Heyókȟa Ray

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Heyókȟa Ray

Heyókȟa Ray


Welcome to 2021, where even Conspiracy Theory King Numero Uno, Alex Jones, is skeptical, yet Steve Pieczenik lays his reputation on the line claiming certainty that Biden will be arrested and Trump will be inaugurated.

It’s the post-truth era, folks... where multiple narrative warfare is so confusing that nobody knows what to believe, and they either buy fully into one narrative or another, or they just don’t try to know anything at all...

Catherine Austin Fitts was Undersecretary of Housing and Urban Development. She is not some random conspiracy theorist. She explains the transhumanist slavery system and how it is being implemented in front of all of us with little or no debate. There is nothing controversial here. Just simple, hard truths that we all need to begin to face head on if we want to change coursel

The PCR test is being used to justify lockdowns and other restrictions of freedoms. But is the test reliable for that purpose? Let’s ask the Nobel prize winning inventor of the test.

Man In America nails it with this concise download of what you really need to know right now!

Rep. Louie Gohmert talks about U.S. Army seizure of servers from Scytl in Germany...

The COVID-19 Genocide of 2020

This is literally an attempt to control the US

A message from Rudy Giuliani about the Biden Crime Family

Truth on blast from this fine hatted Goddess...

Candace Owens on the state of things

Hi drox ee klor o Quinn is available in many countries and there is nobody dying of “the big bad thing”. In the US, it is being purposely repressed despite 65 years of prior non-suppression. Don’t take my word for it. Listen to the doc!

November 07, 2019

“Because our capacities are evolutionarily unprecedented, the basis of our choice has to also be evolutionarily unprecedented.”

The use of technology is evolutionarily unprecedented. Basis of choice must be something greater than, “be the apex predator”.

To avoid perverse incentive and multipolar traps, we need large scale sensemaking and large scale value generation, both which require large scale coordinative capacity.

“The unknown unknown is more important than what we account for most of the time.”

There is a fundamental problem underlying information theory: The unknown unknown is more important than what we account for most of the time.

“The calculation to be able to see a first order effect on a known small set of metrics is relatively easy. But the ability to calculate for second and third and fourth level effects on very large unknown set of metrics is very hard.”

“What is the actual complexity of the situation information theoretically, and then what is the complexity of my analysis in terms of orders of magnitude, and are they close?” This is a motive thing more tha n an information theory thing.

The philosophy that gives rise to our ability to make more powerful choices (science) should be connected to our ability to make better choices (ethics).

Three things: Subject, object, relationship between them

In the domain of measurable and repeatable (science), “a measurement always involves a measurer measuring some measured.” The mistake we make is to take the measurer and the measurement process for granted.

Observed, process of observation, observer

Strong case for Scientism: Things that aren’t measurable and repeatable require assuming a bunch of things as more epistemically grounded than I think they are. Physics is causally closed. Subjectivity is an acausal epiphenomenon.

Consciousness / Free Will dichotomy

Any formal logical system involves ideas that cannot be reified in that system. That means that there is no logical system that is consistent that is also complete. There is no perfect social system. <—- The Tao that is namable is not the eternal Tao

“When people think about heaven and hell and some almighty god judging, or they think about reincarnation or something like that, if they’re not yet at the kind of level of moral development that can transcend narcissism, and care about the subjective experience of others for no rationalized benefit to themselves, then thinking about reward and punishment for themselves in an afterlife is a nice way to smuggle in infinity- it’s a nice way to at least get them to, for their own self benefit, think about things that in the rational calculus right now they can’t see how serves their own self benefit.”

“I think the need for a transcendental operator is clear. So then the question of what do transcendental operators that are not irrational gibberish that is also bound to bad concepts look like moving forward?”

“I think it’s that we recognize that the philosophy of science and utilitarianism do not give us access to all of the truth. So then we have to say what is an expanded epistemology for the domain of the real, not just the domain of the repeatable and the objective?”

“Rationality is obviously corrupted... we’ve all heard people make rational arguments that are just utterly gibberish.”

“Gaslighting is usually making a rational argument that someone feels compelled to believe that gets them to override their intuition.”

“There is a way that we can use a rationalist orientation to gaslight ourselves—to override other valid methods of knowing because we don’t know how to do the derivation...”

89:35 money on money fucks the intelligence of the market, gold standard, China

95:30 money is concentrated choice making

98:10 currency, game A story, institutional decay

101:10 narrative warfare: failure mode of game A

so•lip•sism sŏl′ĭp-sĭz″əm, sō′lĭp-►
n. The theory that the self is the only thing that can be known and verified


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

15 videos

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