The Pirate Party Of America

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The Pirate Party Of America

The Pirate Party Of America



a place I once called home

Conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.

Conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.

Conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.

Conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.

Conversations between mythologist Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers.

As a street person from around this time, it brought up a lot of memories for me. All though I've never met any of the people form this film I thought a few of you would like to see what it was like for a "street kid" in the early 80's in Seatle, Washington. Thank-you to Donald H. Westphall for saving my life May he rest in peace.

What is Kekistan? Let's explore what Kekistan is, what it is not and how it's portrayed incorrectly by places like the SPLC and the media. I know this is 'explaining a meme', but I've rarely seen a meme adopted and used so quickly by so many people. And if the media won't get it right, we have to do it for them.
This video is free to duplicate and mirror anywhere you like, monetized or not. My only requirement is you title it 'What is Kekistan'.

The most important speech I've heard in the last sixteen years.
This ranks up there with some of Ronald Reagan's or John F Kennedy's best speeches. One a Democrat and one a Republican, both were great presidents. Please take the time to watch and do pass it on, and let's make this speech go viral.For the sake of all children in America and around the world.
I will you with a quote by Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind"
RouteDog a Pirate ARRR!

A friend of mine sent this to me from Facebook and it explains the many forms of government that have happened throughout history. I couldn't have explained it better then this video does.

Just a late night rant to the internet with a serious question thrown out there. Styxhexenhammer666 thought about this the 27th. Wish I had gotten the time stamp.

Will I found a "Truth Seeker" and her name and channel is Transme Girl. Let all give her a follow here and maybe on youtube.

a serial from 1947

Add your ideas in the comments below.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

31 videos

Category News & Politics

It’s time for a new American party, lose the Democrat and Republican labels. Join the Pirate Party of America. We will steal good ideas from anyone!
I'm trying to build a political party with social media and in cyberspace in general with both written and spoken words.