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Join us as we embark on a journey to explore the profound ways light influences our lives, from its therapeutic potential as a healing modality to navigating the spectrum of light to ensure our well-being. Get ready to shed light on the healing power of illumination while learning to discern which rays to embrace and which to avoid. Let's brighten our understanding together!

Today, we delve into the fascinating world of zeolites, natural minerals with remarkable detoxification properties. Zeolites have garnered increasing attention in the medical field for their ability to trap and remove harmful toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Our special guest is Micah Portney. Mr. Portney has an extensive background, experience, and knowledge in pioneering and formulation of zeolite supplementation,  I will be interviewing him with Dr. William Wong, a naturopathic physician who introduced me to zeolite 8 years ago.

Free ebook on Zeolite dosing

"Medical errors, hauntingly, stand as the third leading cause of death in many parts of the world, casting a shadow over the very institutions entrusted with preserving life. Behind this alarming statistic lies a sobering reality: despite advances in medical science and technology, preventable mistakes continue to claim countless lives each year. From misdiagnoses to medication errors, surgical complications to communication breakdowns, the complexities of modern healthcare harbor myriad opportunities for errors to occur. Acknowledging this grim truth is not an indictment of the healthcare profession but a call to action for systemic change. It demands a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement to ensure that every patient receives the safe, high-quality care they deserve."

The average American will not live to see 80-years of age. The average life expectancy stands around 76.4 years, according to the CDC, with women living an average of 79.3 years and men expiring sooner at 73.5

True health isn't just about the physical; it encompasses gratitude and connection to the divine, however, you may perceive it. Fear is an infectious disease. You can catch fear but you cannot catch faith. That comes from within.
Faith has a profound ability to heal, serving as a powerful force in our wellness journey. Whether it's through prayer, meditation, or the practice of mindfulness, faith can provide comfort, resilience, and a sense of purpose that can aid in healing and recovery.

These tiny particles contain harmful chemicals like flame retardants, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and plasticizers such as BPA, which can disrupt hormones and cause chronic inflammation.
We share our bodies with our gut microbes. You could even say that much of what we are depends on the bacteria we carry. They can make us thin or fat, healthy or sick, happy or depressed. Science is just beginning to understand how gut microbes affect our health.

When the Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested  farmed salmon from U.S. grocery stores, they found  farmed salmon had, on average:20

16 times more PCBs than wild salmon
4 times more PCBs than beef
3.4 times more PCBs than other seafood
Farmed fish are directly being fed plastics, which can impact their health and nutritional value. 

You see, my fellow warriors, farmed fish may seem like the convenient, eco-friendly option, but there's a dark side lurking in those crowded pens. Pesticides, antibiotics, and toxic chemicals swirl around these captive fish like a menacing undertow, threatening not only their health but potentially ours as well.

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight let's talk about the double-edged sword of statins. Sure, they're hailed as the knights in shining armor against heart disease, but let's not forget their dark side. From muscle pain to memory loss, the laundry list of side effects reads like a cautionary tale. And to add insult to injury, their effectiveness often falls short of the hype. So, grab a seat and let's dive into the tangled web of statins, where the promise of health clashes with the reality of risk.

Ladies and gentlemen, tonight let's talk about the double-edged sword of statins. Sure, they're hailed as the knights in shining armor against heart disease, but let's not forget their dark side. From muscle pain to memory loss, the laundry list of side effects reads like a cautionary tale. And to add insult to injury, their effectiveness often falls short of the hype. So, grab a seat and let's dive into the tangled web of statins, where the promise of health clashes with the reality of risk.

Frequency medicine is a paradigm shift, a return to ancient wisdom where the body's innate frequencies hold the key to healing—no more dependency on pharmaceuticals with their laundry list of side effects. Instead, we're tapping into the ancient practice of imprinting stones, cards, and liquids with healing frequencies.

Remember, you are the captain of your own wellness ship.  We're just here to provide the compass, the tools, and the support to navigate your journey with confidence. So, buckle up, warriors! It's time to chart your course to the best version of YOU! Be a wellness warrior

Maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for a robust immune system, as the gut houses a significant portion of our immune cells and plays a pivotal role in overall well-being.

