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Clip de un proyecto de documental sobre la verdad de la pandemia.
Véase los links a continuación. (varios vínculos en este sitio)

Here Dr. Tom Cowan succinctly but completely explains in understandable terms why the PCR Coronavirus Test is NOT a Valid Diagnostic Tool and why the bogus testing is so dangerous as a weapon to arbitrarily label people "positive" or "negative".
(Nov 2020)

Put this up on Bitchute because the utube pussies turned off comments on the original there:
This is how hockey was played in the NHL back when men played with men's rules.

This indexed 80-page document serves as a one-stop information source which can help you investigate and resolve many of your doubts about any and all aspects of the current crisis.
The viewing interface allows you to translate the documents into any language, and to download them in Word and pdf formats (recommended). The image folder contents are also downloadable. Both the documents and the image folders are automatically updated every time I make additions to them. (You can feel free to post the links and the individual items in the document and folders wherever you like.)

AIDS: FAUCI’S FIRST FRAUD: The key to unlocking the COVID Con.
Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” COVID hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud. Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won’t be after you see this film. This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story.
In certain parts of this video if you substitute "Coronavirus" for "HIV" and "COVID" for "AIDS", you will see the exact same scam going on back then that is going on now. Including the redefining of the disease to fit various symptom combinations and counting of asymptomatic "carriers" to up the "pandemic" count, rolling out testing for everyone with a fake test and branding "positive" cases as "infected" who need to be treated despite not being sick.
This is my re-edited short version (47 mins).
Original video (93 mins) and article:
Also on to add to and read the comments.

Originally titled: "Black Pigeon Speaks on Why Women Destroy Nations, Civilizations and Other Uncomfortable Truths"
I consider this to be one of the most insightful and important elephant-in-the-room videos that I have seen on the internet.
Deleted from utube, of course.

"Calling all Karens, calling all Karens! Scraping man on isle five, wait..., now aisle six... wait..."
"We're not playing around anymore. We're scraping for truth! We're scraping for freedom!"
"If I had a scraper, I'd scrape in the morning, I'd scrape in the evening, all over this land... Everybody, now!"
I think I see a movement in the making here.

NEWSWEEK asked the sticker guy for a comment. This is what he wrote:

My country is under United Nations and World Health Organization control. We are in a false State of Emergency. Democracy has been suspended. The online channels I watch get deleted by YouTube. The normal path of raising awareness is shut down, and protests are co-opted. Small businesses are choked while we become dependent on--and compliant with--big box stores.

Meanwhile, everyone is bending the knee to a quasi-Marxist cult. We have experienced an iconoclasm which targets the foundations of our civilization, and the promotion of riots and violence as necessary expressions of grievance.
Yet these same people lose their minds about a protest which targets peeling stickers: which targets the corporate culture of fear we are now the property of.

I reject every aspect of the so-called "New Normal" and understand clearly that this is a massive psychological conditioning operation with the target being administering injections. If mandatory masks and mandatory social distancing -- why not mandatory vaccines?

We no longer own our businesses, our bodies or our babies. When they reopen school in September, students will be required to wear masks, required not to touch, and constantly bombarded with medical paranoia. I do not accept this, not just for me, but for society.

The economy and society is being ruined by design by foreign multinational corporate interests. We are becoming serfs of a digital surveillance state, enforced by a medical germaphobia.

The day after the sticker incident, Canadian health officials announced that masks and social distancing could last 2 - 3 years more.

The new normal is unacceptable, and by the time it becomes truly intolerable, the target would not be stickers.

I acted now because any further delay on civil disobedience would only make it more difficult when the time to act finally makes itself obvious to us. By then, it might be too late.

The Real Reason they want you to hate Donald Trump. The who, why and how of the matter. Donald Trump has put his country first and has denied the NWO globalists their easy conquest of the West. That is why we have the fake Pandemic and other contrived insanity threatening the civilized world.

