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Not my video. USA campus, Berkeley, 2013. The 'Jew' displays very typical 'Jewish' fanaticism and ignorance, with slogans embedded in his brain.

Amusing to watch. BUT there must be millions of 'Jews' whose attitudes resemble the screamer. And it seems obvious that the fundamentalist Jesus type cannot understand 'Jews'.
How free am I? I'd be a lot freer if people like you were put in prison! As retaliation for the collective crime of racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, and homophobia! All you fucking god-botherers are war criminals! And liars! And charlatans! Atheism forever! [This is a thespian tryout?] No, this is real! I'm throwing back everything you dirty goyim have thrown back at us! Hitler was a Christian! He killed Jews because his fucking non-existent god told him to! Hitler was a practising Catholic! I even found on the Internet a picture of a Nazi swastika it was made by the Nazis and it had a cross on it, it said God is with us in German! So don't give that stuff about Nazis. You know what atheism is apolitical. Stalin was an atheist but you know who else was an atheist? Ayn Rand So atheism has got nothing to do with politics but only about the facts. And the fact is you look up in the sky and you know what you see? Sky, clouds, and the sun. Try hopping a plane above the clouds and you see more sky, more clouds, more sun. I really don't appreciate your medication payments cos of You people also got effective drugs banned just say no, no crap medicinal marijuana works psychedelics work look up at the research It was suppressed because of that Quaker bastard Nixon and his paranoia [wonderful conversation here] I tried debating with you people but you say Oh God did this and he's this magical man - He doesn't fucking exist! He's even less real than Mickey fucking mouse! And frankly the Disney company is responsible for a lot less death and destruction in this world than organised religion. [Are you capable of a two-way conversation?] Only with rational people. You're going around spreading lies about atheism? Well I'm just trying to correct them with the truth. And I have to raise my voice in order to be heard by choruses. You know where I come from you people ruined the south. I'm from the south - you people is the reason the south is a shit-hole. You people are responsible for slavery [why are you afraid of a reasonable..] Because I'm trying to stop you from killing any more Jews and any more queers, OK It's you people who are responsible for the suppression of homosexuality you people who are responsible for proposition hate you people who are responsible for Douma - you people who are responsible for ?? all the attacks on gay people - at least the ones the Muslims aren't responsible for you are the two - all religions are bad, but you two are the worst you have no redeeming factors whatsoever and the only reason because we allow you to live is because we don't stoop to your level [So much for democracy, eh] Democracy? Democracy is mob rule - Democracy is nothing but mob rule - Democracy is what gave us proposition 8 - Democracy is what took away a man's right to marry another man and a woman's right to marry another woman. So don't give me that crap about democracy. And anyway this country is a representative republic [...] All you goyim are alike. I see that smarmy smile and that calm attitude. Like a smiling cobra. And you got nothing to back me up. You know I'm right. This whole thing is a lie. It wasn't just Darwin who proved it. It was anybody who did their work after that. [You're afraid of debate] I'm afraid of getting queer bashed. Or called a kike or a faggot by some bat-wielding breeder thug. No, but his ideology supports violence. [..] You don't need Christianity to be nice to people. I am perfectly fine. But I am tired of tolerance of intolerance. No tolerance of intolerance! He's intolerant of atheists. I don't tolerate lies and neither should you. This is a place of learning, not superstition. Tolerance means putting up with things you don't like just for the sake of being civil. ... Yeh, and they take our rights. I'm from the south and I'm also Jewish. So I know these people. I grew up around these people. They have no redeeming values whatsoever. If it was not for their homophobia, if it was not for their anti-semitism, if it was not for the fact they use the law to enshrine bigotry into the United States constitution, .... They are the people who bothered me in school. Going by what the Bible says, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I'm sick and tired of Christians being tolerated. ... This is a free speech zone and I'm exercising my right to free speech to tell the truth about Christians... Stonewall was a fucking riot because of those goyische police. Christians are responsible for slavery. .. etc

Sorry about the flicker.

Apologies for the flicker. Maybe I can do a better version.

Amazing speech in the French parliament where the words are spoken aloud: “The Great Replacement”
Posted on November 6, 2019 by Eeyore — 11 Comments ↓
This really is jaw dropping essence of truth. Please do spread this to let others know there is at least one sane person with courage out there. Thank you Ava Lon for the translation and Gates of Vienna for the edit.

