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Mr. K Ultra


This was the video that red-pilled on the jews; before I saw this, I thought jews did nothing wrong except encourage the Romans to kill Jesus. The truth is the pharisees of the Bible are not only alive and well, but thriving in the modern world and getting exactly what the always dreamed of: A world where every modern country has to kiss their asses and pay for their existence. Here's some quotes:

"I believe that the jews have one mission in life: They must see to the the nations of the world get together in a vast federation and become subservient to the jews." Theodore Kaufman, 1941.

"The sole purpose of gentiles (non-jews) is to serve jews...they will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like [nobility] and eat. That is why the gentiles were created." Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, 2010. https://crownheights.info/jewish-news/29404/rabbi-ovadia-yosef-gentiles-exist-only-to-serve-jews/

Reupload from YouTube. I think the original got yoinked by the people with the noses. Thankfully I had the good sense to save; nothing this awesome is allowed on YouTube. I've seen some people do this with the song "Keep Your Rifle by Your Side" from the video game Far Cry 5. This was the best version. Fuckin up antifa peggies.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

2 videos

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