sponsored PSYOP, being a victim of nonconsensual experimentation, exactly with directed energy weapons and the like myself, in regard to the global social engineering program! something that is going on publicly and being made into a spectacle since 2009 and increasingly so.

You can read my piece debunking the debunkers here:

States & intelligence agencies responsible for the global social engineering program
Are heavily reliant on their technological capabilities to create: AI generated virtual movie fabrications! that to my understanding is almost identical to real life! So for people to believe in their propaganda and PSYOP instead of actual reality, they need to censor and shadow ban the supposed protagonist of their propaganda, I have coined this continuous operation the fake real-life Truman show.

They literally want their fabrications to supersede actual reality! That is what this short video about! Not to mention the continuous censorship.

watch in 4K here:


Video update 27th of March 2024


English short description, almost as a brand-new 2 stroke PGO-engine. The engine has been completely renovated, almost everything is brand new, is an original engine block in superb condition.

for sale here:

Her sælges en 2 takts PGO-Motor som faktisk er god som ny, næsten alle dele i motoren udover motorblokken og et par andre små ting er sprit nyt, det vil sige alle lejer og pakninger over hele motoren er nyt, samt alle andre sliddele så som bl.a. Krumtap, cylinder kit, variator og kobling osv.
OBS: Af billederne kan man se hvordan denne motor er opbygget fra en helt tom blok til en fuldstændigt nyrenoveret motor!

Ny dele:
STD 10Ø krumtap (betydelig stærkere end PGO-krumtap)
50cc Cylinder kit med nyt topstykke
PGO 45 variator
Kobling og remskive samt fjedrene heri
Athena kilerem
Not til krumtap
2x NTN krumtapslejer
2x SKF gearing lejer i gearing på blokken
2x SKF lejer i gearingsdæksel
2X SKF lejer til motorophæng
1x SKF baghjulsleje
Ny stator
Aksel til motorophæng samt 2x låsering hertil
Blæsehjul til variator
Membran med fiberplader
Pakninger: Athena pakningssæt til hele motoren 2x membran 1x motorblok 1x gearings pakning samt top og bund pakning til cylinder
Bremsebakker til baghjul
Kickstarter gribestjerne
6x 7 grams ruller
Prop til gearolie ”beholder”
Alle møtrikker og bolte er udskiftet til ny
Ny helsyntetisk gearolie
Hertil kommer at motorblokken er i 100% perfekt stand ikke et eneste gevind er beskadiget og det muligt at bruge centerstøtte fod så herfor kan motoren her også anvendes på G-max.

Alt i alt en så god som ny 50cc standart PGO-motor og et eksemplar som denne findes der ikke mange af længer!

I lyset af efterretningstjenestens PET kalder alle der har en selvstændigt tankegang og som stiller spørgsmålstegn ved myndighedernes og mainstream medierne officielle narrativer er ifølge PET antimyndighedsekstremister, de hævder i denne forbindelse at vi udgør en trussel for staten, og eftersom jeg mere og mere på twitter/X bruger min ytringsfrihed til at kritisere ”the establishment” bliver jeg SB mere end nogensinde før! ført Hetz imod, Som direkte forårsages af statens de facto stasi enhed a.k.a PET og mainstream medierne! Den eskalering som finder sted i øjeblikket er hvad denne kort videoforklaring af den 22-03-2024 omhandler!
Følg mig på Twitter her:


So it has come to my attention, that the Danish government and the establishment here! have become increasingly desperate! most likely because of my outspokenness on Twitter, come over and give me a follow LOL haha mofos
So now they are making public announcements to the entire population here and beyond! in which they reference a meeting I had in 2013 with a psychiatrist! which I happen to have recorded! Thankfully, and even made a video about in 2013, in which I actually provide translations and a breakdown of the entire meeting!

Which was so clearly a planned psychiatric character assassination against me Stephen Bell by the Danish state, whom wanted to discredit me, because I was beginning filing lawsuits against the municipality of Esbjerg and others, and generally I was being outspoken about the public and social political persecution of me in public, with the targeted individual program!

