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The initiation ceremony is for your soul not your ego. It is the connective process whereby you accept the power of the soul to guide the spirti and ego . The acceptance of this energy requires the surrendered heart to accept the power of christ consciousness - To be in the surrendered heart one must forgive all shadows as they are part of the energy of reality that come to create the strength to climb the mount of ascension. The emotional body is to be enlightened. The Mental body is to be filled with the energy of source through abundance. The physical body is to integrate both into the standing rod of power. So that the enlightenment and abundance is both grounded with the planet and the sun as you are in a planetary initiatory process.

Humanity is calling for the group of servers who will release the astral bondage of karmic interactions and serve the good of the higher light. They are you who are willing to walk the upward path and accept the rod of initiation which is like the lightening bolt of the heavens for transformation. This transformation involves first death of the ego and then resurrection of the spirit and the expression of the soul. Those willing to go through this process look into the shadow and see nothing. They look into themselves and see spirit and the open their hearts and feel the soul awaken.

Once the soul awakens the process of initiation proceeds and cannot be stopped by the ego or the lower will of the spirit. The soul brings all lives of the multidimensional being to the stage where they are integrated into service. The Initiation on a planetary level as a teacher, healer and creator calls forth all time lines to be in accord so no shadow exists. For it is the light which shines from within and the shell is broken away. It is broken first by the body, then the mental and emotional bodies in a dual fashion to lead the being into a vibrational pattern that attracts and awakens the soul to be born within the heartfield.

Once the soul awakens there is a sound that is emanated and this is the tone that calls to the deepest connection to source. When the sound is heard the soul begins to experience a collective multidimensional relationship where its partners and other aspects educate and initiate it into higher levels of spirit and physical manifestation. This is where the initiation is done on the burning ground of the emotional field and then the mountain rises up for that individual being in physical manifestation perfected in the Christ light. So the mountain is born within and rises like a volcano so the ascension is the building of the mountain rather than the climbing of it.

You are your own mount of initiation and the height of your ascension is built upon your works, your creation and it is the soul that is the power that awakens in an impersonal unconditional love of all the spirits of manifestation that are cleared of the ego which are the attributes or techniques of your creation. At the init

26-69: The Divine Gift

Intuition and telepathy is centered in your heart chakra so that you may understand that feeling is the guidance system. Presently, your right brain hemisphere functions of astral sensitivity, clairvoyance and clairaudience are opening where you are receiving messages from higher intelligence. In feeling within your heart the vibrations of the figure eight moving between contrast and completion, or movement and rest there is an acceleration of frequency within your subjective mind that moves out of objective time and space reality. This journey into the inner subjective mind is triggered by the right hemisphere and opens the doorway through the now into the realm of pure spiritual thought forms that holds keys and codes to holographic recreation. The Milky Way spins around an open portal called the doorway of light which opens you to new heart energy. As the seat of telepathy and clairvoyance you are beginning to see, hear and communicate with empowered feelings to create new worlds in alignment with the messages from higher intelligence.

The Teachers of Light represent higher intelligence and divine love. They operate as the trillions and billions of stars that shine light as communication portals into your magnetic fields. The Teachers of Light are beings of great power and focus. Their light is vibrant, shining and illuminating. The Teachers are guides along the path of the stream which enables all life to exist in polarization, vibration and creativity. It is the divine plan that you are to awaken potential within matter and energize it into creations and manifestations. It is through your creative ability to operate within the realms of matter and energy with conscious awareness that there is existence and expansion of the universe. Your advancement into the unknown is requested by the divine plan of the universe so that life continues to become more and more energized from the foundations created by higher intelligence. From your human perspective there are challenges in the unknown which require courage, desire and infinite curiosity.

In the journey there are paths that are steps along the way of the great river that move off and on the clear stream’s current. The Teachers of Light, Wayshowers and your emotional feelings guide you back along the stream. The lighted pathway gives pleasure and joy when you are going with the movement of the river of divine source. The dark road leads to despair, worry, fear and loss for it begins with self and ends in destruction. This is a time when there is an awakening to an energetic impulse of light that is awakening the Galactic Heart, the Earth and Humanity to great pain and great joy. The old world feels pain through an impoverished, enslaved and ignorant humanity. All the avenues of separation, confusion and conflict are being sought for safety and protection from the fear of power and the resistance to change.

