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This is a message for the First Day on Unleavened Bread. How are sin, leaven, and this festival tied together? Are Christians really supposed to eat unleavened bread for each of the seven Days of Unleavened Bread? Why? What is leaven? How is it like sin? What did the old Worldwide Church of God teach? Do both leaven and sin puff up? Are God's rules arbitrary or are they for our own good? What is sin? What about the Ten Commandments? Do we need to overcome Satan, society, and self? Why 7 days? Are we to do more than not sin, like doing good? Do Christians sin? If so, can they be forgiven? Do we need God's help to overcome sin? Do people sow what they reap? Can avoidance of sin make our eternity better? Dr. Thiel addresses those points and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Leaven, Sin, and Why to Not Sin' URL:

The Apostle Paul wrote to the Church of God in Philippi. In this first-part of a two-part sermon, Dr. Thiel covers each and every verse of the first two chapters of Paul's Epistle to the Philippians. He also includes a lot of commentary by the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God about these chapters. Topics covered include love, grace, church governance, the fact that God will not give up on you if you do not give up, falling away, grumblers, Timothy, Protestant errors of salvation, the gospel of the kingdom of God, who owns tithes, building character, why people die when they do, the Philadelphian work, biblical admonitions for obedience, trusting God, suffering, and speaking the same thing. Certain trials that the WCG and the Continuing Church of God have faced were also mentioned.

A written article of related interest is also available titled: Comments on Philippians' URL:

On the 'Sermon on the Mount,' Jesus taught His followers to love their enemies. Can you do that? Why should you? How can you do that? Should you pray for your enemies and do good to them? Can you forgive someone who is not sorry? How can you show mercy to those who hate you? Is God really fair? Why did God allow Adolf Hitler? Will all reap what we sow according to the Apostle Paul? Can your physical and spiritual health be affected by the root of bitterness? Can a little leaven of bitterness hurt you a lot? Are Christians really supposed to control their thoughts? What are some health problems associated with being unwilling to forgive others? Could any of your enemies actually be above you in the Kingdom of God? Could your enemies actually be blinded by Satan and his demons? Did God call you because you were better than others? Have we all be enemies to God? Did Herbert W. Armstrong teach it was difficult to forgive those who intentionally want to cause us harm? What are some passages in the Bible about love, mercy, judgment, faith, and forgiveness? Are Christians actually supposed to strive to be perfect? Could your enemies, after the age to come, actually help make your eternity better? Dr. Thiel addresses those matters and more in this sermon.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Mercy: Love Your Enemies' URL:

The late second century overseer, Melito of Sardis, is considered to be a saint by the Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and the Continuing Church of God. What were his views on the Godhead, millennium, the proper date for Passover (which Roman Catholics call Easter), and the proper books of the Old Testament? What did the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, write about him? What did Melito teach about the Passover of the children of Israel and the fulfillment through Jesus? What about the need for animal sacrifices and a temple? Was Melito considered to be a prophet by Tertullian? Could Melito have known Polycarp of Smyrna? Could it be said that Melito was shadow banned by Emperor Constantine's 4th century historian Eusebius? Is Melito in the laying on of hands succession list of the Continuing Church of God? Did Melito teach about the gospel of the kingdom of God and salvation through Jesus the Christ? This sermon addresses those matters, as well as covers aspects of the Passover from the Book of Exodus as well as many things Melito said in his 'Homily on the Passover'?

Two written articles of related interest may be 'Melito of Sardis' URL: and 'Melito's Homily on the Passover' URL:

Prior to Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, the Bible teaches that Christians should examine whether or not they are in the faith and change. Do Christians need to overcome? What did the late Herbert W. Armstrong state about being saved and the blood of Christ? Do Christians still need to repent? What is sin? How does physical leaven help demonstrate traits of sin? What are physical leavening agents that Christians should remove? What are some physical items that are not actually leaven? Are Christians supposed to strive for perfection? What did Jesus say about end time Christians who think they are spiritually rich? What did the Apostles Peter and Paul say about Christian growth? Should Christians really remove physical leaven from their homes? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Examine Yourself before Passover' URL:

