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Stop Watching TV™ Yesterday | Take No Orders | BeLiEve Nobody

Far-fetched Jesuit Order

Vertigo Politix portrays how psy0p™ potentially pans out ~
beyond current contrived NWO cults Great Reset calamities

Lisa Lotti flow♫show♪ ♥

Dr. David Martin eloquently exposes criminal conspirator cults purposely Locksteppin™ @ megalomanic Warpspeed™ 2 subjugate & eradicate pharmaeugenicidally all WHO™/UN™dermine $ini$te® $e©tZ AgendaZ™

CheapTrick Dream♪Police ♫ ♪ ♫
cool♫laf ♪
enjoy♫crummycopy meh♪ ♥ toin♪itUp♦

"When someone criticizes israel, we say they are #anti-Semitic. It's a trick, we always use it." When someone from Europe criticizes #Israel, we bring up the holocaust. "And that justifies everything we do to the Palestinians." Shulamit Aloni ~ former Israeli™ gove®nment mini$ter.

odd one's who happen 2 harbour horrendous megalomanic MAD ideation ~
intently evidently

The Boatrawker or find@YourFaveInterWebBrowser4Now
ie; [WhirldWideWebb] .youtube.com/@theboatrawker/videos
quality p$y0p preventative parody 4 peep's not beyond PONR.
* doubtfully endorsed by LegalLiabilityLite pFiZerGenocide$erum labs or it's putrid filthy lucre punditz & profiteerz

The Boatrawker or find@YourFaveInterWebBrowser4Now
ie; [WhirldWideWebb] youtube.com @ theboatrawker/videos
quality p$y0p preventative parody 4 peep's not beyond PONR.
* doubtfully endorsed by LegalLiabilityLite pFiZerGenocide$erum labs or it's putrid filthy lucre punditz & profiteerz

The Boatrawker or find@YourFaveInterWebBrowser4Now
ie; [WhirldWideWebb] .youtube.com/@theboatrawker/videos
quality p$y0p preventative parody 4 peep's not beyond ponr.

Reconcilable facts in reality by EricDubay
Great concise veracious vid ♪

ODD highlights critical info of everybody's utmost importance

Produced by neoHUMANeve


Adapted from the writings of Eric Dubay;





'Flat Earth' as a term DOES NOT represent a map or a model. It's not an "Archaic Conception", but instead represents free thinking and an ongoing investigation and understanding of where we are, who we are, what we are, when, how, and why.

This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You are free to share and redistribute the video in its original form and with proper attribution to neoHUMANeve (including copying and pasting all the text in this description and including a direct link to the original video). Please keep the video title exactly the same as the original and add "by neoHUMANeve" in brackets at the end of the title to make it clear that the video is by my channel. However, any commercial use or modification of the video is not allowed without the prior written permission of the creator. For permission requests, please contact me at [email protected]. Failure to provide proper attribution may result in a violation of the license terms.

VertigoPolitix© Child Slavery and Myth of White Privilege

VertigoPolitix© on Fundamental Criteria for Social Marxism

Mouthy Buddah noir 2 nitwits*

*Nitwit (derogatory) a slow-witted, stupid, or foolish person; scatterbrained or imbecilic person; person with limited mental capacity who can perform tasks and think only like a young child, duly deserved disparagement usually describing a compulsive dolt dutifully acquiescing absolutist dictatorial demons perpetrating Pharmakeia P$y.0p plotting their permanent subjugation & humiliating demise

Synonyms: doofus · dimwit · dozy half-wit · simpleton · ninny · nincompoop · pinhead · imbecile · dunce · dope · fuckwit * Slang Aust. also; Terry Fuckwitt, a character in the British adult comic Viz

Happy New Year 2020, From_ Justinian Deception channel Joutoob®

123,538 views Dec 2, 2022
Yesterday Malcolm Roberts moved an amendment to the IR Bill that would have prevented people being discriminated against on the basis of their Covid-19 vaccine status.

I spoke to the amendment and as you can tell I was pretty fired up because I knew we didn’t have the numbers.

This amendment would have allowed unvaxxed people in the private sector to go back to work.

What was despicable however was that while I was speaking I was being heckled by Green Senators Larissa Waters and Sarah Hanson Young.
To mock people who have been injured by the vaccine is the lowest of the low and tells you everything you need to know about the greens party.
In fact after I spoke Hanson Young moved a motion to shut down the debate on the amendment which got up.

The next time a change to the IR act is introduced by Labor I will move the amendment again.

Special thanks to Malcolm and those who voted for the bill.

Help your neighbor WAKE UP from Plandemic Psy0ps !!! - FLUVID-19
t r a i l e r "FLUVID-19" is the simplest way to clarify that COVID-19 is a coordinated Hoax , featuring Eddie Bravo Jim Breuer Sam Tripoli Jay Dyer Jimmy Dore Joel "King Bau" Bauman & more

“Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect ” ― Chief Seattle

speaking logical truths

Neurosurgeon Dr. Blaylock on vaxxine , fluoride and eugenics

Dr Russel Blaylock on Eugenics Fluoride & Vaccines RoM.


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

75 videos

Category None

"The illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre." - Frank Zappa