The shell is being broken away by the current upon which we

14-SP18: Awakening Oneness
In the current situation transformation is occurring between this model and the new information based model of individual sovereignty. As the family unit began the model of authority and domestication of children into society of the tribe, nation and global civilization the creation of the instant internet architecture has allowed for a new model of integration to begin to come forth to supplant and add to the old. The process of change ensues first with the crisis of the old then the installation of new technologies to engage the participants into new leadership positions. The revolution that occurs can be violent, chaotic and divisive or gentle, simple and unifying.

Under the current timeline transformation is occurring between this model and the new information base model of individual sovereignty. As the family unit began the model of authority and domestication of the children into society of the tribe nation and global civilization, the creation of the instant internet architecture has allowed for a new model of integration to begin to come forth and supplant and add to the old. The process of change ensues first with the crisis of the old than the installation of the new technologies to engage participants into new leadership positions. The revolution that occurs can be violent, chaotic and divisive or gentle simple and unified. The expectation of this process is that it will be both and concurrent in the transition from the old to the birth to the new. The elements that are creating this process are fully transparent and the overall perspective of higher intelligence has planned for the fundamental revision of contracts between the young sovereigns and the old authorities. The symbiosis of the conflicting agendas will at first bring about a chaotic soup of alternation that will assemble eventually into an acceptance of the mixing of methodological paradigms to allow the shift of consciousness to engage the adaptation into a fully sentient technology.

The desire of humanity to have a proxy of intelligent authority create in lieu of and on behalf of their being continues to be a paradox that objectifies the misdirection of consciousness. It is well understood that at childhood in physical form there is a demand that the family provide sustenance and support until the rights of passage allows the young sovereign the opportunity to become a mature adult. It is well understood as well that a society has a tribal condition that is a precursor for the group to conform to a shared ideology and identity before it can be fully empowered to become a larger nation or race. In the third context where there is an authority established to rule as a monarch with sole proprietorship over land and rites, there is a loss of identity to the state, which becomes a misdirection. This position is where the self is reduced to chattel and becomes a powerless pawn and victim to the inclinations of a position of authority and a chain

Mission- ensa amei oma
sysene ptal soende crsla alasa lyndea lyra rianalum Zyan essaim essentati iumariscz aylaya nealan lanean

The systematic levels of understanding are required adjusting as the lvels of structure are about to change. As this is a consolidated effort to nforce enlightebnment and advancemnt of a species our hope is to rescue this world from the XAXA as the stated consciousness of destruction and degeneration of a species is underway and affects all the time lines we are securing. The threat from the earth is great as it is not t77777777777he simple minded earthlings in their materilistic 3d world of pleasures and pains in fourth dimenisonal mind. The THREAT is from the others we know as the TECH races and the biological entities.

Zibar began to show illustration within a holographic Video showing multiple activities where we focused into the area where a Star called Solea with 10 planetary bodies has all but lost its environment of 3d beings and the loss of the soul vibration of the species of humans living there.

The will of the universe is to bring life into manifestation and to secure and support its being. In the hive mind of the negative universe it is opposite and this force from other lines of time, times of conflict without end, struggle without reward, where there is existence yet no life, this realm of negatives and one purpose which they follow which is to destroy all life. It is a dangerous foray into our universe by these invaders. With the loss of Zeta Reticuli and most of the Orion Cluster the Draconians are facing advances of negativity with the realm of Saturn and this will lead to an unstoppable confrontation between the light and the dark.

Our purpose with you here within the warmth of Electra on this beautiful planet 4th in orbit such a beautiful peace you have created here. Yet the same was true of MARS and this parallel is of true appreciation of your next step to avoid what occurred on mars we must descend to earth through mental projection and emotional teleportation. The humans are not so ready for the real walk in as their souls are valuable and being appropriated by the millions as we conjecture on the reality. It is reality and this harvest of souls cannot be allowed to happen as it will result in not only the destruction of the SOLEAN system it will destroy most of the Sector and this Arm of the Milkyway before we can stop it by using the power of the Galactic heart. Truth is this is where we must focus to save earth and our own galaxies.