Facebook video by Gustavo Gayer
Indigenous reservation mafia. (Typical Jewish paper and finance fraud). Faked indigenous tribes are made up. They get rights to areas with minerals. Companies, mainly Chinese, but also Norwegian, go to the forest and destroy and mine and export with nothing for Brazilians.
This has happened for about 20 years.
President Bolsano searched; and found the fake NGOs get public money. They were asked to show what they have done and what benefits accrued to Brazil. Most of the companies vanished.
Now, the Jewish-controlled media pretend that paid supposed activists are out to save the forests. Similar to Antifa. Inj fact they set fires to the forest. Evil and perverse plan to weaken Bolsanaro.
Leftists pretend others are doing what they do.
Spread this video!

Roy Beck in about 2011. Note that world white population now is something like 1 billion, which is 1000 million. This is about two single clear containers on Beck's desk. Imagine just two white cylinders.
This is a very simple, uncomplicated presentation. But ---
* The figures may be wrong; statistics in this field are difficult to get. For example, the Jewish-biased figures for race crime deliberatley misclassify 'Hispanics'. Beck's brightly coloured balls hide all this.
* Note the age distributions vary enormously; some have higher average ages with reduced fertility. Some have very young averages. Some have gaps where there were wars.
* Beck thinks in terms of dollars; in fact countries without much money penetration may be better off than the World Bank Jewish figures suggest.
* His suggestion of black doctors, architects and rocket scientists mirrors some jew propaganda myths.
* Beck ignores the vast wastage in fake schemes and scams, typical of Jews, and the financing of wars, also typical of Jews..
* Most western commentators ignore 'YELLOW GENOCIDE'. Japan, China, Korea, Vietnam are some examples of Jews profiting from wastage attacking such races. The claimed deaths under Chiese 'Communism' are as large as white deaths, though not proportionally

After some thought, I realise this piece is mostly Jew BS and don't recommend it, except as another specimen of Jew sh*t.

JEWS IN FRANCE 2014 - Jacob Cohen (Moroccan Jew novelist speaking English) 'documenterview' on IDF, Paris, Dieudonne, forced immigration etc

* This is a long piece (4 hours 40 mins) showing France under the impact of Jews. You might download it; a typical bitchute download is here
* This may be too long for easy handling by Bitchute; I don't know, but apologise if it won't yet work
* I've copied it because it proved tricky to find and seems worth watching
* SAYANIM and MOSSAD in cities and organisations
NB these include the fake 'nuclear spy' Vanuna
* Dieudonné - in particular his quenelle [NB lower case only to retain e acute!

NOTE * I doubt it's au fait with the modern view that Jews controlled the whole of WW2, with Hitler as just another networker

Video copied. Assumed to be true.

- - - Fire in ancient times. How necessary was it?
- - - Preservation methods before refrigeration. Including soft tissues and blood.
- - - What hapened to arasites - tapeworms, liver flukes, which are part of their own food chains;
bacteria and similar invisible feeders, such as amoebas; fungi; beetles and other eaters of carrion. is my video on salt

Stephen Mitford Goodson published
1. A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind
2. Inside the South African Reserve Bank. Its Origins and Secrets Exposed. Published by Black House, possibly in South Africa.

Goodson discusses his experiences. One of the few people to write on central banks; he has a long perspective but not a very snappy style. Background in Africa. With Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

Goodson's experience seems to have been a shareholder in a bank, and his shareholding didn't last long. So I regard him as part of the slowly-evolving awareness of the Jewish fraud, rather than a pioneer thinker. I believe also, unless I've been mixed up by inaccurate videos, that he may have been a victim of another Jewish fraud, Christianity.


"What an interesting and wonderful listen that was. Thanks for passing it on. Appreciated!" - SW
Less than an hour: 'Rerevisionist' explains why intelligent people should look at Mathis's huge site, and absorb Mathis's findings, techniques, and methods. And internalise them, rather than remaining a victim of Jewish media. Mathis already has several writers in his style. I've described some of his papers, but there are many more. I recommend my site searcher, because many of his papers refer to multiple people, and they often appear in papers which are not obviously connected by topic.
Andrew Hitchcock had taken no interest in Mathis, and made no attempt to understand his material, which explains my rather monologuish approach. But if people new to Miles Mathis decide to investigate I'll be very pleased.

