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"Infectious disease specialist"...fucking crazy... following the advice of any random shaman would be less risky.



This is for fun, check my other uploaded videos for more important stuff!

Sometimes there´s not a "sidewalk" really but they are still right.

I think it´s interesting to see something about Russia that is not war 24 / 7, in these times of media driven hate.

Btw, screw Youtube (and censoring nobel prize Kari Mullis), that´s why I uploaded it here mostly.

Seems you can watch them here too but with no subtitles.

Suit yourself



Seems he wrote: "A first class athlete totally healthy now screwed me with the fucking shitty vaccine.
Don´t put it onto you (the vaccine), many people aren´t harmed but others are!
It´s a russian roulette.
Many egotistic people, who don´t know what to do with their lives, will tell you they got vaxxed and nothing happened.
Thank god then, and pray for all those affected"

Almost breaks their skull on the sidewalk.

It´s not fair that you that done to you and everyone shows your underwear in the
internet. Took 1 minute to add the "Not showing that" message. Let´s keep it classy. Not like this "bro".

The public were coerced to undergo a potentially harmful medical experiment, based on data that didn’t exist.
Direct violation of the Nuremberg code,
- according to Clandestine at twatter.

Really looks like using some microphone or audio device but it could be his "crucifix" cause they say he is "christian".
IDGAF he is a migrant stabbing babies!

Not much content here but had to chop de video, bitchute wasn´t processing it.

Part 1:

Part 2:


Created 11 months, 2 weeks ago.

88 videos

Category None

Tank gets destroyed by supposedly outdated russian equipment.