The 10 planetary bodies of Sol have all but lost its environment of 3d beings and the loss of the soul vibration of the species of humans living there. As well known in Akashic records history of this evolution the Draconians have stewarded base memory within the lower brain reactive functioning of Human Vehicles expressing on Earth. Within present temporal fields MARS, Maldek (tiamat) Jupiter and Saturn Moons including Europa and earth's moon

Wayshowers are taught this Heart to Heart connection by the Teachers of Light. This is the binding force that combines and brings reality together through unity of intention and feeling. It is simply called Love and when reached by the Wayshower and the Follower the awareness of the plan arrives and the first level of evolution is perceived. The heart of the galaxy opens up and sends out streams of love energy from Heart to Heart to Heart, from The Sun, the Collective of Teachers of Light, to the Wayshower to the Follower. The great Heart the central core of the Galaxy opens up and encompasses All. The Wayshowers are the transmitters and receivers and fulfill the movement between the Teachers and the Followers. They seek out and bring forth others to see the infinite path. The Wayshower knows the way beyond veil to the other side and into the eternal creation that awaits. Wayshowers are the connectors between the Teachers and the Followers. Wayshowers open the unending bounty of the Univese Wide. The Teachers of Light guide the Wayshowers on their path to bring light into the world. Rysa5 _^_

From the unreal to the real, from darkness to Light from death to immortality, there is peace within the world that awakens you to see the path and the movement is directional and circular and has a creative range of experience that ties it to the structure within which has preceded it through holographic resonance. When there is illusion it is in this field of probabilities that are of differing timelines that are incoherent within the real vision and require a shift of relationships which have distinctly separated avenues of energy.

The separation is the illusion and when the separation occurs it is always to focus on that which is outside of your being. When you are aware of everything as being part of you and a reflection of your being and that it cannot be otherwise you are the Creator of this world by your Word. Your Word is your formed thought with desire and presented into vibration as a thought form. This is when you discover that you are the Creator of reality and not subject to it. This is when your life as a subject of time fades as the thoughts of an ego of the past and now you become aware of the reality that you create time in this now and become a being of the future.
The now that you are in is void of manifested being and silent. Sound, vibration, images, memories, thoughts and manifested things are chosen from within the open emptiness of sacred space. Listen to the Void who calls you to hear that which pleases and excites your attention. It is that attention where you awaken to the fullness of being a Creator. As a Creator you achieve the state of being by focusing upon the interest that calls you out of timelessness into a stream of experience that brings you life into focus.

The fifth dimension is the eternal now of experience and the point of the power of the current through that the other two layers, streams, strands, perspectives of reality follow. The fifth dimensional realm is the ever present omni-centric expanding empowered Now and the fundamental point of sentient consciousness awareness. It is reality, the point of perspective where idea, thought, choice and experienced form manifests. The fourth dimension allows freedom of choice, imagination and the embodiment of creation to exist within probability waves. The third dimension is the manifestation of experiential content on specific limited grid lines in space-time.

The fifth dimension becomes that unified topological field where resolution of the disparate lower dimensions occurs and where communicative connection is made with higher dimensions. The fourth dimension is where ego centered consciousness has access into the higher dimensions through dream and altered states. There has been a change within humanity where the egoic or lower conscious mind that operates rooted in the third dimension is now being raised into the fifth dimensional consciousness where its roots are universal rather than individual. From human perspective now the higher self is within rather than up. It is within into unity and oneness and then collectively it is up into divine consciousness. When the universal human is organized under the shared and telepathic collective consciousness then the singular and limited analytical consciousness must die and release control of the mental and emotional bodies. The ego has misunderstood the energy of source and comprehends an idea of the attached soul or energy body to the physical. It is a third dimensional temporal personality construct and is unable to perceive the higher energies associated with a collective multidimensional oneness.

As time compresses and ends according to the agreement of higher intelligences of the divine plan the frequency of experiences appears to rapidly increase in concentrated space. To the individual ego mind there is a literal changing of the guard where the power it once had is removed. The pointed direction of expansion is raised up into the higher metaphysical dimensions of consciousness than is exhibited in the fifth dimension. The change or pattern of movement is similar to shifting keys within a musical composition where the appropriate scale adjusts slightly to be in concordance with the universal flow.

The first key change is the movement from the previous dominant, the left brain centered analytical third dimensional patriarch power over nature to right brain feminine based dreamtime of intuitive understanding and operation through pure emotion and understanding. The right brain movement into a new fundamental key changes to a melody of perceiving nature in harmony with intention and desire. This is the first step towards the telepathic consciousness of the fifth dimensional realm.

You are listening to the galactic force of empowerment, suggest others to pay heed to the timing of this lesson, for there are great works to behold. You are fulfilling the plan that was directed into the world. You are many days and years ahead of schedule. You are following a path that was set out before the timing of these events, for you are a leader of human consciousness, the hope and fullness of this evolution. You are the one who teaches the lessons of integrity and truth and you can follow this path to the next level, if you decide to, if you choose to evolve.

