Carrying Lawn Chairs

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Carrying Lawn Chairs

Mark Robertson


A while back I heard a talk by a history teacher who spoke about the creative way he teaches history. He has his students act out the history so they can better relate to what was actually going through the minds of those making the history. The teacher reports that the students become much more interested in learning history when they can better relate to it. The teacher also has the students write a booklet for students much younger them, I believe it was the fourth grade, so they could understand it. And he would let the younger students grade the booklets. Such a great way to teach history by getting the students actively involved. It can be hoped that this way of teaching will be a new way of teaching.

In general, parents are obsessed with the future for their kids and not aware of or care about the present. It's so important that parents live in the present as much as possible with their children. Children so need the affirmation of their parents and that involves spending time with them. That time should be just about enjoying the present with them and not judging them related to their future. It seems like so many parents who put their children into organized sports or other activities at a young age are only concerned about their child's future, and are even more concerned about uplifting their welf worth. I put forth a quote that sums it up from Stacia Tauscher: " We worry about what a child will be tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today."

Recently went to my great nephew's hockey game. Quite an experience. A dozen or more parents of the players on my nephew's team sat and stood around me. During the entire game, most of the parents were nonstop yelling at their son's and the others on the team. They were nothing short of hysterical. They would tell them how to play the game from the stands. Some of the fathers stood for the whole game, even stomping on the bleachers at times. They were showing once again that organized youth sports is largely about the parents. It seems all about raising their self worth.
My nephew's team won the game. After the game, the parents and others lined up waiting for their sons to come out of the locker room. When they came out they were treated as heroes, the parents were so happy at their sons winning. I talked to my nephew about other things. These kids were learning that if they performed well, their parents would love them. Not a good message to young people. This is why I am against organized youth sports for young people.
But some good news. My niece told me that on a day off from school for my nephew, he played in ther back yard all day by himself inventing many games to play. Again, children have an innate desire for authentic play, as my nephew showed. Organized sports gets in the way of that natural desire. So manhy parents think free authentic play is a waste of time. Not onlhy is it not a waste of time, it is so greatly needed by children.

Authentic play is so important for children. So many parents though look at it as a waste of time and have their children in all sorts activities, including organized youth sports. Children are born knowing how to play and have a strong desire to do so. That is what children do. That is how they learn about themselves, thus making them more well adjusted adults. Overwhelming children with organized activities actually brings harm to their development. Children don't have fun playing organized sports, but parents push it because they want to get a sense of normalcy because everyone else is doing it. They think kids in uniforms on a playing field is the normal thing to do because older kids and adults do it. Not the case, yes, children need boundaries, but they need to play. In my opinion, children shouldn't play organized sports until at least age ten, maybe 12 or 13. Organized youth sports for children is mostly about the parents. Many parents in the stands screaming at young people trying to play a game is dysfunctional. Let children play.

So often parents praise their children for accomplishments, thus making them base their self worth mainly on their accomplishments. No problem with parents being proud of their children's accomplishments, but they should be praised for who they are and their gifts and initiative that led to success. Children should be loved for who they are. That doesn't mean that young people shouldn't make an effort to learn, but parents should focus more on the process than the outcome. Over praise for achievements can be harmful. Proper praise for children is necessary, but parents should do it for the children and not themselves. So often parents get much of their self worth from their children's accomplishments. That is not good for the parents or children.

Was watching a great-nephew a couple of years back when he was starting to walk. We were at my brother's place. He cuts his grass high. My little nephew, with his short legs, would take a step in the thick grass and then fall down. He would immediately get back up as if nothing happened. He would take another step and then fall down again and then get back up. He wasn't phased a bit. He didn't know the idea of failure. Such a great lesson. Many get so down if they, ini their perception, fail at something. So-called failure is just a step in the learning process, as my young nephew show greatly showed.
Just recently, I visited my niece, who is mother of my nephew. Nephew is now three years old. He is a ball of fire and loves to play. No one taught him how to play, as every child ever born, a desire to play is inborn in every child. Some parents though think play is a waste of time, and that they should be focused on improving themselves for the future, no matter how young they are. This is crazy, authentic play is so important for children for the present and their future lives.

