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Didn't they cancel a bunch of comedians for jokes and satire?

Once we started letting homosexuals get married, we started letting them sexualize our kids in school and encourage them to cut their dicks off. Not to mention all the other stuff we have had to tolerate. Now they think we will let them depopulate us door to door. I can't really blame them for thinking we're that docile and spineless.

Imagine being at work, and a screaming midget being chased by guy accusing him of trying to meet a 3 y/o girl busts in.

I cannot believe what I am seeing today. People lining up like sheep to let corporations brand and kill them. These autistic nerds have no empathy for people and think this is funny. They look at us like sheep, and I guarantee none of these Big Pharma executives take the experimental gene therapy drugs or let their families.

Don't think for a second they're only pushing this on the third world. Gates recently suggested the first world give up meat production due to "global warming", and that we all eat bugs and synthetic meats. He did after all create Windows Vista, so we really should listen to everything he says.

Yet this retard demands everyone get the jab for his safety.

This is a great local news story. There's nothing more annoying to me than loud talkers. This white woman did not let accusations of "racism" deter her from having standards in her new neighborhood and calling the police on her loud neighbor spewing her ghetto baby daddy nonsense loudly on the phone.

Corporations basically want to normalize and make trendy the damage they have done to our children and others with chemicals that mimic estrogen in our food supply (BPA), vaccines, etc. - likely done by the elite as a form of population control. This explains The Home Agenda.

A bit of a firery rant today. This video covers how lost this generation is, how desperate they are to be a victim, and the extent they will go to go viral on social media (such as recording their parents in their own homes). This generation worships fake scientists, politicians, and social media.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

17 videos

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