Many consider that Easter is the most important holiday that Christians observe. Did early Christians observe it? Could Easter have been observed 4000 years ago? Do Greco-Roman Catholic and Protestant scholars teach that what is called Easter is supposed to be Passover. Do Easter eggs and rabbits come from the Bible? Does the Bible condemn hot cross buns and something that has connections to eating ham? Could Easter-Sunday and Passover be observed the same day and for the same reasons? Is there any connection of the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar and Easter? What about writings from the 8th century monk known as 'the venerable Bede' connecting Easter and the pagan sunrise and Spring goddess Eostre? Might the second century Bishop of Rome, Pius I, have made a decree on Passover becoming observed on a Sunday as opposed to the biblical date of the 14th of Nisan? Should we rely on a claim that Easter-Sunday came from an angel speaking to Hermas? Could fear of edicts from Emperors Hadrian, Constantine, and Theodosius been factors in pushing 'Easter-Sunday'? Did the Apostles John and Philip, along with their faithful followers in Asia Minor such as Polycarp of Smyrna and Polycrates of Ephesus stick to the 14th of Nisan/Abib observations? Did the ancient Celts observe the 14th as well until pressure from Rome was imposed? Was compromise with paganism what led to what we often see observed as Easter? Did the Apostle Paul warn about combining pagan demonic practices with Passover? Could Easter-Sunday be considered as a doctrine of Antichrist, based upon the Apostle John's writings and practices? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel explains why Easter is not truly a Christian holiday.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Did Early Christians Celebrate Easter?' URL:

God has a purpose for everything He does. This sermon is based on a shorter message given by the late deacon Richard Close. Richard pointed out certain patterns of numbers and also tied some of them in with the physical creation. What about clean and unclean meats? What are the four stages of development of a monarch butterfly? Are humans called worms in scripture? What about the appearance of a chrysalis seemingly doing nothing? Is there any relationship that can be drawn from the metamorphosis of a pupa/chrysalis and a begotten child of God being changed? Like the stages of a butterfly's life, are we to be renewed and changed? What will we be like after we are changed in the resurrection? Will Christians bear the image of Jesus? Are there lessons on Christian growth we can glean from Monarch butterflies? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues in this message he updated, from the late Richard Close, with additional scriptures, comments, and edits.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'The Monarch Butterfly and Christian Growth' URL:

Is disaster coming? Do Christians have to have any concerns about what will happen? Does Jesus promise to physically save some or all Christians? If only some, which? As far as a disastrous time coming, did Jesus say it would be the worst time ever? Does the Bible point to something resembling nuclear destruction? What about the opening of the fifth seal of the Apocalypse. Will the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom be subject to the start of the Great Tribulation? Is fleeing to a mountainous part of the USA the answer? Does the Old Testament also warn about that? Does the Bible tell of parents and children eating each other? Why is there no pre-tribulation rapture? Is there any connection between the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God and the end? Why are the Philadelphian Christians promised protection in the Book of Revelation? What about Zephaniah's prophecies about a decree and gathering together? What about those of Thyatira, Sardis, and Laodicea? Are Christians to pray and watch to be counted worthy to escape? Are Christians going to face deadly persecution? Where could the place in the wilderness to flee be? What about Petra or somewhere else in Jordan? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Philadelphian Christian Great Tribulation Protection' URL:

Are there things you as a Christian parent can do to increase the probability of your children being successful? This sermon goes over ten points. It delves into such topics as teaching God's law, having fun, discipline, social media, gender reassignment interventions, hypocrisy, truth, hope, marriage, the millennial kingdom of God, artificial intelligence, the world's claimed experts, and work. Do children of 'conservative' parents tend to have better mental health than children of 'liberal' parents? Do scientific studies point to adolescents being happier if they spend less than 3 hours per day on social media? Do teens face new dangers because of being online? What are differences that can help your children and grandchildren be more successful? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Five, Now Ten, Points for Effective Parenting ' URL:

In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over questions and answers that the old Worldwide Church of God received. He provides additional scriptures and comments related to the answers that the old WCG provided. Topics covered include books of other religions, Nimrod's connections to pagan holidays, Paul the Benjaminite Jew, 1 Peter 4;5-6, Polish origins, Jesus & national Jewish holiday likes Purim, the fate of aborted or miscarried babies, that all will be offered salvation by God, the seven thunders & the 'little book' called 'Malachi's Message,' Revelation 5:6, appropriateness of wedding rings, Romans 7:4, Romans 10:4, I Samuel 6:19, and Scythians.