I uploaded this as evidence for a piece commenting on Miles Mathis' "conspiracy theory" about Irving.
I don't have accurate details of time and place of the video. This video was made on one of Irving's tours of the USA, in the Chicago area. Introduced by Mark Weber of IHR, the Institute for Historical Review.
About 58 minutes long; including Q & A at the end. Irving defends his Libel prosecution - except for the Judge. He discusses 'Holocaust survivors' - people who nothing much happened to. And 'deniers'—'a sort of Goebbelsian word'. "Since about 1963 jewish organisations around the world had decided to smash me, and we know this from documents revealed in the [Lipstadt Libel] trial."
He pointed out that survivors in Auschwitz were about 70,000 --- but only a handful of Jewish liars talked. What would the other tens of thousands have said?
He added that the [British] government seized his card index of Hitler's activities I think from 1933 to 1945—he gave a vivid description—of which "half were destroyed" though he seemed to think he might get them back. He said (at about 53 minutes) that Hitler's name originally was Hiedler—'no mystery about that.' He expressed no doubts about most of the official stories of Dresden's firebombing and Hiroshima's 'nuking'. (He had sufficient clout with Youtube to get my video of his talk on the surrender of Japan, including Hiroshima, to reappear. But then my entire Youtube site was removed, or perhaps hidden).
He says somewhere that typical Americans only want to watch Deserate Housewives; he has no high opinion of typical members of the so-called 'democracies'.

Was the bombing of Hiroshima justified? World's leading expert on the Second World War, David Irving, answers. It was known the Japanese were desperate to surrender. The West wanted to keep Russia from the Kurile Islands. Talk in England 18 Sept 2009.

Some kind of propaganda device? See this US newsreel extract

YOUTUBE BANNED THIS VIDEO. REPOSTED HERE.. Although Irving doesn't accept the idea, it's a serious question whether Hiroshima and Nagasaki were in fact 'nuked'

[1] HIMMLER by David Irving in Manchester, UK. 101 min |
[2] JEW SHOCK: Discover Jews: Your Life May Depend On It. 52 min |
[3] LORDS OF THE NUKES. Nuclear fakes history 3hr 26m |
[4] HIROSHIMA: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? with John Friend 1 hr 38min |
[5] WORLD WAR 2 -- 25 Questions, Answered by David Irving. 42 min |
[6] DEEP REVISIONISM 2016 (Faked news. Hoaxes & frauds) 1 hr 45 min |
[7] JEWS, GENES, NUKES, LIES, WHITES - Genes 1 hr 36 min |
[8] REAL SHAKESPEARE: Edward de Vere 49 mins |
[9] "NO NUCLEAR BOMBS ???" OPINIONS 2014 UK 7 min |
[10] DO NUCLEAR BOMBS (& NUCLEAR POWER) EXIST? with Deanna Spingola 1hr 32 min |

Original youtube title You Need to Watch This Before History is ERASED - Leo Frank Trial. Not my video; I haven't checked details but put it up in case it's erased by - of course - Youtube
. . . Jack the Ripper was a source of terror in east London c 1890. It must have been obvious that a Jew invader was likely to be responsible, but nothing came of investigations, largely because of Jewish 'networking'.
. . . Leo Frank in Atlanta, Georgia, USA Killed Mary Phagan; the result was the formation of the Jewish ADL ('Anti-Defamation League'). Similar events have recurred throughout Jeiwsh history, and the point was to ensure that Jews would not be prosecuted for mrder.

Short video with portraits of Jews from Europe, USA, and Russia.
In my view, information has accrued to the truth movement even in the few years since this video was uploaded in 2013.
Of course, the video was deleted by Youtube.
Information on Marx, Jews c. 1905, Jewish 'revolutionaries', Holodomor, WW2, US 'communists': is all somewhat wrong.
I recommend Miles W Mathis for original perceptions.

Note: Bertrand Russell, the 'useful idiot', was part of a campaign to free Rakosi (see Russell's Autobiography). search engine for Mathis' website

NB this video file is converted to .mp4 format

The Bolshevik Revolution - Darkness Descends. The largest slaughter of innocent humanity in all history.

Unaltered copy from Youtube (which is likely to censor this video).