So as seen so many times throughout history, the state went to the classic method of using psychiatry to conduct an operation of character assassination classic way of getting rid of dissidents, this precisely something that I mentioned in this actual recording something the psychiatrist was not too pleased about I wonder why LOL

This video is of the actual meeting! that they do not want you to see, They only want to use the meeting taking place, so that they can build their fake real-life Truman show around that one fact


14/41 gearing solgt men returnerer da kunde påstår gearingen ikke virker!! Men som man kan se er dette overhovedet ikke tilfældet.

Addressing my newly found Twitter use and the partial success despite all the censorship and shadow banning that I’m experiencing on Elon musk’s platform Twitter/X the censorship tools in this regard are being adjusted in real time on my X profile. Watch in 4K here :

See beyond censored:

Because majority of people only know me from the programs propaganda, which I like to call the fake real-life Truman show, one might say a spin-off of my reality seemingly much more interesting than my actual life!

Find my Twitter/X here:

Nevertheless people now, more than for a long time! I able to hear and see from me in person or so to speak! And that is causing major upset, with the powers that be that run the global social engineering program, so they are retaliating heavily against me!

And they are using the same old tricks of discrediting and ridiculing, and in this regard! repeatedly attempting to discredit me with the sexually oriented propaganda! in this video I address these tactics and the actual facts of this matter.

You might also want to watch becoming the protagonist:
This documentary is all about how this situation ever came to be!

Because I have not always been the worlds persona non grata

In this video update from 8 March 2024, I provide documentation for the shadow banning that is taking place against me on Twitter/X. Elon musk’s platform, notwithstanding all of the exposés regarding Twitter files, the censorship tools are still in place against Stephen Bell, the world’s persona non grata.

watch in 4K here:

I also talk about my FOIA request cases, my complaint to the state’s attorney, how the police and intelligence agency PET are de facto running a off the books continuous investigations into me, without there being any crimes to investigate, and how they will continue to do so, until they can fabricate or coerce a situation to happen that they can use against me as a pretext.
I also highlight how all of their extrajudicial persecution of me, from the 70 days continuous sleep deprivation, to the almost outright prohibitions against me from earning any money from my small business, one stop engine shop, how they are continuously prohibiting me from selling my Seat Ibiza for year now, not to mention all of the psychological warfare operations, that are being waged against me, to the public at large, campaigns which are also being broadcast all over the world.

All of these things happening in public for everybody to see by design, while the very same Danish authorities who have close cooperation with the American government and intelligence agencies in this global social engineering program, are and will continue to deny any and everything that they are doing in public, this part of the program is surely one of the biggest psychological ops of gaslighting ever to be levelled against a civilian, and it is by design! being run in public for everybody to witness!

Find my Twitter account here:
Find one stop engine shop here:
have a look at this video to learn about the continuous prohibitions and restrictions:


FYI: don’t even get me started on the censorship and statistical manipulation of my content

Don’t know if you have heard? about the upcoming boxing match, between the infamous Scott Ritter versus the world’s persona non grata that is going to take place, in United States in July of 2024 if I the protagonist of the global social engineering program, does not get renditioned to a black site first, perhaps Guantánamo? by the CIA! just kidding, there is no planned fight, I might however get renditioned that is within the realm of possibility!

Watch in 4K here:

This video is about my so-called Twitter or X escapades if you can even call exercising your right to freedom of expression, an escapade? one wouldn’t think so, but in light of the powers that be outrageous and continuous attacks, not least active measures against me, which have yet again been amplified as a counter and retaliation to me writing my opinions on different posts and articles regarding geopolitics, and the targeted individual program, which by the way, is being used against me Stephen Bell publicly, by the United States government and its intelligence agencies, in collaboration with the Danish and British, while they simultaneously are denying everything that is happening in FOIA requests, despite it happening for everybody to see all across the world! The biggest gaslighting PSYOP that the Danish government has ever been a part of! However, this is the Western powers in a nutshell! if you didn’t already know?

Find my completely shadow banned Twitter here

What the Illegal prohibitions restrictions and embargoes here:

Find One stop engine shop here: shipping all over the world just get in contact


Just a little cruise addressing a few issues...