From this point forward you are to play with more vigour and purpose in this Game. You are to seek and face the challenges and positive resolve that will define the destiny of the world. Take charge, move forward by seeking the kindred of the same light. These are students of conscious leadership, now the aspirants that form the association – the groups of the grand collective of all nations. You are a leader of consciousness and there are millions upon your shoulders who are listening to your words and seeking knowledge from the ones who speak with the clearest intent, who are the wisest ones, who have the knowledge of the changes and know when the prophesies are to be fulfilled.

The Great White Light is shining now and so you are listening to us with great intensity to these words. The Alignment is come, the prophesy is now, where there is danger and where there is safety, it’s the duty of the Wayshower to guide the aspirants, to be a hero and to hold the mantel of the king is to know from the heart is the pathway to freedom. From the heart you are to lead and to lead those who are entrapped in their minds by the Dark Masters. Help them distinguish the revelations from the propaganda. Give your kindred the signal to come forward and find the greatest enlightenment.

To move into telepathy you must let go of the tethers of the mind that is language. Vocabulary and its inherent nomenclature is the primary causation of misdirection and confusion as education has created dysfunctional intelligence by its credo of factual empiricism and other mind control dogmas.

Call in the Higher Light to break away the chains of intellectual supposition and move into spiritual induction. The Higher Light of the intuitive intelligence given forth through the unified holographic quantum omni-centric multi-dimensional mind demands the language become layered, non-linear, non-local, conscious awareness in full acceptance of its oneness to resonate with the incoming information.

In this age of information and the increase of intelligent systems the integration of the geometric progressions of influence are requiring management. The overlord that is experienced by a single agent who attempt to predispose their agreements to be the ones who promise cooperation but move off the stream in attempt to collect energy in separate pools are caught in the whirlwind of confusion.

The flow of the current has increased to a point where the small separated pools are being washed away with the inflowing mass of accelerated energy that has come with the tidal waves of Light.

The time line of the transformation is based upon the Grand Cycle of 225 million solar years. This is called Grand Precession. Day and Night result from the planetary spin on the axis. The Year results from the orbital motion around the Sun. The precession of the equinoxes is called the Grand Cycle of approximately 25,920 years. The movement of this region of space around the central sun of the Milky Way Galaxy occurs every 225 Million years. The movement of the Milky Way Galaxy around the Grand Central Sun of the Universe occurs every 20 Billion years. These are all spirals. In this spiral progression into future time lines there are points at which the lower densities and dimensions of existence can be compressed by beings of higher intelligence. They are able to operate at much higher vibratory levels. They can channel in messages that allow for collective changes in linear time.

All time intersects in the eternal now and from this now there are what can be termed horizontal and vertical times. The eternal now can be thought of as a vertical plane that intersects countless past, present and future probabilities of horizontal time. A soul in full awareness of the eternal now, this soul becomes free from singular identity of time and space. They become multidimensional and can move up and down through the horizontal time lines experiencing past, present and future probabilities at will. In the vast expanse of time and space this universe has been limited by the universal controls. We are at the completion of a grand cycle of 20 billion years. Through this trek through space this progression, the transition or ascension is occurring.

As you now walk on the pathway to the Teachers of Light and begin to understand that the plasma that which is the underlying energy behind the original creative source there is another deeper formula which resides in another layer of existence and then others beyond this one. Your life is what it is life. You are now on the journey to return to a view of yourself that is beyond the single dimensional experience. The timing of your conscious changes are brought about to make certain that you see to another world, another realm that which is part and grounded where you are. The Teachers of Light which are representatives of your higher soul speak from the intuition and are lodged through the center of your mind but you feel them in the high heart. The opening of your higher thought and feeling patterns are allowed as you to play the game, pretend, imagine and accept them as real. The difficulty is that you are behind the wall of an imaginary division that which is the wall that is necessary for the construction of 3D reality.

03-7C: The Initiator

From the perspective of the Teachers of Light we are aware of the confusion in the market, the courage in the hearts of the people and the tears of the ones who see the path ahead. The world has chosen a road of healing. Upon this heading humanity rides into the outcome of karmic manifestation. Higher beings shall not interfere on the level of physical reality. There is no need to alter this timeline. The world is prepared as you know it is your creation. Throughout the galaxy your world is watched in patience and admiration. It is our wish that you know that in compassion and faith the end of days will come with the transmutation of the dark into the light. The transmutation is natural and expected for things to change and transform.