So many parents these days put their young children in organized youth sports and other activities. These activities get in the way of authentic play that children so desperately need. Parents are so obsessed to do things they think will get their kids ahead. Authentic play is what is needed to assure that they are well adjusted adults. This is the opposite of what many parents think. They think they have to get their children into all sorts of structured activities and that authentic play is a waste of time. Their thinking is upside down. Children learn self knowledge and competition when they are allowed to play authentically.

Many adults say that teens are just going to have sex and nothing can be done about it. However, nearly all of these same adults say that teens have to be stopped from smoking, drinking, doing drugs and driving recklessly. What these adults really despise is being told what to do because God and the Bible say so. They hate the idea of following what conservatives defend as well. It's not about the welfare of their children, it's about what the adults are actually bothered by.
Sex is so often treated as a recreational sport. The hookup culture is alive and well in colleges. This behavior is very harmful to these young people, but it is pushed as normal by evil forces seeking control.
A survey says that 26 percent of teens claim they are LGBTQ. This is TOTAL brainwashing by EVIL forces trying to sexualize young people in order to control them. They want them to be controlled by their sexual passions and thus they would be much easier to control as adults. This is a Marxist effort to try to wreck the family as well. Along with religion, the family is the foundation of society. Marxists want to wreck society so they can take over.
Teen sex harms teens, not only physically with STDs, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Most who are involved in teen sex come to regret it, and have higher rates of depression. Teen sex can have long term harmful effects on marriage as well. And so many cohabitate these days before marriage. So they can get out of it with not much of a seeming problem and go to their next cohabitation arrangement. It is commitment that makes a marriage. Cohabitation is the antithesis of that and is harmful to couple when and if they actually get married.
It is a ruse to get teens to get them to think they are LGBTQ or straight. It implies that the idea that sex is for marriage between a man and a women is so old fashioned and not even an option. This is further manipulation by the Marxists pushing their perverted sexual agenda. It's never about the good of the young people, it's about power and control.

Organized sports for young people seems like the normal all-American thing to be involved in, however, it is my belief that young people don't haved fun playing organized sports. It it all about the parents, though they talk themselves into thinking that it is good for their children and that they reeally like playing in organized sports. The young children are largely focused on getting the love of their parents so they play the sports thinking they will get that love if they play the sports. This confuses them though because they know they aren't having fun, but this is where their parents want them to be.
What children really want is authentic play. That is where they really have fun and joy and learn abvout themselves and develop into happy adjusted young people and then adults. Yes, they can play pick up sports games. They will also have fun at that because they want to be doing it, and this is where they learn to be competitive. They don't fear making mistakes, which is how they learn.
With so many parents, parenting is about the future and not enjoying the present with their children. The parents think they have to get their children involved in organized sports so they will have a chance to compete in the future. Such nonsense, but even if were true, it still shouldn't happen. They grow up so fast. Yes, parents are obligated to teach their children right from wrong, how to do the duties of life and so much else, but parents should also enjoy their children in the present and not be obsessed with the future. A dad can play catch with a son or daughter and not be worried about them catching properly, just enjoying the moment.
Organized sports for children disrupts play, and can even cause harm because of the confusion it brings. So, again, I am against organized sports for children under ten, maybe even twelve. Let them play authentically, they so need it and will actually be having fun.

A recent survey showed that over 20 percent of youth in government schools identify as LGBTQ. And a survey from Montgomery County Maryland shows that there is a 582 percent in "gender nonconformity" students. Such brainwashing of
our youth in attempt to break down the family and eliminate God. These leftist radicals want to destroy societal norms that have served us well from the beginning.
Sexual perversion destroys the youth and the left doesn't care. The left doesn't care what they destroy in their effort to gain and keep power. The left has largely destroyed the major cities with the welfare state. The don't care about out of control crime and other devastation brought about by their policies, all they care about is getting the votes of the people for their welfare pittance.
It's the same with the brainwashing of the youth into LGBT. The left doesn't care who they harm, all they care about is votes. The know that LGBT overwhelmingly votes Democrat, thus they want to expand LGBT. It's that simple.

Read a recent article at FEE, The Foundation for Economic Education, entitled Learning Styles Don't Actually Exist, Studies Show, by Patrick Carroll. As the title suggests, the studies say that there are not different learning styles. Regardless of what the studies say, I know that I learn differently. I have had reading difficulties since I started reading. Reading is difficult for me and it's not because of laziness, a lack of applying myself, focus or any of the other charges that have been leveled against me by well meaning people. I took some training from a teacher at the Davis Dyslexia Association. It taught how to make words concrete by using clay. The training was helpful. Though reading is still a challenge for me, it is more doable. I still don't read for enjoyment, but can get through reading material in a better way.
There is no doubt that millions are in the same boat, thus so many learn differently. Yes, many may learn in the traditional way, but even they have differences. This is not an excuse to not undertake the rigors needed for learning, but we are not the same. The idea that everyone goes to a classroom for six to eight hours a day, takes notes and then studies the material may sound great, but many just can't do that. Those who can't learn in such a way are often ridiculed and told they are lazy and don't apply themselves. They often then develop inferior thinking about themselves. I can relate to that. There are different ways to learn because there have to be, so many can't learn in a traditional way.
I don't know what the specific learning styles are, I just know I learn differently. thus no doubt countless others do as well.

I heard a sad story from a fellow employee when I asked him where he was from. He told me he grew up in a certain town, but that he spent his summers at his grandparents because his parents were traveling around the country with his sister who was playing in various basketball tournaments starting when she was in second grade. My fellow employee told me he didn't like traveling to the tournaments so his parents sent him to stay with his grandparents during the summers when they were traveling. So his parents were telling him from a young age that taking his sister to basketball tournaments was more important than being with him during the summers. So sad. Parents are constantly sending messages to their kids that other things are more important that they are to them. Just putting their young kids into organized youth sports sends that message as well. Parents are essentially telling their kids that they have to play sports they don't want to play to continue to receive parental love. Obviously, the parents don't say it directly, but that is the message that the impressionable young child gets. It makes them think that they shouldn't trust their feelings and thus it gets them onto a track that they do it in other areas.
Have seen many reports lately about how young people are having mental problems at alarming level. It goes back to bad parenting and societal brainwashing. Yes, parents may have good intentions, but the path to hell is paved with good intentions. Parents have to focus on what is really good for their kids and not their desires.

The left is attacking young people in so many ways in government schools. One of the latest attacks involves a perverted chat box called ROO. It's a high tech interactive for young people that attempts to brainwash them about sexuality for the most part. This evil is sponsored by Planned Parenthood to try to brainwash young people with their sexual deformity perversion. Planned Parenthood is hoping to cash in on the transgender lie as they have on the abortion lie. Such evil is aimed at our kids in government schools. Government schools have been in freefall since prayer was unconstitutionally taken out of schools.
Now the evil left is using technology and now even artificial intelligence to pervert our kids in government schools. Such evil that is destroying much of a generation.
Theresa Barbale has a website and app that is fighting this evil at

Was listening to a couple of mothers talking recently about their kids being involved in organized sports. They were talking how kids have to get started in organized sports at a young age if they hope to have a chance to make it later on. Besides being wrong, starting kids in organized sports at a young age gets in the way of natural authentic play, so needed to be a happy well adjusted human being as they grow up.
Even if it were true that starting kids at a young age in organized sports helps them in sports down the road, it still is not good to do so. There is such an obsession these days to get kids started early in sports so they can be successful down the road. There seems to be no focus on the present and having fun in the present moment. It's all about the future and the parents and not about the kids having fun in the present. Kids, especially young kids, don't enjoy organized youth sports. They are on these venues supposedly playing a game. The parents are in the stands screaming and shouting orders to their kids. The young people are not having fun, but go along because they think this is where their parents want them to be. Organized youth sports before age ten or twelve is not fun for the young people involved. It seems so normal and Americana though. Kids in uniforms on a baseball field playing baseball. It's treating young people like little adults though, which is NEVER good.
Let kids play pick up games. That's where they have fun, and parents aren't in the stands harassing them. Organized youth sports is a disaster.

