Pulpito Pulpo

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Pulpito Pulpo

Pulpito Pulpo


por Laureano Benítez Grande-Caballero

-Yo había escrito libros, pero ningún artículo periodístico, ni había hecho vídeos, hasta que me decidí a hacerlo para combatir la invasión de los bárbaros globalistas que amenazaban mi querida Patria.

Yo nunca había imaginado que un país presuntamente civilizado como el mío pudiera travestirse en república bananera, pero del País Plus-Ultra hemos desembocado en el país MK-Ultra.

Yo voté durante muchos años a la izquierda, hasta que comprendí que la progresía sociocomunista es una franquicia de la Sinagoga de Satanás.

Yo pasaba algo de la política, hasta que entendí que con mi templanza ayudaba a la demolición de la identidad y los valores de mi país.

Yo no pensaba mucho ni en valles ni en caídos, hasta que me indigné cuando entendí que van a por la Cruz más alta del mundo.

Artículo completo aquí:


Bello vídeo, (with subtitles in English). Palabras profundas, del evangelio.


Interesante vídeo, que disipara tus dudas sobre Bergoglio.

Very Interesting Video about referring who is Pope Bergoglio?

For a few months, we have noticed that vaccinated people react strangely during tattoo sessions: the skin of the vaccinated no longer forms drops at all (a slight bleeding that is normal when the skin is broken) and we have also noticed that almost there is no redness or swelling. This is not particularly worrisome for our profession, but it is very alarming. Indeed, there is a change in the blood, the skin no longer defends itself. Before the summer there were a few cases, but since the great wave of vaccines they are all. It's simple: in 20/30 minutes we can tell if you have been vaccinated or not just by looking at how the skin behaves. Today many colleagues are also aware that there is a big problem. I don't know if this will happen, but more than 5/6 months after the 2 doses, patients still have skin that does not react normally. I have asked people from the medical world and they confirm that it does affect the blood. Some nurses also report that blood often clogs catheters when blood is drawn because it is so thick. These concerns are not even reported on problem sites, because it is a daily thing ... I am looking for people who work in hematology to share and understand what is happening. I wanted to share this testimony with you. It takes 30 minutes for blood to clot in an SST tube… not 3 minutes.

En ESPAÑOL AQUI: https://ejercitoremanente.com/2021/12/23/cartas-de-los-lectores-el-testimonio-de-un-tatuador-sobre-la-sangre-de-los-vacunados/

"That's the price I'm willing to pay," the tennis ace said. – Tennis superstar Novak Djokovic defended the freedom to choose against COVID-19 inoculation in a BBC interview on Tuesday, saying he has “always supported the freedom to choose what to put on your body”. "For me that is fundamental, it is really the beginning of understanding what is right and what is wrong for you," said the athlete, adding that "based on all the information I obtained, I decided not to get the vaccine." The world number one acknowledged that his decision to forego the vaccine, for whatever reason, would bring opposition and difficulties in advancing his career, but said this did not deter him. "I understand the consequences of my decision," he said, noting that one of those consequences "was not going to Australia." The Serbian national said that he....