Watch in 4K here:


Det kan efterhånden ikke blive mere åbenbart at den Danske stat de facto ulovliggøre min lille virksomhed One stop engine shop a.k.a for politisk og egen vindings skyld! dette har altid i et vist omfang været tilfældet! altså at staten direkte har iværksat alverdens restriktioner og forbud mod befolkningen, som de har bekendtgjort folket med via programmets kommunikationssystemer mv. Hvor i gennem staten kontinuerligt fraråder og forbyder folket fra at måtte handle hos, dog siden december 2023 kan disse restriktioner og forbud snart bedrede betegnes som, at staten er i fuldfærd med at ulovliggøre min enkelmandsvirksomhed altså mere præcist er min omsætning på 22.000kr i gemmesnit de første 11 måneder af 2023 altså frem til december. Og fra december 2023 til den d.d. den 29 februar 2024 er min omsætning faldet til sølle 6.700kr pr måned fra den ene dag til den anden! Uden der ses med forbehold for det jeg påstår her, at være findes årsag til denne enorme forskel på min omsætning mv.

Ses i 4K her:

amtidigt med statens begyndelse på, at ulovliggøre motorbutikken, har de også kontaktet Facebook for at fjerne min adgang til Facebook Marketplace, som også fandt sted i december 2023, uden begrundelse eller klage muligheder, Facebook svare faktisk slet ikke på mine henvendelser til dem!

Folks interesse i motorbutikken og mine vare er overhovedet ikke forsvundet! til trods for staten og PET evige hetz kampagner imod mig Stephen Bell såvel som, faktisk har jeg omkring 1000 individuelle besøg per måned på i samme periode, dog er dette faldet fra omkring 1600 individuelle besøg, så det er meget åbenlyst og hermed bevist, at det er staten som direkte forbyder befolkningen at handle hos, i strid med alle vores frihedsrettigheder og staten lovhjemlet beføjelser.


FYI: Obviously my reach on social media has being extremely curtailed by design! However, it is not to the extent, that they are betraying with their false statistics a.k.a. manipulation of view counter and the like, the true viewing numbers have always been impossible to substantiate on my content by design, and is all about creating the image and perception that nobody ever listens to my side of the story, despite I supposedly feature as the main protagonist in a global social engineering program, that is very all-encompassing, it makes little to no sense just like most other things in this upside down clown world!

23rd of February 2024 response to the Continuous attacks from the highest levels of government and intelligence agencies, in which I address the last two days, where they have made grandiose claims an announcements of their technological capabilities, and there supposed effects on me.

The last couple of days have truly been a real good example of the upside-down clown world we in the West are living under with the western power elite and their moronic intelligence agencies.


About the Outrageous sleep deprivation and the insane character assassination campaigns that are always getting amplified for each and every day that goes by! in The global social engineering program!

FYI: The view counter manipulation is all about creating the image that nobody is watching the content that I publicize, in hopes that will discourage other people from watching and following my takes on this never-ending situation, because obviously the western establishments and intelligence agencies only want you to be following their propaganda and PSYOPS.


English short description, PGO 50cc engine, completely renovated lots of new parts, see the list below, moreover this engine is for Hot 50 and almost all other 50cc PGO scooters… it’s an original PGO engine block.

for sale here:

Dansk: Solid STD 50cc PGO-motor med mange ny dele

Ny dele:
STD 10Ø krumtap (OBS betydeligt stærkere end PGO krumtap)
STD 50cc cylinder kit med brugt topstykke
Ny stator
2x NTN C3 krumtapslejer
Pakninger: Motorblok 2x simmeringe 2x membran 1x gearing pakning samt top og bund pakninger til cylinder
Aksel til motorophæng samt 2x låsering
6x 7 grams ruller
Gribestjerne til kickstarten
Næsten alle bolte og møtrikker er udskifte til ny
Ny gearolie

Alt i alt en solid PGO-motor mange ny dele, motorblokken er i overordnet god stand dog sælges motoren uden el-starter dele, da der kun er 1 gevind ud af 2 til el-starter motoren, man kan heller ikke bruge denne motor på G-max da det ikke er muligt at anvende centerstøttefod.

Denne motor er testet for tæthed med leakdown metoden denne motor fuldstændigt tæt, stator er ny, oliepumpen er testet manuelt denne fungere, det er dog dit eget ansvar at teste denne ved montering af motoren oliepumpen sælges som beset, Ydermere lækker denne motor heller ikke gearolie.