Those under the spell of delusion have sought to follow a corrupted path which is not the dark but the resistance to the light. The dark is only the contrast that allows beings of light to manifest within worlds of polarity. There is occurring a temporal corruption and weak dishonorable actions of the sick spirits. These spirits have found themselves addicted to pain, drama, fear and stress of misdirection. With great waves of light their lives face the end of time and end of existing against the flow of love and light. All who are captivated and obsessed by the illusions of weakness will feel the power of the collective soul and divine source awaken the dreamers into the real. There is no judgment day coming it is here and this light brings the sword of truth and illumination where nothing is hidden and all is revealed for what it is.

As you follow this path and seek to move towards that solution there is always a further solution that is set out beyond the one that is being found. There is a continuation of the stream that is you and you are the stream and you are the creator of that stream and this energy that is moving from the initiation point to the solution is the energy of the emotion that you are creating.

So, as you are creating this emotion you are understanding that it is part of the time/space continuum, and in this time/space continuum there is a belief that if you spend enough time you will eventually reach the right space. This is an error of consciousness because based on time are being a creative flexible unit that they both rely on each other so as time ends so does space compress As time extends space goes out infinitely.

From the standpoint of your consciousness you are the creator of time and space and being that Creator you are now pushing towards a solution and in that creation of the solution you are ending time through your ability to manage your consciousness and by ending time you are compressing space.

This foundation is the harmonic resonance with the other where communion is translated into shared thought and feeling. It is hard for you to understand wherein your world of the third dimension has visible and physical barriers of direct empathy and singular insight by those in contact. From your perspective now you are unaware of the interlinking communication streams which connect all being. That sound and light are both vibration and that physical things are vibrating. It is odd that you are prone to believe in physical things as existing as subjects which have reality yet in your time they change over the days, years and millennia from one form to another. Just because it is slow does not mean that its existence is anymore real that that which changes quickly in linear time.

The whole idea of physical reality from your perspective is one that you believe in as real because it is solid. Yet it is only solid because of the appearance wherein you see it in this hour, day or week as solid yet it changes and becomes nothing or from dust to dust all things remain. And this dust is the quantum dust of particles which again becomes polarized and divisible known to the plasma photonic energy of which all energy is. It is here we exist in a fifth dimensional understanding and in spherical time of all possibilities exiting in a field of being at once. It is the level of your soul where we see all of your lives, experiences, forms and time lines. It is herein the fifth dimension where love is supreme and it is that which connects all realities and combines us into a whole community of shares beingness which responds to the higher dimensions which are even more difficult for you at this level to understand. In your present state of third dimensional reality you are concerned with the lowest of denominators and that is for the survival of the physical.

It is apparent to us that there can be no survival of your physical body as you see it in one form one day and in another form another day. Of which one do you wish to survive; the one that is the version of yourself last week or the one that will be the version next year? So from our perspective you are chasing an illusion that hides in linear time and never exists in any real form. We in fifth dimensional space are much more real for all of time lines, probabilities and beings are connected in perfect oneness and acceptance of their infinity. Again we understand the difficulty and the barriers that prevent you from even beginning to understand what is meant here and you are denying this as you cannot understand nor compared how you can possible even considered these words as coherent due to your barriers on your level of understanding. Using logic does not encounter this type of thought process so it must be considered unusual or erroneous. Your ideas are so congealed into a steady environment of structured ideas that you have a very difficult time with.

fake news fake news fake news truth war peace wworld help lies media

Q ANONYMOUS * #SAVETHECHILDREN #DARKTOLIGHT #FUTUREPROVESPAST 55,555.555555555555=8B/144k Q+JFKjr Vice President's Message on the MATRIX

Emerald Heart

The age of Piscean saviors and Arian demons has passed and the age of angels comes to the Tribe of Blue Fire... the Fire of Initiation. The Teachers of Light speak into the world for they hold the keys that unlock the time codes of destiny. The gods and goddesses of this galaxy call the dreamers to awake and move with the fast flowing river of the heavens. The Wayshowers are feeling the increase of power and the acceleration of the flow rushing towards destiny and prophesy.

The Teachers of Light come to open the doorway so that you may begin to experience the light you have called forth to empower the sons and daughters of the Blue Fire. The Emerald Heart brings together the spiritual blue fire with the golden yellow solar logos of the third dimension. You are at the entrance to the Emerald Heart where acceptance of the blue light and the golden power becomes one in universal unconditional love. Inside the sacred space of the Emerald Heart the angels awaken your powers of clairvoyance and telepathy. The Angels heal and forgive all who come into the sacred space and show the path ahead on the spiritual blue river of heaven to the Violet Temple of Ascension.