Novak Djokovic prefiere perder su carrera, antes que vacunarse. «Ese es el precio que estoy dispuesto a pagar», dijo el as del tenis. “Para mí eso es fundamental, es realmente el principio de entender lo que está bien y lo que está mal para ti”, afirmó el deportista, y agregó que “en base a toda la información que obtuve, decidí no ponerme la vacuna”. El número uno del mundo reconoció que su decisión de renunciar a la vacuna , por cualquier motivo, traería oposición y dificultades para progresar en su carrera, pero dijo que esto no lo disuadió. “Entiendo las consecuencias de mi decisión”, dijo, señalando que una de esas consecuencias “fue no ir a Australia”. El ciudadano serbio dijo que «estaba preparado para no ir» al Abierto de Australia y agregó que probablemente enfrentará la exclusión de muchos otros torneos importantes, en detrimento de su historial profesional. “Ese es el precio que estoy dispuesto a pagar”. Cuando se le preguntó si estaba dispuesto a renunciar a su oportunidad de tener los récords más codiciados en la historia del tenis y convertirse en el mejor jugador «estadísticamente» que haya jugado profesionalmente, Djokovic simplemente respondió: «Sí». “Los principios de la toma de decisiones sobre mi propio cuerpo son más importantes que cualquier título”, defendió. Djokovic fue expulsado de Australia el mes pasado después de que el Ministro de Inmigración de Australia, Alex Hawke, se dignara que la “presencia continua del as del tenis en Australia puede conducir a un aumento del sentimiento antivacunas generado en la comunidad australiana, lo que podría conducir a un aumento de los disturbios civiles del tipo experimentado previamente en Australia con manifestaciones y protestas que pueden ser en sí mismas una fuente de transmisión comunitaria”.

In the video, a man is seen “drowning” as he helplessly flows along with a river gesturing for help. In the background, a herd of elephants is trying to cross the same river.

Suddenly, a baby elephant, witnessing the “accident” runs toward the man, splashing its way across the fast-moving water. The tiny elephant is barely above the water itself but it still runs and tries to reach the man in time to save him. Finally, toward the edge of the riverbank, the elephant catches up with the man.

He first tries to hold him up with his trunk, which the man grabs as well. Later, when he is unable to completely grab him by his trunk, he shields the man with his body, holding him between his limbs, so that he doesn’t get carried away with the water....

Elefante salvaje rescatando a un hombre ahogandose:

En el video, se ve a un hombre "ahogándose" mientras fluye impotente junto con un río pidiendo ayuda. Al fondo, una manada de elefantes intenta cruzar el mismo río.

De repente, un elefante bebé, al presenciar el “accidente”, corre hacia el hombre, chapoteando en el agua que se mueve rápidamente. El pequeño elefante está apenas por encima del agua, pero aun así corre e intenta alcanzar al hombre a tiempo para salvarlo. Finalmente, hacia el borde de la orilla del río, el elefante alcanza al hombre.

Primero trata de sostenerlo con su trompa, que el hombre también agarra. Luego, cuando no puede agarrarlo completamente por la trompa, lo protege con su cuerpo, sujetándolo entre sus extremidades, para que no se deje llevar por el agua.

En el pie de foto, se reveló que el elefante que se ve en el video se llama Kham Lha, que reside en el Elephant Nature Park, Tailandia. El hombre que finge ahogarse es Darrick, un voluntario del parque y amigo cercano de Kham Lha.

¿Quizás llegaste a pensar que se trataba de un elefante salvaje?

Habría sido muy bonito pensar así, pero la verdad es que era un elefante amaestrado y domesticado.

Los animales tienen instintos, y ese hombre lo alimentaba regularmente, así que el elefante salvó a quienquiera que lo alimentara. (Los elefantes no son tontos, tal vez más inteligentes que los humanos), que serían capaces de dejar morir a sus benefactores y protectores. Pero repito, que los animales solo tienen instintos. Sólo los seres humanos (algunos de ellos, quiero decir...), tienen conciencia y moral, y actúan guiados por ellas.

The Netherlands does not need a nitrogen policy. It is not a crisis and nitrogen is not a problem. The Netherlands is a small country surrounded by larger countries that do not have to comply with a nitrogen policy. The real reason for the policy is that the Dutch government wants the land.

Farmers are ungovernable in the sense that they are self-sufficient and own a lot of land.

Prime Minister Mark Rutte is deeply rooted in the World Economic Forum's Great Reset.

The Dutch minister who has pushed this nitrogen law has a brother-in-law who owns the Dutch online supermarket called PICNIC.

Bill Gates invested 600 million euros in PICNIC last year. PICNIC is building the most sustainable European supermarket.

