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Can the advancements of AI be stopped? There is very likely a possibility that AI will be used for evil, what are we going to do about that.

True love is powerful no words can pay justice to it. Love cannot be put into a box. Jesus told us to love God with all our heart, and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves. Don't feel bad if you're a little unclear on how best to do that. You're certainly not the only one. What this video mainly does is to challenge all of us to make it our goal to ask GOD to fill us with his supernatural love, showing us from day to day exactly what that means for our situation.

The seventh day adventists say we must worship God on Saturday and not on Sunday. You may not see first what's wrong about it, but when you look closely and see how that teaching is linked to the antichrist and the Mark of the Beast, you'll see how absurd it is.

In the sermon on the mount, there is hidden a vital clue to understand the 666.

You cannot serve two masters, So said Jesus, the Son of God. Where is this preached. Jesus said only a few will reach Heaven, the number is much smaller than we think.

The majority has complete false assumptions about the Bible. Find out if you are part of the minority.

There is something that you need to do before - at least according to Jesus - you can call yourself a Christian.

The actual teachings of Jesus are so important. He told in Matthew 7 that his sayings are the rock. A wise man would do his sayings and a foolish would not. The crazy thing is that no churches are teaching them. Have you heard of Jesus telling everyone to forsake all and sell everything, I thought so. Let us be broken on the rock of CHRIST (Luke 20:17-18).
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Created 1 year, 1 month ago.

8 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith