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#Targeted #paranormal #mkultra

Just events from my life

Damn weather balloons LOL

Distractions have been weaponized and I basically tell just a few of many stories I could tell. And an update about the health care plan industry.

Directed energy weapon I try to block with metal pan burns me after falling asleep and a trip to the ER GOES X FILES CRAZY .

I ponder why cases like this get so much play in the media and cases like Richard Lighthouse, myself , and other TI’s seem to get isolated and much less attention when our cases could effect so many more people

Came outside to this

Walked outside immediately to this . Are you over the target ? If no, you may want to do MORE!

Because IMO I sent an email and an audio to the governor and potential future president about the issue almost no one wants to touch but if we don’t man up and face it….or get divine intervention
The world as we know it in America could be OVER!
It’s bigger than America actually .
I know of no higher stakes …
And I happen to be a semi expert in a few subjects that many of us could face…..
Hence , the covert target on my back , and the ongoing digital concentration camp style attacks right here in Tallahassee …

The kind of subjects that get people killed if ya talk about it but could alter the human race as we know it if we don’t ….

And I wonder why I don’t get invited to all the cool Xmas parties and Florida functions ….

Hard to talk about petty stuff when you have lived this life .

I asked GOD and Jesus how to I best serve ….

Here ; seconds after feeling a right shoulder blast , I wrote solari , and I’d like to see more networks share my governor audio on anchor and confessions of a TI on Substack …

I’m less abused during that recording than this one .

I’ve sensed a desperate faction colluding in wrongness and this force I speak of….. might try some real crazy stuff as the masses begin to finally realize at least part of the wrongness going on….

Call it intuition
A hunch
Or the ramblings of a crazy person….

Just pray and push back

And seek truth like all that you are depends on it ….

That’s my advice ….
And don’t take my word for any of this …. Do your own research and I’ll help guide ya in any way I can .


3good places to start

Your hone may not be the safest place these days ….I speak from experience about this .

Special (secret) guest.
Your Friends won’t think you are cool if you don’t listen to this

Sounds like a repeat of 2017 2018 in my life and whatever is doing that ....it isn’t healthy . And I think it wants to harm and or be inside of you...nano in size, but pulses upon touch ...just thought someone should know be in a TI and all.

I don’t really film like this anymore.....
But you think your friends / homies are different....LOL...
MINE where not from around Here...

I had to call them in from ......elsewhere LOL

SERIOUSLY.....you may open yourself up to something that thinks you are a hotel or a steak.....the thumbnail is an example of one of these......we had some fun though ....and a traumatic experience....which I will keep to myself..... stopping filming was not easy for me. It was like abandoning your friends... but things changed in my life and I had to stop doing what I loved .... and it all was not as it seemed either.

The ? Start doing tricks and stuff for the camera ..... 2 360s and a pose for the camera before one of them bounces ...

I ask you ...what paranormal show can you watch and get that ?
And I live in poverty and no one has ever approached me for a documentary about my life
Netflix , amazon prime , you need paranormal content , yet mine has been suppressed...
Too hot for tv ....AND I’m a targeted individual.
With enough stories to fill a full season...
But I’ll only do it if we use it to change this world for the better, and I would not do it for peanuts.
Cause it would be dangerous for me

During my self mastery / exploration into other vibrational densities days, my goal was to see the unseen and interact with it to learn , love , and heal. ( not alway safe)

The story , or some of it, of why I insist on going by the last name DeCarmine. She gave me something you can not put a price on in 5th grade....just after ( minutes after) she “DIED”
Yes after ... now u know why I’m so weird. LOL.

The good version has seemed to magically disappeared from this device....
So I’ll just post a rather unique day shot thumbnail to make up for it ....sorry .

Opening a portal in your bedroom is dangerous
Or could be

Kids, don’t do it....

2015, RyAn got bored and wanted to see what could he manifest / call in....so one night, I pulled this one out of my ass... I wanted to challenge myself

Thumbnail pic taken at eceti ranch, not in video.

I manage to catch one of the entities attacking me in what was a swarm attack to my feet that was quite serious and left me spitting out these things in Kentucky ( that may have been another attack I’m getting confused with ). Just wanna be honest . Life of a T I , mk ultra like survivor is a strange one and hard to remember which attack had me spitting up creatures or tech bases nano ( lab made IMO)

I call in something that IMO, use to actually go inside of me....playful , was like my friend , but would not stop attaching to me. I have heard of 2 others and Ron( also a mk ultra survivor has had the same issue in his life. We are both targeted individuals and I am connected to some project and my life shows itself as spiritual battle going back many years. Ron has a new book and interviews that can be found if you subscribe to elanafreeland.com newsletter. She is a ghost writer for multiple mk ultra books and also wrote what I call the Bible of the transhumanist geoengineering agenda we now face....please support there word....those who public write such works risk there lives to do so.

The focus of this message is about my pulling teeth like experiences with simple health care data and solutions .

I am vague to try and not be too controversial……

Truth is , life being made harder than it has to be is a thing in my life .

Trying to be about as low key and vague as I can cause the truth is much more ….. complex

Hands numb Phone hurts to hold and when I look at screen at times it feels like something is spitting beaming right into my face

Connecticut cease on spraying that could gain traction and help the cause

It’s short , as a T I with miltiple gangstalking and dangerous events in my life , I feel the need to document this

I tell a couple of stories about what I have faced and comment on the on going targeting / attacks / covert nonsense in my personal life and a reminder to ? My cause of death whenever it happens …
Just cause ya can’t see someone getting electromagnetically poisoned and attacked does not mean that it has not been happening for years ….
I pray that you will take this phenomena seriously and make the necessary adjustments for the sake of yourself and future generations of this world …

I phone in a therapy session cause the funniest thing happens before a lot of my dr appointments …. My health gets messed with. …can u relate TI’s

This one has some language that may offend some folks .

Forgive me

You can take the grandson of a gangster out of the streets but taking the street out of the grand son of a gangster … a little tougher to do I would suggest .

Gonna need to pray for some forgiveness if I make many more like this one ….

I feel it is real enough that maybe it can
Shine some light on some real dark , unaddressed things going on on this planet …

And I’m getting zapped as I type this so there must be some truth in here somewhere LOL.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

42 videos

Category Vlogging