UPDATE: A Bill Gates Foundation Grocery Distribution Center in the Netherlands Goes Up in Flames:


¿Qué está pasando en Holanda? En 2 minutos, lo comprenderás.

Holanda no necesita una política de nitrógeno. No es una crisis y el nitrógeno no es un problema. Holanda es un país pequeño rodeado de países más grandes que no tienen que cumplir con una política de nitrógeno. La verdadera razón de la política es que el gobierno holandés quiere la tierra.

Los agricultores son ingobernables en el sentido de que son autosuficientes y poseen mucha tierra.

El primer ministro Mark Rutte está profundamente arraigado en el Gran Reinicio del Foro Económico Mundial.

El ministro holandés que ha impulsado esta ley de nitrógeno tiene un cuñado que es dueño del supermercado en línea holandés llamado PICNIC.

Bill Gates invirtió 600 millones de euros en PICNIC el año pasado. PICNIC está construyendo el supermercado europeo más sostenible.

más información en Español aquí:



The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has recently published the document “Looking at edible insects from a food safety perspective”. PDF below: (find it at this website):

The health risks of eating insects, according to the FAO experts from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization point out some nutritional, biological and chemical hazards.

Insects are a sustainable and affordable source of protein, and they are getting closer to being part of the diet of citizens around the world. Although there are still those who distrust this alternative, especially Western populations, where its intake is less common.

The truth is that in the European Union not everyone can market them if they are sold for human consumption. An application for authorization of new foods or notification for traditional products from third countries must be submitted beforehand, as indicated by the Spanish Agency for Food Safety (AESAN) in this document:

(find it on this website);

In January 2021, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published the first safety assessment of an insect as a novel food, specifically the one known as the mealworm. These controls are necessary in the regulation of novel foods in Europe, since scientific advice supports decision-making when it comes to enabling the commercialization of these products on the European market.

Also because the consumption of insects, as with other foods, is not without risk. These are the most common, according to a recent report by the FAO (UN Food and Agriculture Organization):

Nutritional risks:

Insect-based products may present potential allergenic risks to consumers, particularly those who are allergic to shellfish due to cross-reactivity....




La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO), ha publicado recientemente el documento ”Looking at edible insects from a food safety perspective”......




It was Kary Mullis, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, conveniently deceased in 2019, who discovered and created PCR, who said that it should never be used to detect a virus or any disease. The purpose of all this has been to impose vaccination with the sinister ingredients that we are discovering in vaccines for their macabre control purposes. (The PCR test is the key to manipulation).
Kary Mullis, biochemist and Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, conveniently deceased for the elite, in August 2019, who discovered and created the PCR or polymerase chain reaction, an invention that after his death was used by governments to lock up humanity with fallacies and arguments about its usefulness.
He was the inventor of the PCR test, who said it should never be used to detect a virus and openly criticized Fauci, then mysteriously died just before the Covid pLandemia was announced. But did you know that he also exposed the HIV (AIDS) scam?


He listens well to his words, because he explains why the PCR TESTS CANNOT DETECT ANY DISEASE.

He was very angry because they were using his test to detect the HIV virus (AIDS), something that he considered a fraud and a deception of the population. It is now understood that he died two months before the start of the Plandemic, on August 7, 2019, under strange circumstances (they say due to sudden pneumonia). Kary Mullis was MURDERED for making these statements.

A document published by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) openly admits that the infamous PCR test for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) was not developed with real samples, but with what appears to be genetic material from a common cold

In the FDA document, it is clearly stated that ordinary seasonal flu genetic material was used as a test marker in PCR test kits because authorities knew that many people would test "positive," allowing them to use these results to create the “Covid” narrative.

Also the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are finally admitting that PCR tests are useless to try to detect the presence of Covid-19 inside a person's body.

To date, there is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of the supposed SARS-CoV-2 virus.

