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The foresight of George Lucas in predicting the very manner that Republics corrode and fall, is nothing short of ingenious. I believe Lucas, particularly in the prequel trilogy, was just recording the totalitarian, post-9/11 power grabs and freedom restrictions via 'emergency legislation' following an epic disaster or attack. The parallels between the Galactic Republic and the United States of America are nothing short of uncanny, and mind-boggling at best when it's really examined in minute detail.

In this upcoming series, I'll lay out my extensive observations. Lucas observed and showed the causes of the gradual decline [purposeful] of freedom/liberty and security, and he also showed exactly how evil forces would use the citizens' fear against them using false flag attacks, and witch-hunts.

I'm dabbling with including [and editing] my own filmed video clips. Also, just some updates on my latest musings.



The pictures are from a recent visit to 'Valley of Fire State Park' outside of Las Vegas.

Video I made a few days ago, addressing a particular commenter on one of Obsidian's latest video uploads.

The cover pic ties into the themes of women and resentment/anger; this matches up perfectly with the traits and ideology of the Sith and their motivations.

Another response video to a topic that Jo the Philosopher touched on.

The cover picture is a close approximation of what 'Sara' the escort at my gym looks like.

It's just what the title says. Hardly anyone reads the descriptions I write anyway, so just listen to this clip. I made this while on the road to Salt Lake City for a day-trip.

In this video, I share some of the many observations I made while attending my mother's wedding in Vegas, on New Year's Eve/Day. This last couple of weeks have been such a doozy. I share some of the experience from a red-pill lens.

Reply to Obsidian Pill

A response to Jo the Philosopher's latest video 'Remarks about 2020' and also observations from my vacation I just took with family. Everything in the world looks different with red-tinted glasses on.

Re-upload of the same video that seems to be stuck in processing. As usual...

I clarify my stance on these faux-spiritual poser movements called 'New Age' and 'Wiccan' and the like. Also, I further elaborate on how the topic of [true] spiritual development and crystal healing benefit red-pill/black-pill/MGTOW men in practical applications. I lay out my reasoning [logos] for my claims.

The title says it all pretty much.

Quick video of me detailing the experience of going into a busy, female-filled HomeGoods store in Henderson suburb of Las Vegas. I was the ONLY masculine man in the store; the others were effeminate beta-male husbands/boyfriends and gay dudes.

Now that I look back on it, the attention may not have been 100% negative; some of the women were probably just inquisitive about a non-gay dude in a home-making, feminine type store. Still, it came off as them trying to communicate that I did not belong there. Cunts.

My observations from going to a casino.


Third Video from the latest outline.

video two of the latest three. This one talks about a yoga teacher I just met that tries her hardest to be a 2nd Amendment, Anarchist, Vegan type 'woke' or 'conscious' chick. I detail my realization, during our first conversation, that she was most likely just camouflaging herself to snag her an independent, prepper-type guy that she could easily isolate and dominate. My red/black pill mental software caught all this WHILE I was talking to her. I've never reached such conclusions so quickly; I knew I had to make a video to tell y'all about it!

My latest thoughts on a random assortment of topics. Video one of three, from the latest outline notes.

This is finally the video where I relate what was told to me about modern women and their STD prevalence. As you'll see in the video, I've been talking with an ex-gynecologist at the gym about his experience during his practice time. The details are not surprising, but I feel it needs to be repeated to these thirsty, pussy-hungry fools that pretend to be MGTOW. The extent to which these women are infested with disease is staggering and hair-raising. The danger is very high when sexing these random whores that don't get tested.

Please heed this warning to be careful, because so many STD's are debilitating and INCURABLE. LOTS of the infertility and disorders in women come from their rampant promiscuity and defiling themselves with Chads who test their limits with degrading, unhygienic sexual acts. What do you think about making out with Chad's dirty asshole? Because that's what Dr. Saloman said you'd be doing [practically] with most of these young women today.

Read the title. Listen to the video and you'll see.

These are some traits of the Divine Masculine. Much is spoken of the Divine Feminine (without even really understanding it), and the Divine Masculine is purposely ignored. Be that as it may, I have taken it upon myself to make a video detailing the traits therein of the Divine Masculine principle. It will return to the world and humanity's psyche; it is SORELY needed in today's feminine, corrupt, evil world.

Take a listen and tell me what you think; then leave old Johnny Cage a comment with your thoughts!

Self-explanatory. It's late; and I don't have the energy to write some witty description. Just listen to the video, and comment below with your thoughts.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

33 videos

Category None

Description? There is no describing the bliss, the genius that is Johnny Cage. To even attempt to do so would spell disaster and dishonor for the world! However, Johnny Cage will reach down from the realms of divinity and attempt to enlighten all you mere mortals :)

Thanks for viewing my channel! This is the place where I can anonymously voice my opinion and share/disseminate the knowledge about a wide variety of topics.