Der ydes 14 dagens garanti fra leveringsdatoen og frem

Tager gerne dine PGO, i bytte mod afslag i prisen på denne motor, typiskvis mellem 500 til 700kr om den kan køre eller ej.

Tilbyder fragt over hele DK for 150kr med forsikring og tracking

Tak for kigget.

FYI: The view counter manipulation is all about creating the image that nobody is watching the content that I publicize, in hopes that will discourage other people from watching and following my takes on this never-ending situation, because obviously the western establishments and intelligence agencies only want you to be following their propaganda and PSYOPS.

This video update of 17 February 2024, is an overview of what is taking place on the ground, in regard to the global social engineering program, and not least the public social and political persecution of me Stephen Bell. A.k.a. The worlds persona non grata! Something which is purely based on the successfulness of the western establishment’s psychological operations, against the publics at large supposedly about “me” in contrast to the actual reality, that takes place in my day-to-day life in complete isolation.

FYI: please give me a follow on Twitter at:

Watch in 4 here:

This is a really good video if you want a better understanding of what is actually taking place, in contrast to the western establishments and intelligence agencies fictitious propaganda movies and Psyop campaigns.

Their PSYOPS, and actual reality is worlds apart! Something they do NOT want you to know, as they constantly and even desperately indoctrinate people to have the opinion and belief system, that their fabricated virtual movie fabrications and real-time commentary through the synthetic telepathy communication systems and whatnot, should actually supersede actual and real material reality!

Obviously if people, have that belief system, then they can completely dictate and manage your reality through inter-alia AI generated virtual reality bullshit, that they are so heavily reliant on!
Perhaps you are one of those people! Who literally think that this global social engineering program and the public persecution of me, the world persona non grata, was for your entertainment purposes! If you still believe that to be true in 2024, you truly have a thing coming, as this program is being rolled out to be used against anybody and everybody in the nearest future!

PS if you’re Danish don’t be offended by me proclaiming that the general public here, are very or even extremely obedient to authority, this is just a statement of fact! And one of the reasons why Denmark was chosen to be the test country of this global project despite this global social engineering program is predominantly run by United States government and its Intel agencies!


Today’s briefing is about the most pressing active measure, and their absolute reliance on psychological warfare a.k.a Psyops to be successful with this global social engineering program!

FYI: As per usual or probably even worse! the view counter manipulation, shadow banning and outright censorship is off the charts, it’s all about creating the perception that nobody sees the content, while they simultaneously respond to it themselves in their PSYOPS

Watch in 4K here:


As per usual or probably even worse! the view counter manipulation, shadow banning and outright censorship is off the charts, it’s all about creating the perception that nobody sees the content, while they simultaneously respond to it themselves in their PSYOPS

We the people need to start looking at the bigger picture, why are the western establishments and their power elite doing the things that they are doing, look at how everybody! who in any meaningful way go against their agenda and interest, immediately gets attacked from multiple sources spanning continents, there is literally a silent war going on! And you probably don’t even know it yet?

The western establishments and the power elite like Klaus schwab, Bill Gates and the like, want to control everybody within the populace, through technocratic authoritarian regime, and because of this sheer amount of people who inhabit this earth, this practically becomes impossible! therefore they want to cut down a certain percentage of the world’s population, this they are already doing, have you had your booster shot yet, have you heard about the disease X…

You’re probably one of those who think the public persecution of me Stephen Bell, is for your entertainment, and not a way of introducing and normalizing all the highly advanced neurological and electromagnetic based technologies, not to mention all the Draconian measures, these are the weapons and communication systems of the future, and they want to have the entire control over them and you, it couldn’t be any more obvious, and yet so many of the supposedly independent media when it comes to the ultimate weapon of control and agenda, many of these so-called independent media are no more the limited hangouts who will perpetuate the western establishments and the power elite propaganda and PSYOPS any and every time they are so commanded or the subject matter is regarding the things that I’m speaking of…

It’s time for you to wake up!