It seems that most or all of the recent mass murders in the country have been carried out by the same kid. He is from a broken home with not much if any love. He is often verbally and physically abused in the home, bullied and otherwise abused in school and elsewhere and thinks he has nowhere to turn. Thus he goes into isolation and plays violent video games and exposes his eyes and mind to all sorts of perversion and other evil. School is next to impossible for him and thus he is often drugged with psychotropic drugs. He spirals downward to a point he is out of touch with reality and then acts out in an evil way in a demented way to get love. None of this is an excuse, but these are actual reasons for mass murders.
Every child comes out of the womb a precious child. How does one go from an innocent precious child to one who goes into schools and murders children and teachers? It's ALL about the environment they grow up in.
Why are there so many shootings and murders in the inner cities? Government welfare policies have paid women more to have babies if the father didn't stick around. Thus, countless children grew up in broken homes with no fathers and uncaring and incapable mothers. These young people, especially boys, turn to gangs to get their familial needs met. Such gangs are terrorizing the major cities. They have essentially no consciences because they grew up in such depraved circumstances. Again, every one of those who murder in the inner cities were born a precious innocent child.
And yes, even Hitler was born a precious innocent child. He grew up in a home terrorized and beaten regularly by his father. He stuffed all the pain and emotion down into his system and got revenge years later by killing millions. Alice Miller has a number of excellent books on how childhood trauma affects people for the rest of their lives, including her famous book, The Drama of the Gifted Child where she talks about Hitler's upbringing.
Again, every mass murderer was born in innocent precious child, it is the abuse and neglect they experienced growing up that took them from that innocent child to a person who walks into a schools and murder children and teachers.
How does a person go from an innocent precious child to sticking a needle shooting powerful illegal drugs into their system? Same answer, it is what hey experienced in life that brought them to that point. Different experiences, different outcomes.

The parental mindset in this country and around the world is dysfunctional in many ways. Many parents have been brainwashed by the perverted forces running rampant in the world. How did so many parents get so clueless? How could parents support and even urge their children to get drugged and mutilated to supposedly change their gender. It is impossible to change one's gender, but how did we get to the point where that would even be considered. It is part of the all-out attack on the family by Marxist forces trying to destroy the family and religion. These forces have been successful in getting the overall parental mindset to a point that would have been unthinkable even a decade or two back.
And then there are lesser degrees of the unstable parental mindset, such as is seen in organized youth sports, education and other areas. Why do parents put very young kids into organized youth sports? What is going through their minds? It is like they are on automatic pilot. Why are parents so obsessed about their kids getting ahead and thinking they have to control so many aspects in their lives? Let kids play and be themselves, that is how they best get along in the world. Yes, they need boundaries, but let them be who they are within those boundaries.
The mindset of parents seems to always be in the future. Try to live in the present with your kids instead of being so obsessed about the future. We need to get back to traditional vales that have been largely pushed out of society by Marxist forces trying to destroy the family.

After the two recent mass murders in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas, the Democrats took to their usual tactic of using a tragedy to call more gun control. They are not bothered at all by using dead children to advance their political cause of shutting down the Second Amendment.
The Republicans rightly say that schools must be fortified and mental health issues must be dealt with. Yes, both must be done, but the real question is how did our society produce young men who want to mass murder? It goes to the breakdown of the family that largely started in the 60s with the sexual revolution and welfare state. Both devastated the family. The divorce rate and out-of-wedlock births went through the roof, both are devastating to the children. A couple of generations later the situation is much worse, These days the left claims that young boys can change their gender by being drugged and mutilated and then use female restrooms and compete in women's sports. This is TOTAL madness and evil, but those who point that out are the ones called extremists.
All of the sexual madness and perversion has created millions of disturbed young people. A minute number of the disturbed young people will act out by mass murdering. It all starts with the family.

The insane left of course jumps all over the latest mass shooting to go after the Second Amendment. Never let a crisis go to waste. They have no shame, they will use the killing of children to hope to advance their evil agenda.
Our society ahs gone off the rails. God and the Bible have been replaced with all sorts of perversion evil in general. Such a climate has fostered much evil that has in rare instances wrought mass murder.

Many parents are obsessed with keeping their children busy with a near nonstop schedule of activities, including being on sports teams all year long and even sports camps and private coaching. Then in schools these parents want them in all sorts of activities on top of all of the courses they take in class that the parents want them to also be successful at. These young people rarely have downtime when they can just decompress. That is not healthy. Even worse, some parents think downtime is not good. The think their kids should be in near constant action.
When young people are pushed to be good at so much they lose touch with who they are. This causes much confusion in adulthood. Instead, young people should focus on what they are naturally inclined to do and pursue that.