Details given: from Asha Logos channel.RM Q Removed by 'Youtube'. Reuploaded on 30 Oct 2018. by RM Q
The untold story of the Bolsheviks, the Romanovs, the Kulaks, and Holodomor, and the greatest massacre of innocent lives in human history.
Some of the Kulaks pictured are my relatives, making this story a personal one that I felt compelled to tell, for more reasons than one.

NOT MY VIDEO. IT DOESN'T CONTAIN THE MOST MODERN REVISIONIST VIEWS. The personal reminiscences seem authentic. Whether it was the largest slaughter, I'm uncertain.


Fascinating short video by 'Lori', Typical monomaniac obsessive so-called 'Jew'. I'm told this was deleted shortly after uploading; here it is again.
What does it mean? Loony superstitious fanatic? Scary prophets and end of days? Does she belive in an 'end of days'? Does she really believe in a 'very great Rabbi'? Ignoramus who can't read Jewish news? Possibly hyper-influential Jews want to pack people to Israel in case it collapses? Perhaps the influential are tired of 'bourgeois' simple Jews attracting attention? Perhaps 'Jewish' aggressions against Americans are being made clearer? Maybe influential Jews are sick of their retarded inferior simple Jews? Perhaps there's a connection with Jewish false flags, as in New Zealand? Perhaps China (or New Zealand? Australia? Bidobidjhan? Argentia?) has been selected as a bolt-hole for the 'elect'?
Thanks to ethnostate. From More versions of this video on 'your portal to God'. Of the coaltion of Christians vs 'Jews'.

Interesting videotape well ahead of its time; an important stage in re-examination of the WW2. Made before Youtube even existed.
**NB I had technical hassles. Please make allowances for unsharp focus, and imperfect sound.**
Note: Jim Condit has two other online recordings: one with Spingola and Carolyn Yeager (ruined by shrill interruptions by the women) and another with Christopher Jon Bjerknes (who tuns out to be rather ignorant). However, Condit's evidence is much the same - I don't recall a single new source.
Lagely concerned with Zionism and 'Nazis', rather than the issues of world war and covert Jews. And also with Jews in Russia as starting-point of attack against Europe: Ukraine, Poland, Hungary.
Includes Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini (not France or England). Stalin as a 'Bonapartist'; the predicted attitude of the Jew media of the west, correctly saying they would rage against Germany, but not against Stalin, invading Poland.
Puts the story back to Bismarck; but also a mention of the Jewish 'Nasi'. Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Bernard Baruch and the rest referred to as "super-criminals".
Im my opinion, WW2 was organised by Jews, networking in secret in many capital cities. They had sufficiemt power to control the USA (think 'Federal Reserve', WW1, Versailles, Crash); Russia (USSR was Jewish; Technology from USA and Europe went there, 'paid' in paper. British Empire controlled by Jews. French and Germans infested by Jews.
Jew aims:
1. Kill as many non-Jews as possible, by paying for weapons, controlling propaganda, provoking people, controlling 'intelligence'. Reuslting in wrecking Europe from France across to Russia.
2. Taking over assets; often legal documents, including factories, farms, shipping, transport, and of course currencies. Including the (((British))) Empire.
3. Giving priority to Jews; for example Auschwitz was a camp for Jews, and others, and was never bombed. Remarkably few Jews were harmed.

This is a wider view than Condit's, and itself is incomplete, but his work must be important. When I get round to it, I'll list Condit's sources here, and in my site:

Jim Condit Jr has at least two websites. His is
Target Freedom USA includes radio by Jim Condit.

There appears to be a fake site out there.
NB this is NOT my copyright. I only became aware of the tape a few days ago. If required, I'll remove it.

Auschwitz tour - actual photos as opposed to Jewish lies about 'Auswitch' and 'death camps', 'gas chambers' etc.
Voiceover, concept, and video editing by Anon.
January 2019. Not my own video.