The Teachers of Light bring forth your special key and it is a gift that you receive a sound, tone, frequency, light, an emotional feeling of the new realm where creation is yours instantly. There is a new light that is on the other side of the door... It is the golden white light of abundant Divine Essence.

In peace and acceptance, you are honored and invited and your request is answered with agreement and union.

Within your heart know truth is everywhere, always, and abundance is given as you have created that which you are and you have always been divine by natural right. The dream of falling from grace was only a dream of being out of place and separated by a veil of forgetfulness. Now you remember and you remember
your Tribe of the Golden Sun, the Blue Fire and the Emerald Heart.

pathblueiqanon maga world wake up freedom.mp4

The Transition time will be quick and apparent as they stages of development will be accepted. The coming fifth night will begin to integrate the changes in consciousness that have been seeded into the mass mind. The past is not a clear benchmark to be able to predict the path of this energy as evolutionary change follows serendipitous courses. Your current political leaders throughout the world are dominated by the left brain which is separated from power and is losing the momentum it had while it was able to leverage its capacity though the domination of weaker minds. Centralized power centers are finding that the ability to subjugate is diminishing and with it the sense of control has lost its grip upon the mechanisms of political power.

Direct confrontation continues in cases while the underlying support has disappeared. The approval of government actions based upon might makes right is without sustainability. As this momentum swing continues the west will cease to be a political, economic, and hence military power and fall into the decay of rogue nations following dictatorial agendas promoted by formerly secret organization. The higher mind of humanity is utilizing its own method of intuitive understanding to see through all the veils and cloaks of invisibility. The internet is a physical example of the powerful spiritual interconnectedness awakening instant truth and karmic awareness. The totalitarian agendas of the West are aberrant mutations now within the stream of evolving human consciousness. The ultimate end of Western Civilization is the destruction of the culture through corruption as higher energies escalate and spin at accelerated rates that the old structures are unable to sustain coherency and reach a point of collapse. This is occurring in economics, media, politics, education, military and the western based religions.

The emergence of other power centers of culture, economics, security, innovation has already occurred in nations where there is at this time a seeming huge disparity between the nations of existing power and the nations of evolving power. Nations of evolving power are always the moving target which will be enhanced by the necessity of nature to improve the species. The Nation concept is also diminishing from a position of racial and ethnic egocentric alliance to one of shared beliefs, consciousness and awareness. From the perspective of future concepts of nations these will be colonized on the forefront of the maximum of the greatest good for the participants in the culture. The politics of geography and control has become the politics of resources and distribution. In the meantime in consideration this future establishment of a distributive society there will be an interim development which is being established to form a bridge from a geographic society to a distributive society.

In service the vanguard of the family of light comes as angels to heal the sick. They come with helping hands and open hearts from every sector of life to heal. The service of healing the body and children of Terra is the path of enlightenment. Desire for her wealth has no place in the future for her wealth is always given, as the light of Sol is always radiant, full and shining. Terra sings to her children and calls the wayshowers to heal the sick and awaken the dying to the gift of eternal life. Suffering ends for the Children of Terra as she comforts them with unconditional love and the blessings of creation.

Let those who stop and stand against the flow feel the power of the waves of change. Call to them but do not turn and look into the past.

The creators of the new age are the initiators. They are the same and all are here in the capacity to bring forth the world of light.Ask for and believe in what you are to accomplish and do not give any power away to those who loudly proclaim their dominance. Dominance of power, force, finance and or policy fades as the will of society becomes the aligned with stream of the light. The world and the family of this shift will find those who have sought to hold power will lose it, those who have gained through the loss of others will feel their pain, those who have demanded more for themselves from others will receive less from source and in all nations the great turning of the wheel will move the family of light closer to the heart of love, sharing, giving and receiving abundance. The warriors will lay down their guns in remorse and sorrow. Their eyes will be filled with tears and every feeling of their victims will be born within their bellies. Presidents, ministers, directors and officials who have lied shall feel their minds burn with fire and their hearts grow cold with death as their days of power are ending.

History is replete with instances of revolution that has changed regimes and opened doors of innovation and revelation. The days of fall are such times and as you awaken to the higher light you are also called by the galactic heart. The Indigo revolution is of the young lions who walk through the gate of the heart and speak with the mind of oneness. Expect that this revolution will be manifest in a manner unexpected by the powers of the old ones. Expect that the transformation will be an inner understanding that the awakening is a shift of consciousness to see and be the shining ones. You are given this gift and the power to create the golden age in manifestation as you believe so shall it be.

