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David Cartwright demonstrates his skills at purplification on the Steve Kusaba song Moving in Sand from the CD Altruistic Phonones.

From the Spirit Melody 2, Be a Sensation. David Cartwright does the video honors to this Steve Kusaba song.

From The Pointer, Friend for a Second Rescue, Dave Cartwright video, Steve Kusaba music.

David Cartwright makes the visuals to the last piece from the CD Wisdom of Euphoria, called Melodies of Death

The Pointer Comes to a Close

The regime cracks down on everyone because of Lee’s crisis.

The lyrics to this song tell the story of how the government worked to save face and avoid any blame or liability.

Lee sings about the wonders of the powerful ring he possesses as he moves into position for the rescue. He waits for Ngiallia to scream the code word which means that Twinkle, the little girl, will be let out into traffic.

Surprisingly Porko appears and he’s hopping mad. The meal he got from the voucher Lee gifted him gave him food poisoning. He takes Lee into custody as Ngiallia screaming the code word in the background echoes through the streets. .

The great sadness expands.

Lee approaches Marnina's dwelling with the usual anticipation but the end result is different.

Lee goes back to Marnina and she is crying. She shows him the paperwork saying that the state will not allow them to interact. She says he must go and never come back. He leaves and breaks down in front of a beautiful nature scene.

Lee toys with the undercover narcs who think he is unaware of who they are as they attempt to entrap him to gain promotions. Lee, who is a teetotaler, giggles internally as the game goes on. They fail.

Zrouchie poses as a superior and orders the State Dog Butcher to bring her to him. The butcher becomes suspicious and they fight. The fight ends when the dog butcher falls into the meat grinder for creating dog food. A happy ending ensues.

Zrouchie vows that the dog Lee got from a rescue shelter would be rescued yet again.

Zrouchie goes to the best place to find things out when you don’t know anything.

Lee swears that if one hair of his dog is harmed, the people responsible will pay dearly.

When Lee gets home he finds his place is ransacked and his dog has been taken. Horrified, he goes to Zrouchie and asks for help. Zrouchie tells him all will be made right.

As part of his plan, Lee goes to the officer who is in charge of the beat where they plan to stage the fake rescue. Lee gives Porko Tolliver the Voucher for a meal at Malice’s restaurant. This way Porko will be happy with Lee and not interfere.

Lee goes to the fortune teller to try and gain relief for his predicament. The Fortune teller proudly tells him she is State approved and sponsored after she informs him that she had no way of knowing he was coming. She can neither answer any of his questions because she says it is too hard to tell the future sometimes. She makes up for it by giving him a voucher for a meal at Malice’s restaurant as well as a magic ring. She informs him that every third time the ring is used after 2 failures, by the laws of nature it must work. She then tells him that he is in luck, that the last two people to have used the ring were let down and that the ring failed miserably.

This makes Lee extremely happy since he now knows the laws of nature will make sure his plan works.

The Center Gives Way to Action.

Marnina and Lee exult in their relationship though there is dread as to what the future holds.

Lee goes to sleep and when they wake up and get breakfast he discusses the problem and why the state is an occupying force that is there to harvest the citizens/victims. After the conversation is finished they just stay together and enjoy each other.

Despondent he goes to his girlfriend's place though it takes a long time to get there. As he gets closer his mood switches to exhilaration. When he arrives Marnina Coblecht is happy to see him and showers him with affection.

Malice's Restaurant 10.

He takes a bike to the restaurant and when they scan his chip and he is told that his points are too high. He stops at a market and is rejected and told that the taxis in the area will not serve him either.

A place in the Rain 8. The Plan 9.

After being let out of the Panopticon, (shoved) where he spent more time listening to a constant stream of programmed slogans, Lee is defeated and demoralized.

He walks a very long time and stops to sleep in the shell of a worn house where the roof has long since worn away. He curls up in the fireplace to escape the rain. Shivering, he wakes up and continues the journey. He arrives at his friend’s house and tells him what had happened. His friend, Zrouichuie, shakes his head. Zrouichuie’s wife brings tea, rice and toast to Chiatar. They discuss the suffocating aspects of the state system and how it's ironic that the state tries to establish a system to improve morality for society when most of the debased actions come from the state. They discuss life and how it could be so wonderful and what a shame that the world is covered in a crust of parasitic control structures, which make people’s purpose of providing resources to the state to improve the lives of its insiders and enhance their power. Zrouichuie leaves the room and his wife Ngiallia says she might have a plan to help Chiatar. One of the provisions of the point system is that Good deeds of a very high order can lower points but that they are very difficult to achieve.

She says that they can let a little girl walk out into traffic but just before she gets there Lee can come and save her. Then the state would be required to lower his negative points. . She tells him to get a meal at Malice's restaurant and gives him an almost expiring voucher to pay for the meal.


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

52 videos

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