Interesting videotape well ahead of its time; an important stage in re-examination of the WW2. Made before Youtube even existed.
Note: Jim Condit has two other online recordings: one with Spingola and Carolyn Yeager (ruined by shrill interruptions by the women) and another with Christopher Jon Bjerknes (who tuns out to be rather ignorant). However, Condit's evidence is much the same - I don't recall a single new source.
Lagely concerned with Zionism and 'Nazis', rather than the issues of world war and covert Jews. And also with Jews in Russia as starting-point of attack against Europe: Ukraine, Poland, Hungary.
Includes Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini (not France or England). Stalin as a 'Bonapartist'; the predicted attitude of the Jew media of the west, correctly saying they would rage against Germany, but not against Stalin, invading Poland.
Puts the story back to Bismarck; but also a mention of the Jewish 'Nasi'. Rothschild, Warburg, Schiff, Bernard Baruch and the rest referred to as "super-criminals".
Im my opinion, WW2 was organised by Jews, networking in secret in many capital cities. They had sufficiemt power to control the USA (think 'Federal Reserve', WW1, Versailles, Crash); Russia (USSR was Jewish; Technology from USA and Europe went there, 'paid' in paper. British Empire controlled by Jews. French and Germans infested by Jews.
Jew aims:
1. Kill as many non-Jews as possible, by paying for weapons, controlling propaganda, provoking people, controlling 'intelligence'. Reuslting in wrecking Europe from France across to Russia.
2. Taking over assets; often legal documents, including factories, farms, shipping, transport, and of course currencies. Including the (((British))) Empire.
3. Giving priority to Jews; for example Auschwitz was a camp for Jews, and others, and was never bombed. Remarkably few Jews were harmed.

This is a wider view than Condit's, and itself is incomplete, but his work must be important. When I get round to it, I'll list Condit's sources here, and in my site:

Jim Condit Jr has at least two websites. His is
Target Freedom USA includes radio by Jim Condit.

There appears to be a fake site.
NB this is NOT my copyright. I only became aware of the tape a few days ago. If required, I'll remove it.

FED-UP PREACHER. 10 mins on USA, FEDeral Reserve, Jews, Depression, WW2.

"This amazing sermon given in Sept 2003 by Pastor Rod Parsley at Breakthrough Church in Columbus Ohio details the story of how Paul Warburg, John D. Rockefeller, and J.P. Morgan met with Senator Aldridge at a conference in Jekyll Island to create the Federal Reserve Banking System in America circa 1913" - thanks to 'logictaught' (from bitchute). is its videolink.

Rod Parsley has his own tax-exempt church, in Utah.

Learn about Jews - your life may depend on it.
Sounds dramatic. But it's true.
Discovering what Jews do is comparable to discovering a new continent.
It's the latest scientific exploration of humanity.


Video as originally put on Youtube - 15 mins

Learn about Jews - your life may depend on it.
Sounds dramatic. But it's true.
Discovering what Jews do is comparable to discovering a new continent.
It's the latest scientific exploration of humanity.


Video as originally put on Youtube. 15 mins

Irving discusses the Spanish Civil War, Franco, Spain.
Not in huge detail; Jews not mentioned.

How the war in Spain fitted the plan leading to WW2 is not clear.

However, if you haven't heard that Jews supported the anti-Catholic side,
and presumably fed them money for arms, watch the video.

Another video (made at the same time) discusses the fake figures for Guernica,
nothing remotely like bomb damage in Germany and east Europe.

Canaris (intelligence chief). Was he a traitor?
Guernica - Irving checked on the deaths; very few
Martin Gilbert, a 'Jew', given sole access to Churchill archives (!)
Jewish bankers financed Hitler in 1920s
Germany's plan for short war against Poland
Hitler: No pan to invade Britain according to coded messages. Churchill must have been a liar.
NB Youtube restricted this video.2018 ish
Original recording 2009 This part 10 minutes

Learn about Jews - your life may depend on it.
Sounds dramatic. But it's true.
Discovering what Jews do is comparable to discovering a new continent.
It's the latest scientific exploration of humanity.


Video as originally put on Youtube - 15 mins

Part of a speech by David Irving (in Canada, 1986).
He describes part of the psyop against Libya, which he noticed in London as the media presumably arranged a fake murder to try to enrage the locals. He adds the Berlin disco explosion.
Just a reminder that psyops aren't new.