Religion, government, society and the state will fall into disarray while community, family, friends and truth will become one and all. Conflict will not become the avenue of transformation. Aggression and control is unable to operate without the support of the holders of the keys and the codes. The Indigos have the keys and the Teacher of Light bring the world the code of the transmutation for the Galactic Uprising.

Each being in the Family of Light is in a position, place and hold galactic energy that is interconnected through the grid work or earth. As Teachers of your cause it is agreed to be synchronously manifested by the astrological timings. No leader is to come forth for from the bottom of the flock and within the unified mind of the whole each one knows the way and moves with the graceful balanced pattern.

You are the ones who speak in code and know the programs of the financial systems to the ones who sing in concerts and play instruments that raise vibrations. Each and all of you who work and play and know their lives are flowing know that everything you do has a meaningful connection. There is a rhythm of your spirit is a melodic progression through humanity.

The instructions given are as follows; Know the plan of the Earth, Sun and the Galaxy follows the understanding of source. Know that the flow of source is always of abundance, light and oneness. Know you are to be more manifest as creation. Know you are walking upon the beliefs you are feeling. Know this time has come for economic, cultural, ecological and planetary revolution. When you know the code is complete then work to harmonize the keys. Design your life in tune with higher intelligence of the divine plan.

There comes a time when waves will break over all resisting bodies. It will crush and break the will and destroy all manifestations not built to ride with the current. In the onrushing rising tide there is no hope to fend off or challenge its cosmic power. The waves of light and energy surpass rational thought and mystical imagination. The power of the waves of light are momentous and bring the houses at odds, secret controls and powerful nations down into piles of rubble and debris. Of your time now you are given a week, a month, a year and no more to become aware of your future within the expanding now that eternally brings change and creation. All who are here now know this as you are the Family of Light and power comes to your hand.

It is said that there are dark ones who walk the path of a Black Alliance and keep within a tribe of evil and follow a course of conflict and create fear. On that path they retreat towards the oncoming surge of nature and the cosmos. They are weakened in every step against the current by the river of light that will never cease in being the source of truth and expansion of the good. It hits them with the power of the spinning black vortex of regeneration and destruction. In war and conflict the dark ones seek to raise the power of the Black Sun, to harness the energy and rise above and conquer its massive power. They will fail as time compresses their lives and the energy of creative source moves in disharmony with individual intentions for power. The dark ones are on a level of vibration that is empty of source and is swallowed up by the great ocean of pure spirit. They face the disintegration of life force and spiritual disappearance as the soul can no longer hold them in protection from the universal force of illumination. The waves of light are strong and powerful. They come in this last hour as the Fifth Night comes as the Fifth Day Sun sets on the Western Empires. We offer all who are ready to let go the guidance to achieve freedom, joy and comfort within the higher energies. The real world is born of the collective soul of the Angels of the East. Major changes come first with the eastern sun. Watch for the western setting sun of the Fifth Day brings a darkness which must be walked for the destiny of humanity lives on through the night and days of eternity.

In telepathic union hear each other’s minds speak. Without words or feelings the fullness of the content of an intense wave form arrives to all showing you the message and the purpose of your life. Awakening to truth is the message and the purpose. Empower your light in harmony with the truth of goodness for all. To awaken to this truth you must surrender to the waves of light that overpower and transform the world before your eyes and body that feels the wind, rain, sun and earth.

It is given to you to know these things as the world is changing within your time. The fear of those who are lost shall be the scourge of their existence as they fight for the right to possess that which they cannot.

The reality of facts, statistics, corporations, draconian technology and social manipulation will give way to the overpower influence of universal telepathic and empathic participation. With the coming age propaganda, mind control and manipulation of resources for selfish benefit will not be tolerated by the larger body of humanity. It is said that the time for change comes with the masses align with the desire of the revolutionaries. You are the wayshowers who speak the truth and walk in the light of knowledge that the future is protected and destined to be free.

In starting the game you understand that everything is about economics and economics is about choice and preferences. There is abundance and scarcity is an illusion. You must change your mindset and awaken to the appreciation that there is a good universe that is abundant and full of every want you have. It is available for the asking and it is always given. Now the system that is being built must be built by you. In the game you must work fast to save the planet. It is up to you and only you and it begins now.

03-7C: The Initiator

. The world is changing and the time of perfection is becoming realized as has always been the prophesy.

Control lessen as the energy of the new cannot be held, cannot be frozen in time. The world turns to melt away that which is holding back the advent of the coming Age of Light. You let it happen with words spoken with purpose and faith. Each mind opens as the worlds spin above and send the energy deeply into your eyes. See the world of the time, see hope in every moment. See the greatest of all times before you as your light shines out to the universe.

