Peter McLoughlin

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Peter McLoughlin



Amazon banned a book with nearly 600 footnotes, multiple Appendices. Most of the book is the Koran arranged chronologically, showing how the later verses turned Islam into the religion of war our ancestors all knew it to be. On Amazon you can buy Mein Kampf, or bomb-making manuals, or pornography, or The Satanic Verses. But you are not allowed to buy the No.1 best-selling Koran. You can buy this banned book on my website:

Footage from 2005 to 2018, showing that Muslims will hum and hah about denouncing terrorist violence, but Tommy Robinson has consistently denounced such violence. Why do Muslims have trouble doing this? Because they know that the Koran commands them to kill (as we prove in our No.1 best-selling book, "Mohammed's Koran - Why Muslims Kill For Islam". Amazon banned this book in February 2019 because of "the subject matter". In a (recorded) telephone call, Amazon staff said the order to ban it came from "above Amazon". The book can be bought here:

The excerpts in this video are used under the Fair Use doctrine, in order to prove that the image of Tommy Robinson portrayed by the media is refuted by existing footage. Moreover, the excerpts prove that Muslims are not held to the same standards as we Kuffar are.

Showing Tommy Robinson's attitudes to racism and violence. Documentary footage from the BBC disclosing what Robinson says in his own words.

You won't believe what you see. Portions of a BBC documentary, dissected to show the viewer what the media has concealed for almost a decade.

The segments from a BBC programme are used under the Fair Use doctrine, so that the manipulative behaviour of the BBC can be exposed.


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

3 videos

Category News & Politics