We are in the hands of a CRIMINAL New World Order, made up of a Globalist Elite that is attacking all of Humanity, with the implementation of its 2030 Agenda that hides its true intentions: vaccination for REDUCTION AND CONTROL of the population (with the complicity of all Governments and Media «bought» to execute the PLAN)

They absolutely murdered Kary Mullis
No doubt about that. The PCR test is the key.
La noticia completa en Español, aquí:


Protestant brothers, you are in error, we Catholics love holy images, because just as you love images and photos of your parents and loved ones, we Catholics do the same, but loving heavenly images, that also remind us of the beings we love so much.

In this video, I explain to you so that you understand, the motivations (and the great utility and help that it also makes us as Christians), love sacred images.

Usefulness of images.—

On the other hand, the image is very useful for the Christian life. First, it works wonderfully for teaching; above all the sacred stories and the life of Our Lord and of the Saints and many things of Christian doctrine. Second, it works very well to focus attention and avoid distractions. Third, it delights spiritually, as seen by the experience of what pictures like; especially making them with a lot of art and beauty. Fourth, they are very moving and excite us to sensitive manifestations that easily pass to the heart or proceed from it and reinforce it. Fifth, conveniently placed in many places, they easily remind us of God and Saints.

Sacred imagery.—

Sacred images can be of various kinds. Some are of insensible things, others of sensitive. The spirit cannot have, as can be seen, a sensible image. And yet, we have images of God, of the Holy Trinity, of angels, of holy souls. We all know that they are not true images of what they are. But we give them by analogy with their qualities those forms which, either because of their essence or because of their history or for some other reason, correspond to their attributes or ways of being. Thus the Eternal Father, because he is the first principle and the Antiquus diem, the Ancient in days, the Eternal, is given the aspect of a venerable old man, although robust; the Son, for having incarnated, is given the figure of a man; the Holy Spirit, having appeared in the form of a dove, is given this image; although formerly it was also given the figure of a young man and even that of a woman, as it seems to be represented in an altarpiece of the main altar of the Cartuja de Burgos. The angels are given figures of pure, winged, dignified men, forever young; and those who know what they did are given corresponding figures: Saint Michael as captain, who fights against Lucifer; to San Rafael as walker and protector; to San Gabriel as ambassador with a lily for the purity of the Virgin, etc.....


Extraído de la página web:


Yes, it is true, and the same thing is happening, everywhere in the world. It is a conspiracy to destroy the world, according to the 2030 agenda


Sí, es verdad, y lo mismo está sucediendo, en todas partes del mundo. Es una conspiración para destruir el mundo, según la agenda 2030

Canadian gold medal figure skater willing to ‘lose everything’ to fight COVID narrative

Canadian gold medalist Jamie Salé opened up about her “awakening” to join the fight against the COVID mandate and lockdown agenda, saying she is now “all in” to help expose the “censorship” taking place in Canada despite being ostracized by many former colleagues.

'It's not about ridiculing anybody. It's about creating awareness. And we need to be united, not divided, which is what the media has done,' Jamie Sale said.

In a recent Rebel News interview, Salé, who won gold in pairs figure skating at the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics, said it was not until early 2022 when she finally decided it was “go time.”

“So it wasn’t until this past January of 2022 where I literally was sitting in my house and I said, it’s go time because I was quiet. I haven’t said a thing through COVID. I mean, if anything, I was still sleeping and I was bought into, you know, you need to wear a mask, do your part. And I was that person,” said Salé.

“And I was looking at people not wearing masks, going, you’re part of the problem, not the solution. I was following what the media was saying, brainwashing us to believe, and then I woke up to it all.”

Salé, who lives in Edmonton, said that as soon as everyone from her past “inner circle” found out about her “awakening” they were “literally mortified.”

“They said, you were ruining your reputation, do you realize what you’re doing,” said Salé.

