Jason Bartley

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Jason Bartley

Jason Bartley


Originally Posted Oct 26, 2015 on YouTube

Send your "Big Books" and other "approved literature" back to WSO in New York. Demand your money back. And tell them why. Let's make this a mass movement.
A.A. World Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 459,
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10163
(212) 870-3400
A.A. World Services, Inc.
475 Riverside Drive at West 120th St. - 11th Floor
New York, NY 10115
(212) 870-3400

The Free Alternatives to Harmful and Dangerous 12-step meetings:
SMART Recovery: http://www.smartrecovery.org/
SOS: http://www.sossobriety.org/ and http://www.centerforinquiry.net/sos
Moderation Management: http://www.moderation.org/
Women for Sobriety: http://www.womenforsobriety.org
HAMS Harm Reduction: http://hamsnetwork.org/
Also See:
The Sinclair Method using the drug Naltrexone: http://www.cthreefoundation.org/
and http://www.sinclairmethod.com/
The Goodman Center: http://goodmancenter.com

Not Alcoholics Anonymous Related. This is a Video-Graphy of my experience and insight into Care Home tragedy and abuse.
(Content may be of sensitive nature to children)


Using Leon Festinger theory of cognitive dissonance I dissect relevant and common attitudes held by AA members about recovery, as well as explain some of the dangers of cognitive dissonance in AA/12 Step.

I talk about reasons why I decided to leave Alcoholics Anonymous, sharing about my experiences in AA, and my newfound hope as result of leaving, and deprogramming.

Still not buying into Dr. Silkworth's vested OPINION that alcoholism is a valid disease.

What it was like after I decided I had had enough of AA.

Bait-and-Switch, No-Exit Plan, Religious Dogma, Powerlessness

Much deserved ridicule of AA's 12-step program, an utter failure.

Counterpoints to slogans often parroted by AA lemmings.

Personal take on AA absurdities.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

10 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Dedicated to exposing The Truth About AA. After over a decade in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous and the havoc this highly religious cult wreaked on my life I decided to speak out. Also see my Facebook page The Fall Of AA.