Watch in 4k here:

#technocratic_ authoritarianism

English short description, Vertical minarelli engine 70cc hyper-racing class, with Athena´s new BIG BORE cylinder kit, and stage6 HPC crankshaft and many other good racing parts, almost everything on this engine is brand-new, this engine will fit on Yamaha BWS/SPY and Aprilia amigo and the like, this engine has been tested and it is 100% Working.

Watch in 4K here:

For sale here:

Dansk: Langt om længe er denne racing motor til Yamaha BWS endelig klar til salg, her er der tale om en hyper-racing motor i 70cc klassen, med det nye Athena BIG BORE cylinder kit samt en 12Ø HPC stage6 racing krumtap, Athena variator og jasil racing kobling med Malossi Wingbell koblingsklokke og en 13/43 gearing mv.

Alle de ny dele:
Athena BIG BORE 70cc racing cylinder kit med topstykke (Værktøjet hertil følger med)
Athena variator med ny 6x 4 grams ruller
Athena Platinum Race racing kilerem
Stage6 HPC 12Ø krumtap
Malossi wingbell koblingsklokke
Jasil racing kobling
Krumtapshuset er nyt
Gearingsdæksel er nyt
Ny stator euro 1 (OBS: denne er modificeret til at passe på lodret minarelli)
2x SKF C4 krumtapslejer
1x SKF Baghjulleje
1X SKF lejer til gearingsdæksel
2X SKF lejer til motorophæng
2x FAG lejer til gearing i motorblok
RMS-membran med udskiftet til Athena Carbon membranplader
Stylepro Blæsehjul til vario
RMS blæsehjul til tænding
Diverse: 2x simmerringe 1x simmerring til gearingsdæksel 2x membranpakninger 1x pakning til gearing 1x møtrik til remskive 1x møtrik til kobling 1x bøsning bag vario 1x kickstarter gribestjerne samt stjerne til blæsehjul ved vario.
Ny bremsebakker
Oliepumpe afdækker
Nyt helsyntetisk gearolie
Alle møtrikker og bolte er udskiftet til ny

Hertil kommer at svinghjulet også er som nyt
Alt i alt en motor spækket med ny dele alt er jo nærmest NYT og motorblokken er desuden i meget god stand alle gevind virker.

Motoren er test for tæthed med leakdown metoden og motoren holder fuldstændig tæt dog skal man bruge flydendepakning sammen med sin alm. Pakninger for at opnå de bedste resulter, stator er helt ny og virker, denne hyper-racing motor er selvfølgelig helt uden oliepumpe og el-starter, disse kan dog eftermonteres om man vil.

OBS: Har måtte lave holderen til bag bremsekablet, se billederne herfor denne ser lidt anderledes ud! men resultatet er blevet godt, og denne kan fint bruges uden problemer, og motoren er sælges uden aksel til motorophæng, den kan skaffes hvis man ikke selv har sådan en, det fordi de er udgået hos Yamaha så de originale er meget dyre!

Der ydes 14 dagens garanti fra leveringsdatoen og frem
Tager gerne dine PGO, i bytte mod afslag i prisen på denne motor, typiskvis mellem 500 til 700kr om den kan køre eller ej.

Tilbyder fragt over hele DK for 150kr med forsikring og tracking

Tak for kigget.

3th February 2024 this is my response to the best of my ability, based on the very limited information that I have, as the so-called protagonist, notwithstanding I respond to the latest hate campaigns that are flourishing especially in the American media landscape, on YouTube and whatnot.

It is incredible how a person from Denmark, living in complete isolation without any organic interactions of conversations with anybody, can occupy so much space in so many people’s minds apparently all over the world but principally in America, Denmark and United Kingdom.
This whole Donald Trump angle, that they are intertwining the global social engineering program and their so-called protagonist a.k.a. me Stephen Bell with, I have absolutely no idea about! but as I have said many times before, this program is not for your entertainment, it’s for the powers that be to have a tool of absolute power and control over you! which gets misused all over the place, as a means of introducing technocratic authoritarianism and whatnot, and since Donald Trump is not exactly a fan favorite of the power elite, I can venture to guess that they are just using the program and thereby me, against the former president of United States of America but I might be entirely wrong about this part?