Is heaven the reward of the saved? What does the Bible teach saints will inherit? What was Abram (Abraham) promised? What did Jesus teach the meek would inherit in the 'Sermon on the Mount'? What did early Christians teach and believe about this? What did the Greco-Roman Catholic saint Justin teach about those who said that when you die you go to heaven? Do 'near death experiences' prove heaven? Were people like Clement of Alexandria affected by Greek and Egyptian pagan philosophy? Should Christians rely on the testimony of Irenaues or Perpetua over scripture? Did Mithraism teach heaven? What did Herbert W. Armstrong, Dr. N.T. Wright, and Dr. Herman Hoeh point out that the Bible teaches on the rewards of the saved? What about the Apostles Peter and Paul? Did the Apostle John record that the Holy City was to come down to the earth from heaven? If there are three heavens, which one is which? Is the 'beatific vision' Gpod's plan? What is the plain truth about heaven? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Did Early Christians Teach They Were Going to Heaven?' URL:

Wouldn't it be great if we did not need keys? What about if the value of money did not drop (inflation) because governments use dross coinage and/or print up (physically or electronically) money? What does the eighth commandment state and cover? Are crimes of auto theft, shoplifting, and other forms of theft up in nations such as the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom? Why do people steal? Does what is called "shrinkage" increase costs? What about cheating? What about false weights, false advertising, and mob stealing? Are their societal costs to academic and marital cheating? What about phishing and internet scams? Do false religious teachers steal God's words according to the prophet Jeremiah? Why could not keeping the Sabbath or Holy Days be considered stealing? Can a thief repent? Are people, including former thieves, supposed to produce and give? Is failing to give tithes and offerings stealing according to the Bible? God is love and stealing fosters hate. Was stealing prohibited before the Ten Commandments were written on Mt. Sinai? Does the New Testament show that stealing is wrong after Jesus was resurrected?

A written article is available titled 'EIGHTH COMMANDMENT: Give not take' URL:

Does the Bible have information that can help people who want to have a happier marriage and avoid divorce? Do any modern studies support the advantages of virginity before marriage? Should dating couples follow the standards of Hollywood and the world or scripture? What are some activities that could be done on a date? Who should pay for a date? How should one dress for a date? What does the Bible teach about fornication and sexual morality? What about love? What about lust or "falling in love"? Should you wait to get married until God brings the right person into your life? What about the way of give vs. the way of get? Are there any mysteries in the husband and wife relationship? What did Jesus say about marriage? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more in this sermon.

A free online booklet of related interest is available titled 'Dating: A Key to Success in Marriage, a practical dating guide for Christians' URL:

Should the most faithful Christian church be supported through tithes and offerings? Is that biblical? What did the old WCG 'Tithing' booklet teach? Are funds used to fulfill Jesus' commissions in Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19-20? Do funds received by the church fund what the Bible says should be done? What did Jesus say to those sheep who gave to support the poor? If there will always be poor, does it make scriptural sense to support the poor in places like Africa? What about the fulness of the Gentiles coming in and the Ezekiel warning? Does it make sense to spend funds on radio, the internet, and other types of multimedia? What about the production and publishing of literature? Does it make sense to have 'Gospel of the Kingdom of God' booklets translated into over 1000 languages/dialects? How did the Continuing Church of God spend its ordinary USA donations in 2023? Should people tithe on agricultural produce only or all of their increase? Are tithes your money or God's? Are there multiple tithes? Should you tithe on your gross or net income? Does tithing take faith in God? To whom should you tithe? How can you determine that the CCOG is the most faithful Philadelphian remnant that you should send tithes and offerings to? Are tithes and offerings income tax deductible in various nations? Do you wish to be a sheep or goat according to Jesus' words in Matthew 25? Dr. Thiel addresses those issues and more in this sermon.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Tithing Questions and Some Answers' URL:

Who was the most dangerous early heretic? Simon Magus, Marcion, Valentinus, Justin Martyr, or Irenaeus of Lyon? Why should modern Christians care? Though considered a major saint by the Church of Rome, the Eastern Orthodox, and most Protestants, Irenaeus was hot and cold on doctrine. Could Irenaeus have been the most dangerous of early heretics? Was Irenaeus a binitarian or trinitarian? Was he a millennialist? Did Irenaeus quote apocryphal books as scripture? Did he rely on them and traditions of men to push non-biblical doctrines? Did he claim to know Polycarp of Smyrna and endorse him, but not hold to his and the Apostle John's practices regarding the biblical Passover? What about the 'Lord's Day'? Did Pope Benedict XVI refer to Irenaeus as the "true founder of Catholic theology'? Do Protestants consider him the most important second century source of "orthodoxy'? Was Irenaeus wrong about the founding and succession from the Apostles Peter and Paul related to Rome according to Roman Catholic scholars? What about heaven? Who really had (and still has) true apostolic succession? Should the Book of Revelation be allegorized? Did Irenaeus confuse the Beast and the Antichrist? What about 666? What are some of the reasons Christians would want to know about Irenaeus and his teachings today? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.