This is a health and wellness podcast episode about questioning everything related to your health. The speaker, Dr. Ron, encourages listeners to be their own health advocate and do their own research. He emphasizes the importance of a strong immune system and provides tips on how to boost it, such as eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the podcast:

Question everything and don't just take things at face value.
Be your own health advocate and do your own research.
Your immune system is your body's defense against disease, so it's important to keep it strong.
Eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and manage stress to boost your immune system.
Avoid processed foods, sugary drinks, and artificial sweeteners.
Get regular exercise and spend time outdoors in nature.
Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic fields from cell phones, Wi-Fi, and power lines.
Drink plenty of clean water.
Consider taking supplements, but talk to a qualified healthcare professional first.
Dr. Ron also mentions some specific concerns, such as the potential dangers of fluoride in water and the overuse of prescription drugs. He encourages listeners to be aware of these issues and to make informed decisions about their health.

Overall, this podcast is a valuable resource for anyone who wants to take charge of their own health. Dr. Ron provides a wealth of information and advice in a clear and concise way. He is passionate about helping people live healthier lives, and his enthusiasm is contagious.

This ain't about blind skepticism, it's about taking charge of your own health. Don't just swallow the pills the man shoves down your throat! Ask questions, research, dig deep. Find the root cause, not just the Band-Aid solution.

This video is about the health risks of plastics and toxins, and how to protect yourself from them.

The speaker, Dr. Ron, is a medical doctor who believes that most doctors are trained to focus on prescribing drugs and medical devices, rather than on lifestyle factors that can contribute to health problems. He encourages viewers to be their own health advocates and to take steps to reduce their exposure to plastics and toxins.

Some of the specific topics covered in the video include:

The dangers of nanoplastics, which are tiny plastic particles that can enter the bloodstream and organs.
The link between plastics and endocrine disruption, which can lead to infertility, birth defects, and other health problems.
The importance of drinking clean water and eating a healthy diet to avoid exposure to toxins.
The benefits of exercise, sweating, and other detoxification methods.
Dr. Ron also mentions that he is planning to start a new video channel on Rumble, where he will be able to talk about more controversial topics that are not allowed on YouTube. He encourages viewers to subscribe to his channel and to spread the word about his message.

Overall, this video is a call to action for viewers to take charge of their own health and to make lifestyle changes that can reduce their exposure to plastics and toxins.

This is a podcast episode about electromagnetic fields and their health effects. The speaker, Dr. Ron, is a wellness advocate who encourages his listeners to take charge of their own health and be their own Wellness Warriors.

In this episode, Dr. Ron discusses the following topics:

The dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and how they can negatively impact our health.
How to reduce our exposure to EMFs, such as turning off Wi-Fi routers at night and keeping cell phones away from our bodies.
The importance of listening to our bodies and being aware of the symptoms that may be caused by EMF exposure.
Resources for learning more about EMFs and how to protect ourselves from them.
Dr. Ron emphasizes that EMFs are a growing concern in our modern world, and that we need to be proactive in protecting ourselves from their harmful effects. He encourages his listeners to do their own research and make informed choices about how to reduce their EMF exposure.

Here are some specific takeaways from the podcast:

EMFs are invisible toxins that can damage our cells and DNA.
They can cause a variety of health problems, including headaches, fatigue, anxiety, and depression.
Children are especially vulnerable to the effects of EMFs.
There are a number of things we can do to reduce our EMF exposure, such as turning off Wi-Fi routers at night, using speakerphone on our cell phones, and avoiding sleeping with our phones next to our beds.
If you are concerned about the effects of EMFs on your health, I encourage you to do your own research and make informed choices about how to reduce your exposure.

This video is about a new year podcast by Dr. Ron called Wellness Warriors. It is the first episode of the new year and Dr. Ron wants to welcome the listeners as wellness warriors. He wants this podcast to be a source of inspiration and practical tools to help people navigate the difficult times we are living in. He believes that we all have the power to be our own heroes and to overcome the challenges that we face.

Dr. Ron talks about the importance of being grateful and having a positive attitude. He believes that these things can help us to move forward and to create a better life for ourselves. He also talks about the importance of being informed and of questioning everything that we are told. He believes that it is important to think for ourselves and to make our own decisions about our health and well-being.

Dr. Ron is critical of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry. He believes that they are often more interested in profit than in helping people. He encourages his listeners to be aware of this and to do their own research before making any decisions about their health.