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

94 videos

Category Education

COMMENTS I can be emailed. from
Nov France
Aug Brazil fires | Gumballs |
NEW June 16 recording, upload 18th, on MILES MATHIS (not his science or art)
NEW June 2019 Includes David Irving on Hitler at IHR, after Lipstadt trial
NEW May 2019 - Mary Phagan, Leo Frank, ADL, Jack the Ripper
NEW May 2019 - Darkness Falls - The Bolshevik Revolution
NEW May 2019 - Jews and Bolsheviks and Communists. .MP4 format
NEW May 2019 - 'British' Prime Ministers lying
NEW March 2019 - 'Jew' in USA thinking about exit strategy
NEW March 2019 - 16min 56 NEW ZEALAND FALSE FLAG [if it shows]
NEW May 2018 - examination putting Jews centrally in WW2, as an unacknowledged belligerent.
8 1-hour videos, from one 8-hr videotape of news on 1991's Iraq war. .
My site was removed from I'm reposting some here, on bitchute. Jews targets are [1] Videos on Second World War and other Jew wars and Jew secret networks; [2] Videos on the nuke myth - probably because of the fantasies about North Korea; [3] Videos exposing the Holohoax, presumably because of continued Jew promotion of 'holocaustianity'; [4] Videos exposing race replacement; [5] Videos on race violence, such as Colin Flaherty's. [6] Another rather submerged issue is US war crimes and violence and assassinations, but many white activists don't want to know in any case.

The longest video here is LORDS OF THE NUKES, and I really encourage people who still believe in nuclear weapons to watch it -- Bikini Atoll? Cuba? Neutron bomb? Doomsday Bomb? Rainbow Bomb? Jews in USSR? Cold War? West and East Berlin? 'Nuclear Spies'? Lyndon Johnson? NASA? Japanese fishing boats? James Bond films? Supposed unexpected 'collapse' of so-called Communism? Nuclear Power Stations supposed accidents?...
. my website my youtube (since 2008) part of my site related to investigation of nuclear frauds should be my bitchute site

*** My TOP TEN VIDEOS by VIEW TIME before YOUTUBE censorship ***
[1] HIMMLER by David Irving in Manchester, UK. 101 min |
[2] JEW SHOCK: Discover Jews: Your Life May Depend On It. 52 min |
[3] LORDS OF THE NUKES. Nuclear fakes history 3hr 26m |
[4] HIROSHIMA: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? with John Friend 1 hr 38min |
[5] WORLD WAR 2 -- 25 Questions, Answered by David Irving. 42 min |
[6] DEEP REVISIONISM 2016 (Faked news. Hoaxes & frauds) 1 hr 45 min |
[7] JEWS, GENES, NUKES, LIES, WHITES - Genes 1 hr 36 min |
[8] REAL SHAKESPEARE: Edward de Vere 49 mins |
[9] "NO NUCLEAR BOMBS ???" OPINIONS 2014 UK 7 min |
[9a] "HOLOCAUST" a fraud?" -Street opinions in UK
[10] DO NUCLEAR BOMBS, POWER) EXIST? with Deanna Spingola 1hr 32 min |

01 MAY 2020 16:00 79313 views 543 subs 100 vids
01 MAR 2020 18:55 73083 497 subs 100
04 FEB 2020 23:30 69352 475 subs 100
02 DEC 2019 01:30 59958 397 subs 99 vids
02 NOV 2019 02:50 55074 375 subs 98 vids
02 OCT 2019 00:10 50889 339 subs 98 vids
02 SEP 2019 11:40 45738 303 subs 98 vids
01 AUG 2019 19:55 40982 252 subs 95 vids
01 JUL 2019 20:40 36823 214 subs 92 videos [13 JULY: MANY 3 HASHTAGS INSERTED]
01 JUN 2019 19:05 32831 126 subs 89 videos
01 MAY 2019 13:30 30297 103 subs 84
01 APR 2019 04:00 28065 94 84
01 MAR 2019 17:00 24947 78 82 vids [back to education]
02 FEB 2019 14:35 22967 74 74
02 JAN 2019 01:30 20495 66 71
11 DEC 2018 17:15 19216 62 71
21 NOV 2018 18:20 18191 58 71
21 OCT 2018 14:00 16540 55 71
02 SEPT 2018 15:50 13708 52 69
01 AUG 2018 23:10 11712 views 48 subs 69 videos FROM education TO news and politics 5 Aug 2018
01 JUNE 2018 22:20 7984 views 42 subscribers 67 videos
04 MAY 2018 12:34 6766 views 39 65
04 APRIL 2018 17:05 5440 views 34 subscribers 65 videos