About ten percent of us think in different ways. We can't sit still in school and take notes for six or more hours a day. We are called ADHD or dyslexic or other terms the "experts" come up with to tell us we aren't like them. This type of thinking is so needed in our world though because they can see into the future and many of the pitfalls of society that "normal" minds can't see. These types need to be encouraged, but unfortunately they are often told they are strange and are encouraged to be more normal and quit being so crazy. These natural out of the box thinkers should be encouraged to be who they are though. Their thinking and mindset are so valuable in taking the world into the future.

A recent study shows that nearly half of teens report persistent sadness. The "experts" are largely clueless as to why. Yes, the obsession with social media is a factor, but a lack of a foundation of right and wrong is as well. An anything goes world creates much confusion for teens. That confusion leads to anxiety and depression. Young people so hunger to be taught right and wrong, but they get none of that in the LGBTQXYZ world of government schools, and often don't get it at home. God and the Bible and being in a strong family and true love are not part of their lives. They are often on social media to try to fill the void, but it often makes things worse, and there are many predators trying to entice them there as well.
And often parents put overwhelming emphasis on getting involved in all sorts of activities to supposedly fill their lives and get them a better chance to get ahead in the world.
All of these factors create great angst among teens. Again, young people really want to be taught right and wrong based on Biblical principles and traditional values in this often valueless society. They want to grow up in a family where they receive authentic love. The lack of these things and the onslaught of all sorts of perversion pushed at them on social and other media, government schools and other leftist infested institutions have fostered the major increase in teen anxiety and depression.

A recent study from Vanderbilt University shows what many have long know, that pre-school is not only not needed, it is harmful. The study followed nearly 3,000 children starting in preschool and then checked back in third grade and then sixth grade. They found that those who attended the Tennessee funded preschool were worse in academic performance, had more discipline problems, higher special education placement, negative feelings about school and broke more rules than those children who didn't attend.
Not surprising at all. As I have pointed out with organized youth sports, preschool not only does not help children, it gets in the way of natural childhood development. Young children develop through natural play. Preschool and organized youth sports get in the way of that.
And children develop best with a father and mother, and ideally the mother stays home with the children before they go to school. Yes, many families need two incomes, but daycare is not good for children either. Failed leftist policies have made it necessary for mothers to often work outside the home. We need to get back to one paycheck households. It's best for the children as well.
Government schools are harmful for kids because they indoctrinate them to leftist perversion and other evil. They start this in preschool. So preschool is bad on two fronts, the evil that is taught and it getting in the way of normal childhood development. Get rid of preschool on the way to getting rid of government schools.

Children so need and desire authentic free play. It's how they learn who they are and thus are better able to get along in the world. Well intended parents and others put so much in the way of authentic play, such as organized sports and many other activities. They often think such activities are normal and what the kids wants. The kids though want free play. It is such an important part of their healthy development and gives them a good foundation for their adulthood.
Having said that though, kids need boundaries as well. Yes kids need free play, but they also need to be safe, they need to know right and wrong and they shouldn't be around unsavory people, including kids they might play with . Parents must be ever vigilant, it's a challenging balancing act though. Parents can't hover over their children all the time, other than very young children, but they have to do all they can do to keep their kids physically safe and safe from negative influences, from other kids and from evil online and from other media.
Kids so need authentic play, but they need boundaries as well.

Why do parents involve their children in organized youth sports and other activities at a young age. In my opinion, it has not much to do with the children, it's largely about the parents building their self worth. This is the main theme in the first part of my book, Carrying Lawn Chairs, Youth Sports and Other Parental Mindsets. Young kids don't have fun in organized youth sports, but they do it because they think it is where their parents want them to be, thus they start to think there is something wrong with them. Young children just want to play, as all children throughout history have. Organized youth sports gets in the way of authentic play. Authentic play is how children learn about themselves and the direction they want to go in life. Authentic play better prepares young people for the world when they grow up because those with strong self knowledge are better able to get along in a competitive world.


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

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