Raul Hilbergs Ghost

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Raul Hilbergs Ghost

Raul Hilbergs Ghost


Witches name is 'Barbara Lerner Specter'.

1917 marked the year the three largest Christian (aka "white") nations America, England and Russian came under attack by the so called Jews (aka "reds")

Healthiest children in America are untouchable, outside the Jewish big pharma control system.

Imagine playing by your own rules in court, and expecting to win.
Imagine playing by your own rules against the world's best chess players, and expecting to win.
You'd be certified mentally ill. Yet sodomites get away with the same insanity.

It's not what Hollywood showed (1) the world just one year after world war two; it's what they did NOT show the world.
Germany didn't want war - before a single hair on a single Jew's head was disturbed, Germany's second in charge jumped into a small fighter plane and flew solo across the ocean risking his life to try and see Churchill. (2)
The plane was shot down and the peace seeker locked away in jail until his elderly death.
You think Hollywood will ever make a movie about that heroic peace effort?
Imagine Hollywood making a movie focusing on US General George S. Patton's letters home to his wife.
That'll never happen because Hollywood doesn't want the world knowing the Jews role in World War 2.

(1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diMJvLhNUQw
(2) https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/06/rudolf-hess-spandau-hitler-deputy-archive-1970

While blacks demand reparations post 2023, Jews still go around in life assuming they'll never have to confront the relatives of those others, that their ancestors slaughtered.

Political lobbyist Dvir Abramovich on Australian ABC radio taking about his fears for Australia.

PUTIN admits by name, the "Bolsheviks" (Christian haters that murdered the Christian Russian Royal family in 1917-18) had turned Russia (later the Weimar Republic too pissing off Germany pre-ww2) into a decadent stinky moral sewer.
PUTIN is no saint...
* Putin is anti-Bolshevik in this one, which is great - yet he loves new Bolsheviks Stalin statues, which is bad. (1)
* Same Putin has kept September 11, 2001 truth to himself for 22+ years, which is bad.
(1) https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/new-monument-soviet-leader-stalin-unveiled-ahead-ww2-anniversary-2023-02-01/

NEO-BOLSHEVIK Anthony Fauci's global mRNA death jabs have surpassed the harm ever caused by NAZI Josef Mengele.

C3PMeme channel: https://www.youtube.com/@C3PMeme
Fark Biden! Fark Rothschild stooge Wilbur Ross too! (they saved Trump from the dump - think about that)

In a parallel universe where "tip of the spear" Alex E. Jones doesn't take 22+ years to catch a single 9/11 bad guy.
Credit: C3PMemes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRJxmVg6Jjg

Alex E. Jones slams Alex E. Jones after he admitted having "QAnon" in his home.

Shortly before dancing (1) Alex E. Jones chose the Jews hurt feelings over his close friendship with Texe W. Marrs, Pastor Marrs revealed that the 'Jesuits are Jews'.
Remember when the Vatican banned usury and the Jesuits? (2)
How could Christians ban themselves?
Clearly the banned usury loving Jesuits, were not Jesus Christ loving Christians at all.
(1) https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZY3TChHMTXax/
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suppression_of_the_Society_of_Jesus

Does "Christian" Alex E. Jone's deity (aka G-d) eat humans?
That's what "holocaust" literally means: 'a burnt offering to the deity'!
Guest Jordan Maxwell schools those like "tip of the spear" Jones about one of the biggest lies since the 1940's.
Who the hell would NOT deny "6 million" humans were BBQ steaks for G-d?
How sick is that? How brainwashed are you?
Why won't the all-knowing, learned Jones, teach his listeners the correct terminology?
That's why we send that "truth" educator millions of dollars! Right?
Deny dancing Jones - break the Bolshevik spell!

22+ years on and still no one is in jail for, September 11, 2001.
Why? Those like "tip of the spear" Alex E. Jones kept us confused while taking millions from us for his self promotion t-shirts and bone broth potions.

By their fruits we can see them. 2023 Putin loves Bolshevik Stalin (1) and 22 years on still hasn't exposed the Bolsheviks doing September 11, 2001, bringing about the Bolshevik's global "Project New American Century"

1984 Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov (died 1993) Soviet journalist for Novosti Press Agency (APN) and a former PGU KGB informant who defected to Canada, warned G. Edward Griffin about the coming generations of Bolsheviks like Putin.

2021 onwards: Putin jabs Russians with vector Covid-19 vaccines instead of giving out cheap safe Ivermectin and HCQ.
Putin stays quite while watching the world being jabbed with toxic mRNA GMO DNA altering drugs that Israel takes credit for.
(1) https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/new-monument-soviet-leader-stalin-unveiled-ahead-ww2-anniversary-2023-02-01/

Why do we bother anymore? Are we winning against the criminals since 9/11?
How many 9/11 bad guys in jail? None!
22 years on, all of the millions we sent those like "tip of the spear" Alex E. Jones, has come to nothing.
We still keep being shit on, while those like Jones, Icke, etc live rich off us.
We keep getting shit on while those like Putin never expose the September 11, 2001 bad guys either.
Same Putin that sits back watching the world being jabbed with mRNA shots.

Alex E. Jones dances for his handlers.
Pastor Texe W. Marrs would be rolling in his grave.
Year before Pastor Marrs died, Alex E. Jones snubbed his friend (Pastor Marrs married Alex to his first wife Kelly) because Pastor Marrs spoke the truth.

Glimpse into how the Bolsheviks fooled the world.

US President Eisenhower's Rhine-Meadows death camps for the Christian German's that stood against the Jesus hating Bolsheviks (who's REV 2:9 offspring rule earth in 2023)

Top Jewish Holocaust expert Raul Hilberg says only 5.1 million, not 6 million! That's 900,000 people that didn't die so you should be happy, not sad that the official number isn't apart of the 666 beast!


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

23 videos

Category Entertainment

5.1 million, not 6 million. I'm a world acclaimed expert, with my books in children's schools, so end of debate, eat chocolate cake.