Watch in 4k here:


FYI: The view counter manipulation, censorship and shadow banning is as bad as, it has ever been, is all about creating the perception that nobody ever watches my content, while simultaneously outright banning it and shadow banning it, you see the contradictions are glaring...

Becoming the protagonist of the global social engineering program, this a video series about how I Stephen Bell became this globally known persona non grata, everywhere, the so-called protagonist in all of their broadcasted propaganda campaigns to the world, in this video I meticulously go through the main events that led me, a somewhat known and respected person in the life, to become this hated and despised protagonist, in a global social engineering program run by states and intelligence agency.

There are details in this video that I have never shared before which are very crucial if you are to truly understand how it is even possible to turn so many people/the world against one person without there being any real reasons, because believe it or not?! I have not always been this “protagonist” before the program, I have always had friends and many people around me, which all had to be alienated, before the program could really begin, in its present form, and that is precisely what this video is all about.

Watch in 4K here:


The most pressing retaliation attacks is what is being talked about in this video.

January 27, 2024 update:
The continuous sleep deprivation continues:
I have been subjected to sleep deprivation continuously for two months in a row, and today the 27 January 2024 is no different, continuously bombarded with synthetic telepathy communications, and being hit with directed energy weapons, causing me to have overactive bladder syndrome, yet another way of harassing and preventing me from getting any sleep, furthermore not only do I have a shielded room with an effectiveness of around 80 dBm at 800 MHz, I’m also using binaural beats, while simultaneously wearing a Neorhythm set 4 Hz desperately trying to get my brain to operate in the theta state, and all of this has become completely irrelevant and overridden by the remote neural monitoring and manipulation, that is the intensity of the targeting of me Stephen Bell by the likes of PET and the CIA that is no exaggeration!

Watch in 4K here:


State-sponsored hate crime January 23, 2024 update.

FYI: the censorship, view counter manipulation and shadow banning continues to be ever more present on all my social media even the free ones, please like or dislike, share my content while you still can that will be much appreciated.

A day in the life or almost a lifetime being a subject in an illegal experiment! a mind a control project that has been turned into a global social engineering program! That is what this situation is! this is my life! And in this video, I respond to the latest hate crimes and propaganda campaigns being waged against me Stephen Bell publicly here in January 2024, this is the first part of many videos to come, about how it all began! How I became the protagonist in a global social engineering program, which is run principally by United States government the CIA and the Danish and British government and their intelligence agencies, one might say a continuation of the MK ultra projects.

Watch in 4 here:


In this video update of 18 January 2024 we take a look back at the responses and retaliation campaigns that have been levelled against me, for simply speaking the truth and being a human being, I have not done anything wrong whatsoever, and yet I’m continuing to be persecuted more and more against! By the conglomerate of states and intelligence agencies, whom run the global social engineering program.

It is evidently clear that they are on a path to destroy me at all costs, no matter how much credibility they lose in the process, they will continue and even intensify a progressively, because as can be seen in just about everything where their Western elites and establishments are involved, the only thing they know what to do, is double down endlessly, no matter that the outcome.

Watch in 4K here:

They are in the midst of turning quasi democratic societies into outright dystopian nightmares, in which they rule over entire world’s populations through technocratic authoritarianism and all of the highly advanced technologies that they using, in the global social engineering program, and the public persecution of me Stephen Bell where the target individual program is being used publicly, some of these technologies and communication systems are already being used against the public at large, from the constant psychological warfare campaigns, to the outright manipulation and coercion of people’s thoughts and minds, through highly advanced electromagnetic weapon systems of manipulation and control, directly affecting and influencing the human mind and nervous systems of people everywhere! and you think the program is for your entertainment? think again, you are being brain entrained and indoctrinated at an ever more rapid pace, and most people don’t even know it.

It is for these reasons that this global social engineering program is so important to them.



Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

171 videos

Category Vlogging

Obviously my reach on social media has being extremely curtailed by design! However, it is not to the extent, that they are betraying with their false statistics a.k.a. manipulation of view counter and the like, the true viewing numbers have always been impossible to substantiate on my content by design, and is all about creating the image and perception that nobody ever listens to my side of the story, despite I supposedly feature as the main protagonist in a global social engineering program, that is very all-encompassing, it makes little to no sense just like most other things in this upside down clown world!