“And I said, Well, you know what, if ruining my reputation for helping to help society see what’s really going on here, if that’s going to make me lose fans, then so be it. Because one day they’re going to see that this is really what’s happening and they’re going to need us.”
In recent days, Salé announced she is teaming up with former NHL hockey star Theo Fleury, who is also a gold medalist, along with Joseph Bourgault, who tried a few months ago to run for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) but was disqualified.

Together, the group runs Canadians For Truth, an organization with plans to set up a broadcasting studio in Calgary for independent journalists.

“We are going to be getting everything launched here hopefully in the next couple of months. We’re very anxious to get it going,” Salé said.

Gold medalist: Going against the COVID narrative made me lose ‘everything’ from her ‘past life’

Salé said that because of her not choosing to get the COVID vaccines and to speak out against the mandates, she “pretty much lost everything already in my past life.”

“This last year and a half, my best friend group told me I was a risk to be around not being vaccinated and that I was following a white supremacist community and they can’t support that,” Salé said.

She noted that those who are critical of her opposition to COVID mandates and lockdowns are “going to look back and go, oh, my gosh.”

“All these people were putting out information that they wanted you to see. They w

Documentary original website at:


Protected under the pretext of a global pandemic, we are witnessing the greatest attack perpetrated in history against our fundamental rights and freedoms.

As Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool the whole world for a while. You can fool some all the time. But you can't fool everyone all the time."

The objective of the documentary The Big Reset is to make known to the general public something that is already an open secret, the COVID-19 crisis as it is being sold to us in the media is a big scam.


Web original del documental en:


Amparado bajo el pretexto de una pandemia a nivel global, estamos asistiendo al mayor atentado perpetrado en la historia contra nuestros derechos y libertades fundamentales.

Como dijo Abraham Lincoln, “Puedes engañar a todo el mundo durante un tiempo. Puedes engañar a algunos todo el tiempo. Pero no puedes engañar a todo el mundo todo el tiempo”.

El objetivo del documental The Big Reset es dar a conocer al gran público algo que ya es un secreto a voces, la crisis del COVID-19 como nos la están vendiendo en los medios de comunicación es una gran estafa.

99% of fires on Earth are caused by man.

The Tweet has already been censored by Twitter

Some Firefighters have commented that they have seen areas where the fire was born in "rings" making it impossible to access the center of the areas, which were obviously destroyed shortly after.

Important videos: The fires are provoked, a message from a firefighter from the forestry brigades about the state of the mountains and what measures were taken in the past.

Now we find ourselves with the stubbornness of the governments in attributing the serious fires that we are suffering to global warming. Despite the fact that more than 80% are caused or that their extinction has been made difficult due to the extreme protection of radical environmentalism promoted by the New World Order.

Antonio – This firefighter from the forestry brigades who is risking his life to put out the fires, has a message:

Dear Progressives:
You are very young but I lived when the Nature Conservation Institute, ICONA, existed. The people of the villages worked during the winter clearing scrubby hills, felling dead trees and replanting.

Wooden nests were placed in trees to encourage bird breeding. The townspeople herded their flocks and kept the forests clean. These rural mountain populations were given work for many months. It was the 60s.

Hundreds of natural parks and a very extensive network of national parks were created. Then came radical environmentalism, it was forbidden to touch a grass in any protected area. Not even in the gutters. I know shepherds who, for cutting grass for their animals from the sides of the road, are fined for attacking the environment. Where I live, I have several natural parks where today you can't even walk because they are full of weeds. Imagine a fire here.

The easy thing is to repeat the mantra of global warming as being responsible for the fires, but the reality is that our forests are abandoned to their fate. In the old days there were also fires, but with clean forests the same people from the villages put them out.

And the little that was burned was reforested, the neighbors themselves did it, hired by ICONA.
Now we have UME, forest firefighters, seaplanes, helicopters and that is when the forests burn the most.

Draw your own conclusions. Talk to the older people in the mountain villages.

Now we live in progressivism where everything is prohibited.
Paco Almansa

In Spanish, here:



Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

14 videos

Category News & Politics