A detailed and referenced article of related interest is available titled '
Irenaeus: The Most Dangerous Heretic?' URL:

In Mark 13:37, Jesus tells His followers to watch world events that will precede His coming. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over 24 items to watch in 2024 and points out events that were related to several of them in 2023:

1. Scoffing in the Last Days
2. Immorality Prophecies Being Fulfilled
3. Media, Internet, and Other Censorship
4. Weather Sorrows and Troubles
5. Earthquakes and Volcanoes
6. The White Horse of the Apocalypse
7. Strife and the Red Horse of War
8. Trade Issues
9. The Deal of Daniel 9:27
10. Knowledge Increasing
11. Debt
12. US Dollar Dominance will Decrease
13. CBDC and 666
14. Gold
15. Unrest, Terror, and the Dividing of the USA
16. Europe Will Work to Reorganize
17. Europe Will Have a Great Army and Many Ships
18. Steps Towards the Formation of the King of the South
19. The Time of the Gentiles will Lead to Armageddon
20. Jews Readying to Sacrifice
21. Inventions of evil things
22. Totalitarian Steps
23. Preparation for the Short Work
24. Fulfillment of Matthew 24:14 and 28:19-20

Dr. Thiel goes over prophetic scriptures (in 2 Timothy, Habakkuk, Amos, Daniel, Matthew, Mark, Romans, Revelation, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians, Psalms), including those that must be fulfilled before the start of the Great Tribulation as well as others that also need to be fulfilled before Jesus returns. When are some prophetic events expected and not expected to be fulfilled? Could we see events in 2024 in the Middle East involving Israel that would lead to the Great Tribulation starting in 3 1/2 years and Jesus returning in 2031? Dr. Thiel goes over many biblical items and ties them in with world events that happened and are in the process of happening.

A written article of related interest is available titled '24 items to prophetically watch in 2024' URL:

The only way to have true and real success is to rely on God. This is the third message in a three-part sermon on success. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel cites scriptures, the "Rely on God" sermon from the late Worldwide Church of God Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong, the "seventh laws of success', and goes over the purpose of life which is a mystery to most. He also explains that people turned against God's prophets and leaders, despite the importance God places on proper hierarchical church governance. Dr. Thiel discusses the importance of faith and prayer, and that we need Jesus to supply through His Holy Spirit what we need to truly succeed.

The only way to have true and real success is to rely on God. This is the third message in a three-part sermon on success. In this sermon, Dr. Thiel cites scriptures, the "Rely on God" sermon from the late Worldwide Church of God Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong, the "seventh laws of success', and goes over the purpose of life which is a mystery to most. He also explains that people turned against God's prophets and leaders, despite the importance God places on proper hierarchical church governance. Dr. Thiel discusses the importance of faith and prayer, and that we need Jesus to supply through His Holy Spirit what we need to truly succeed.

An article of related interest is available titled 'The Seven Laws of Success by Herbert W. Armstrong and Bob Thiel: What Does the Bible Teach? ' URL:

This sermon goes over four articles, two from Protestants and two from Roman Catholics, who give their reasons and arguments for why they feel that real Christians should observe the 25th of December as Christmas. The writers generally admit that Jesus was not born then, that the trappings of Christmas are pagan, the timing is pagan (it coincided with the pagan Saturnalia and the birthday of the sun god Mithras), and that Santa Claus is a lie. Dr. Thiel explains errors in their arguments, brings up scriptures, and points out that the Bible enjoins God's Holy Days, that Christmas was not one of them, and that early Christians did not observe it. Dr. Thiel explains what the word 'Christmas' means, when it was first used, where it comes from, and why true believers would not wish to celebrate it. He also points out that its observance distorts God's plan and that most who observe Christmas do not understand God's plan of salvation.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Protestant and Roman Catholic Arguments for Christmas' URL:

Can you have guaranteed success? Yes, according to Jesus and the Apostle Paul. In this second-part of a three part series, Dr. Thiel goes over three more of the "seven laws of success" that were espoused by the late Pastor General of the old Worldwide Church of God, Herbert W. Armstrong. These "laws" involve drive, resourcefulness, and perseverance. What about love? Are Christians guaranteed success if they endure and do not give up? What are some of the scriptures that support these success "laws"? Can you change your life in five seconds with the help of Jesus? What happened after Nehemiah prayed a short prayer? Can those who have dreams from God or who are prophets of God have to endure tests and trials? What about Christians?

A written article of related interest is available titled ''Seven Laws of Success by Herbert W. Armstrong and Bob Thiel: What Does the Bible Teach? URL:

Should your life be completely controlled by circumstances? Can you make decisions that will make you a success? Are there laws of success? Could there be seven laws of success like the late Herbert W. Armstrong taught? If so, what are they? Do they have scriptural support? Are you too young, too old, too rich, or too poor to be a success? What about the Kingdom of God? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel focuses on three: the right goal, preparation/education, and good health, as well as lists the rest of the seven.

