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Ugh, *fine*, I'll traverse those chasms the slow way next time.

Say Gex

There is a thunderstorm outside so hopefully the stream quality is fine. I recorded yesterday's stream, but chose not to upload the recording since there were 0 dropped frames.

Now that I'm playing the Nether on its terms, I can go a lot faster while expending a lot fewer resources.

Continuing my far lands journey, no more daily floating point error doubling

Farming more feathers and wood

This is for archival purposes only, do not watch this stream for entertainment purposes

At some point I'll start seriously walking towards the Nether farlands, but for now I'm just gonna casually make progress every now and again

I still don't have a thumbnail for this shit yet lmao, lol even
I've decided I'm finally gonna try to walk to the Nether far lands.

A direct continuation from the AFK stream

Erroneously named Ep 2, this name was fixed after the stream. Original description:
Continuing my journey to the far lands, after briefly chopping trees.

Leaving the world open in Beta versions of Minecraft causes mobs to spawn significantly less often. I am leaving the world on overnight in order to reduce Ghast spawns to something manageable, in the hopes that I do not have to tunnel nearly as frequently.

Decided I'm gonna attempt a walk to the Nether far lands.

Livestreamed to Twitch on 11/28/2019

COPPA doesn't scare me


This game is weird sometimes.

Found while attempting to reverse engineer the .MIF files. Terminator Rampage, which was made in the same engine that Arena uses, featured split from the middle sliding doors prominently in some levels. Arena is capable of having these doors, but they never appear in vanilla gameplay.

My first, blind playthrough of the mod Stonekeep Restored, by mod author Rankokus. This mod adds in the unused second floor of Stonekeep, and also includes some new flavortext to help set the mood.
A few minor quirks still need to be fixed, but the mod is definitely playable and tbh I'm just glad that it exists *at all*. If you would like to play the mod (and I recommend you do as it is a lot of fun if you enjoy Arena,) then you can find it here: https://www.nexusmods.com/tesarena/mods/23

I found the worst spell in all of TES, I have no words.

Oh also I haven't uploaded in a while because I'm working on a longplay of Terminator: Rampage, so you can look forward to that. (It's okay if you're not interested, you can say it...)


PSA: Cave Spiders can fit through half slabs

I'm gonna keep going until I get sub 19

8 second gold split saved the run


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

48 videos

Category Gaming