Logical John

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Logical John

Logical John


Hi there, had a few people asking what happened to me. So I thought I would do an update, explain what happened to my channel, and thinking about next steps I am undertaking.

Hello guys. I have disabled almost all of my videos on here. The last two years have been exhausting. I want to focus more on solutions - mainly around technology to help prevent similar things happening in the future. I will put out the odd bit here or there so don't forget me.

Hi there, this is not financial advice in the slightest. Many friends have been asking me how to trade cryptocurrency, should I buy Bitcoin now? I always say, you could lose everything and more than everything - it is not investing and it is gambling.

However, this is how I have got into cryptocurrency without losing money and growing my portfolio.

If it helps you not lose too much money, then great news.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

3 videos

Category News & Politics

Hey there.

Now, is not the time for hiding. Hiding behind a collective, worrying about what our boss, friend, or family thinks is done and gone. We are facing an existential threat to our way of life.

Normally, I work in technology consultancy and build data based solutions. Am close to relaunching a property platform and hope to start using those solutions in many ways to disseminate decent information on the economy, government. and markets to help us become more successful and empowered people.

We have to start talking about the reality of 2020, how governments have over-played their hand and how unless we start coming up with ways to make it clear to everybody they have been taken advantage of - everything we ever knew will be permanently changed forever.

If you want to know more about me - drop me a message. I plan to launch a new website relating to truth, so watch this space.