A written article of related interest is available titled ''Seven Laws of Success by Herbert W. Armstrong and Bob Thiel: What Does the Bible Teach? URL:

The end of 'Babylon' is prophesied in the Bible, yet some Greco-Roman Catholic writers look forward to it. Where did Babylon come from? Any connection to Nimrod or the Tower of Babel? How have Sardis and Philadelphian remnants of the Church of God identified Babylon? Any connection to the Church of Rome and seven hills? Do scriptures support the final Antichrist being an antipope/anti-pope? Is that person expected to do prodigies/miracles, signs, and lying wonders? Will Europe enforce the "mark of the beast" and 666 controls? What about the EU, WEF, UN, WCC, and the Vatican? Will a coming European Beast power be in charge of the end time "daughter of Babylon'? What events are related to the three angels' messages? Which areas may supply the kings of the Medes? Will a Russian-led force destroy much of Europe? Will Christians be on "the sea of glass" when the seven last plagues are poured forth? Will most people repent then? Will Europeans and others have an opportunity for salvation? What about Armageddon? Will the armies of this world fight against the returning Jesus? Will Jesus win and implement the millennial kingdom of God? Dr. Thiel addresses these and other matters in this third part of a three-part sermon series on Europe.

A free online book of related interest may be 'Lost Tribes and Prophecies: What will happen to Australia, the British Isles, Canada, Europe, New Zealand and the United States of America? ' URL:

To learn about God's coming kingdom, check out the free online booklet 'The Gospel of the Kingdom of God' URL:

To learn more about God's plan, check out the free online booklet 'The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You?' URL:

Is Europe mentioned in biblical prophecy? What is the 'Great Sea'? Any connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Beast that arises from the sea in Revelation 13 or the King of the North of Daniel 11? Might a Habsburg or Emperor Constantine descendant reign over some version of a reorganized (Revelation 17:12-13) 'Holy Roman Empire'? Will troubles, like those associated with the rides of the 'Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse' be a factor in the rise of the coming European Beast power? Could the final Antichrist be an anti-pope who will only initially pretend to be Roman Catholic? Will there be signs and lying wonders? Will nations of the world prosper with this coming European daughter of Babylon in the end times? Will Europe persecute the Philadelphian Christians before the "saints are given into his hand" for forty-two months, 3 1/2 years? What about proclamation of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the world as a witness? Will the USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom be conquered? What about the coming 'King of the South,' who has traits similar to the Imam Mahdi that many Muslims are looking for? Does the Bible tell of a lying deal between the Europeans and what looks to be an Islamic power? Is a European 'prince' expected to confirm some type of temporary peace deal in the Middle East? Will Europe have a "great army" and "many ships'? What about CBDCs and 666 controls? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more in this second part of a three-part sermon series related to Europe.

Where did Europe get its name? Did the Europeans travel through Asia before arriving in Europe? What about Zeus, Astarte, Eostre, Semiramis, and the Queen of Heaven? What does the Bible teach about the 'Queen of Heaven'? What about Mystery Babylon the Great? Which is the city of seven hills according to Roman Catholic scholars? What about 666? Did John Paul II and Metropolitan consider the Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox as the two lungs? Did then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger tie the two in with the 'Holy Roman Empire' and the image of Daniel 2 and the Beast of Revelation? Does the European Union use any of the images or symbolism of a woman riding a beast? Where did Sunday laws come from? Did the old Roman Empire, post-Emperor Constantine's empire, and so-called Holy Roman Empire spill the blood of the saints throughout history? What about the Habsburg dynasty and the Freemasons or the Eduardo's 'The Habsburg Way' in European history? Will a European power become the 'King of the North' according to the Bible and the Greco-Roman saint Jerome? Dr. Thiel addresses these matters and more.

A written article of related interest is available titled 'Europa, the Beast, and the Book of Revelation' URL:

This is the second-part of a two-part sermon series about baptism. Who should be baptized? When should someone be baptized? How long should you wait to be baptized? What does baptism picture? What about infant baptism? What about the blessing of children by Jesus--was that an example of infant baptism? Did Martin Luther follow the example of Jesus or the Roman Catholic Church? What about Jesus' name baptism? What about Matthew 28:18-20 related to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? What did the apostles teach and do related to baptism? What is the "baptism by fire"? Who ends up with the "second death'? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this message.

A free online book of related interest is available titled 'About Baptism' URL:


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

846 videos

Category Education