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Thwarting a plan by Megabyte to create a portal, Bob retrieves a dangerous magnet which puts Dot's life in danger.

Megabyte tricks Enzo into delivering a dangerous delete command to Hexadecimal. By the time Enzo realises his mistake, the unknowing Bob is trapped inside a Formula 1 game with the command about to go off any millisecond. Enzo and Dot must race against the clock to save Bob from certain deletion.

Bob and Dot fight to keep Megabyte from harnessing the power of a recently discovered, unusually large Tear. They barely succeed until a descending space fighter game harnesses it for him. Now Dot and Bob must defeat Megabyte inside the game or he will escape to infect the Super Computer and become more powerful than ever.


Created 5 years, 9 months ago.

3 videos

Category Entertainment

Degeneration and veneration go hand in hand.