Overall, this video is a call to action for people to take control of their own health and well-being. Dr. Ron believes that we all have the power to be wellness warriors and to create a healthier and happier world for ourselves.

Here are some specific points from the video:

Dr. Ron believes that we are living in a time of great chaos and disruption.
He wants his podcast to be a source of inspiration and practical tools to help people navigate these difficult times.
He believes that we all have the power to be our own heroes and to overcome the challenges that we face.
He emphasizes the importance of gratitude, a positive attitude, and critical thinking.
He is critical of the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry.
He encourages his listeners to do their own research and to make their own decisions about their health.

Here is the summary of the video:

The video is about mitochondria and how they are important for anti-aging. The speaker, Dr. Ron, discusses what mitochondria are and how they function, as well as the different factors that can affect their health. He also provides some tips on how to support mitochondrial health, such as eating a healthy diet, taking certain supplements, and reducing exposure to toxins.

Here are some key points from the video:

Mitochondria are the powerhouses of cells, and they are responsible for turning food into energy.
Mitochondrial dysfunction is linked to a number of diseases, including cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease.
There are a number of things you can do to support mitochondrial health, such as eating a healthy diet, taking certain supplements, and reducing exposure to toxins.
Some of the specific things that Dr. Ron recommends include:

Eating a Mediterranean diet
Exercising regularly
Taking supplements such as D-ribose, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, resveratrol, and systemic enzymes
Reducing exposure to toxins in fragrances, bath products, and disinfectants
Dr. Ron also mentions that methylene blue is a promising new treatment for mitochondrial dysfunction, but more research is needed.


Dr. Ron welcomes the audience to the show and expresses his gratitude for their support.
He mentions that this is a season for family and friends and not to be concerned about the coming year.
He emphasizes the importance of being your own medical warrior and taking care of your health.
Obesity and Weight Loss

Dr. Ron criticizes the diet culture and emphasizes that people shouldn't be dying to lose weight.
He talks about the dangers of the drugs Ozempic and Wegovy, citing a 1,500% increase in calls to poison control centers related to Ozempic.
He also mentions that these drugs are expensive and can have serious side effects.
He advises people to focus on healthy lifestyle changes instead of relying on quick fixes.
Holiday Health Tips

Dr. Ron suggests that the best time to diet is between New Year's and Christmas, not between Christmas and New Year's.
He encourages people to stay hydrated, avoid excessive alcohol, and eat healthy foods during the holidays.
He recommends laughter, exercise, and saunas as ways to improve overall health and well-being.
Environmental Toxins and Health

Dr. Ron briefly mentions the dangers of microplastics, nanoplastics, and chromium-6 in our environment.

Dr. Ron thanks the audience for tuning in and wishes them a happy holiday season.
He encourages them to question everything and be prepared for the changes that are coming to the healthcare industry.
He invites listeners to send him topic suggestions for next year's shows and to call in to his live podcast.

The human experience is a complex tapestry woven from physical, emotional, and spiritual threads. While we often focus on the individual strands, a growing body of research suggests that these threads are intricately intertwined, particularly when it comes to the pursuit of a long and healthy life. This exploration delves into the fascinating interplay between spirituality, longevity, and the gut microbiome, unveiling a potential pathway to a thriving existence.

Brainwashing, conformational bias, and the mainstream media are present daily making it difficult for you to make an informed decision.

Doctors are still the third leading cause of death along with pharmaceuticals. We must be our own CEOs and doctors to be healthy. Life span decreasing, AI is replacing Primary Care. Keep awake because you have to question everything and not be hypnotized by the garbage. 

We continue to discuss how you must be your doctor and CEO. Happy Thanksgiving and may your gratitude carry over during the year. Today just a few remarks on bio hacks. Let's uncover the secrets behind our body's innate power to heal and regenerate, exploring the latest advancements in biohacking that tap into this extraordinary potential.

Did you know that If you’re over 65, there’s a significant risk you will wake up from surgery as a slightly different person?  The United States spends twice as much on health care per person compared to other industrialized nations, yet the returns in terms of life expectancy are dishearteningly meager. Estimates say more than 10,500 chemicals are used in producing plastic.


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

125 videos

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