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With the new Babylon 5 reboot coming out, this video is not in honor of that! I just like the good ole' G1 Babylon 5 so I made Londo on Soul Calibur 6. The Centurion headpiece was just too good to resist.

Can you finish the sentence? Can Buster finish the sentence?!?

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” -Barack Obama
This might not be an actual Obama quote, but don't call me a hater. I'm just empathizing with Joe Biden's tendency fuck things up.

From the good 'ole days of YouTube.

In this wholesome episode of a beloved cartoon that no one remembers, Hank McCoy must fight his "beast" before someone gets "hurt".

This is a re-upload of an old YouTube video. I had nothing to do with the creation of this video, and I don't know the name of the original author. I am archiving this for your benefit. Glad I could help.

look at how starscream responds at the end.

Not as epic as I remember, but I'm sure I'm not the only person who has sung this off and on for years.

Ever hear the "show don't tell" rule for fiction story telling but didn't know what it meant? Why pay college professors $10,000 and still not know what it means when He-Man sums it up so well?

we all understand this, right?

If you want more Ren and Stimpy clips let me know. I have the first two seasons of DVD so I could clip stuff.

Let the darkness grow

Rodimus witnesses the horrific death of his friend Springer. It's a gross scene, but the emotions are all solid. They really just don't make TV shows like this anymore.


Created 4 years ago.

10 videos

Category Entertainment

Hi, it's Roger Heer. I upload cartoon clips right now mainly. Let me know if there's a cartoon you like and I'll make videos it.