Me entrevistaron en el programa “Adelante Nicaragua” del Canal 37 “Extraplus” el 21 de Mayo sobre la “pandemia” del COVID-19. El video de la entrevista que Extraplus públicó en línea fue censorado el mismo día por Utube, medio que declara públicamente que “Borraremos cualquier video o comentario que contradice lo que dice el WHO (OMS) sobre COVID-19.”
Mi mensaje para los nicaragüenses en la entrevista censurada por Utube fue: Tranquilos, no hay nada que temer del COVID, que, si aun existe, es una enfermedad no muy seria, más como la gripe. (Esto fue antes de que descubrí las pruebas de que el supuesto virus realmente no existe.) Compórtense normalmente siempre con la higiene normal y el contacto humano normal. (Las máscarillas no funcionan contra los microorganismos y realmente son anti-higiénicas.) Aprovechen de la ocasión para iniciar o mejorar su régimen de salud personal con buenos hábitos que refuerzan el sistema inmuno. No se presten a la histeria que algunos elementos políticos están propagandizando dentro y fuera de Nicaragua para fines políticos. La histeria y el pánico sicosomáticos debilitan y matan más que la supuesta enfermedad.

El material genético del “SARS-CoV-2” (exosomo) no existe como un patógeno comprobado que causa enfermedades virales; la “enfermedad” de “COVID-19” es cualquier enfermedad que tiene algo que ver (pero no se limita a) cualquier cantidad de síntomas compartidos por cualquier cantidad de enfermedades reales o afecciones médicas; la “pandemia” habría pasado desapercibida si no fuera por ser un escenario planeado y propagandizado con un presupuesto multi-trillonario a escala global... Los medios corporativos entrelazados son el virus contagioso; El miedo y la histeria que generan es la enfermedad.!ApP9iUfiEV1Vk1irbl8DC4lw8w4c

Dr. Andrew Kaufman (MD con licencia en psiquiatría forense, instructor de hematología y oncología en la Universidad de Carolina del Sur) "Lo que creo que está causando esta enfermedad [COVID] es que hay algún tipo de insulto [trauma perjudicial] que está causando el daño y entonces hay una reacción a eso. Y cuando estamos probando este supuesto virus, en realidad estamos probando para detectar exosomas, lo que confirma que hay algún tipo de proceso poco saludable que está ocurriendo en el cuerpo. Ahora, las cosas que pueden causar la producción de los exosomas son algunos tipos de veneno. Ciertamente, hay muchos precedentes para la enfermedad de tipo neumonía que proviene de la inhalación de sustancias tóxicas; estrés y miedo; La radiación electromagnética también podría ser una causa. Y es muy posible que no haya una sola exposición tóxica, sino que podría haber diferentes causas en diferentes áreas o tal vez incluso en la misma área ". …o…
Diagramas y imagenes del video:!ApP9iUfiEV1VlkZgH8Zt11ghxFYL
En inglés ...o...

“The Rooster in the River of Rats” (exposes the false "science" rumor behind COVID-19)
In this video (repeatedly deleted by utube), Dr. Andrew Kaufman (MD licensed in forensic psychiatry, instructor of hematology and oncology at the University of SC) reviews the failed attempts of laboratory studies (circa 2003) which attempted to prove the existence of the supposed SARS-CoV-01 virus as a pathogenic disease-causing agent, showing how all of them failed due to not satisfying the accepted Koch’s (River’s) Postulates criteria for proof of pathogenic causality. Around 30:50 of the video, Dr. Kaufman starts reviewing each of the three 2020 Chinese and one Canadian studies universally cited as having proven the existence of a novel SARS-CoV-02 viral pathogen as cause of the supposed COVID disease. He shows how they themselves report they couldn’t show causation, while two falsely affirm that causation had already been proven in another study which he then debunks as well. or
... or... (starts with annoying 30 second ad)
... or... (has subtitles that block some image text)
Folder of diagrams and images from the video:!ApP9iUfiEV1VlkZgH8Zt11ghxFYL.

Walter White advises you on what to do when you are letting your fear get the best of you.


Created 4 years ago.

12 videos

Category News & Politics