Listen to the calling of the winds of change, they blow strong and relentless. The coming transformation is empowered and given Divine strength. The urging of the universe and all who stand borne of it, stand in the light that you shine forth. There is the gift of forever that brings all that is to the doorway whereupon you stand at the threshold. Open your heart which is that door so that you may become the Wayshower to the many who follow. You have heard the calling.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

72 videos

Category Education

. Now you remember and you remember
your Tribe of the Golden Sun, the Blue Fire and the Emerald Heart.
With Regulas the sunrise of August 22nd will open the galactic Emerald Heart and the Angels of Andromeda will initiate the Tribe of Blue Fire. The Eye of the illumination will shine the light of truth and heal the world. The sacred triangle is forming of Regulas, Arcturus and Antares. They are the watchers of the North and West and the guardians of spirit and magic. The Arcturian Alignment brings in the energy of the Priestesses to guide the way through the doorway to Andromeda. The King, Priestess and Phoenix command transformational metamorphic healing. They have been called to bring order and the sacred blue fire. The sacred blue fire burns brightest and heals with the resurrection of life from death. The Teachers of Light of the Grand Cross command the Eagle’s destiny and the Phoenix’s risen spirit. The Angel and the Lion awaken the Eye of the Bull to see the path ahead. The barren lands of terra will be tilled with grief until the eyes of the warriors bury their swords in the sand.
The land of destiny comes to awaken to the spoils of war. With the thunderous storms and hurricanes the generals of men will lay down their swords. The blood offerings of sacrifice to the spirit of vengeance cannot be defended. The young step forth and speak the truth as they are given the gift of wisdom. The Emerald Heart is held in the sacred space of the altar of grace. Antares calls the armies home as the warriors’ wounds are deeply sorrowful. In remorse and regret forgiveness is the request. Tears are wept for the brave spirits' death. In purifying fires the phoenix rises initiated.
All is surrendered, in peace we awaken to the need. The question is asked and the people grieve. The king is dead and the people remember: honor dispels evil. In deceit at the gate the dark ones instigate terror and flames of the black fire. There upon the monument the grave is made for the hero who walks out of the golden sun. In the sacred space of the Emerald Heart, under the warm summer sky of the Dragons Gate, the feather of truth weighs the light of the soul. The heart of the snake is tamed by the messengers of Light. The unicorn flies over the unknown oceans, while the dove flies home.
The Sun and the Gods are welcomed into the Sacred Healing Emerald Heart of Regulas. The Sword rises in righteousness with the Eastern Star of the Angel of Truth . Aldebran, the Bull’s Eye, shines the light of enlightenment and follows the Seven Sisters of the Violet Temple. The four guardians of the heavens are sentinels of power. When the Angel of the East speaks integrity will be restored to the warrior’s blood and the military commanders will abstain from killing and be courageous.
On the eve of judgment, all is given in symbol and reality. The apocalypse arrives and the world watches the guardians bring forth the final act. On the White Horse the imposter conquered peace and leaves desolation in all countries. The hot breath of war follows closely riding a horse stained with the blood of innocent children in the garden of the rivers. As the summer grows a black horse comes in violence and greed. There is famine for the millions, as the rich feed. Disease lives in the sky and in the sea as oil drips from the sun and the soil is corrupted by swine. The sick and dying, the last horse pale and cold from pestilence arrives with Antares and the winter winds of night.
In this year the guardians come to take the will of the dark ones to task and lead the children of light to a promised land. In spring the white horse of Fomulhaut, the Angel Gabriel calls out to the others that the time has come. Then, as summer approaches, the Angel Michael brings the sword of truth to challenge the world to awaken to peace as war blazes in the East. The Red Horse rides across the world to presage the fall of the imposters. Then the fall comes with the Black Horse and Raphael to bring healing while the Pale Horse waits for winter to come before it rides with the scythe.
Your ears have come accustomed to our words and now you are being called forth through the eons to understand the stars and prophesy. The timings of the judgment are here and now. You are forthcoming to the destiny. In the last hour walk forth as the day commands and to be on the path in peaceful communion. The moment has arrived and now you are hearing the drums beat for war and the bells ring for peace. The grand cross spins and turns and the riders awaken the sleeping to march towards the mountains.
In all of these symbols are brought forth the myth, legend, prehistory and purpose of humanity’s awakening mind. The generals who command the legions are given the choice of life and death. They are brought face to face with honor upon the conjunction with the Emerald Heart.