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... but the holes in my sock Are no hoax

Another capstone project for people that want to take guns away from us.

it took him four and a half hours to come up with one name of a cop killed and to count 10 supposedly other dead bodies. As usual the federal government is in charge and first responders... FBI / ATF and all the rest of the actors.

It's real easy for young people to believe in climate change or global warming, the covid-19 hoax or any other bunch of crap because they are brainwashed into thinking it's true.
Young minds are easy to mold. They are impressionable.

They're dropping like flies, don't take the bait. Foucci keeps talking about herd immunity. if no one wore a mask from the very beginning they would all have been over by now.

We are to ASSUME we are positive w/covid and should wear masks INSIDE OUR OWN HOMES? LOL..."WE'LL CUT YOU WATER AND POWER IF YOU HAVE PARTIES!!!

CORONA VIRUS PLANDEMIC FROM THE DR. THAT WOKE EVERYONE AND GOT BANNED FROM GOOGLE. Sorry to those of you who saw this on my TheirTube channel in April. I don't know who's here from there. I wish you'd all leave comments so i could say hello and catch up. GOD bless.

Part 8 of a series - "MYTH vs FACTS" by: Art Thompson - CEO of "JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY". An American constitutional society founded in the 1960's.
The new world order and removing GOD from society has been the mainstay of agendas since the illuminati's inception in 1776... on May 1st. In America it's a holiday we call "Mayday", supposedly to honor the creation of certain labor unions, lol.

After Joe falls asleep (whilst Hillary drones on about "women" or something), Joe awakens to the thought of Kamala Harris as his running mate, mate.

My first attempt at voice over, lol. ENJOY

Whatever the FAKE NEWS pushes, you can bet your life THE EXACT OPPOSITE IS TRUE

Preferred slavery by the left in U.S. history Now a preferred method of brainwashing it BACK INTO SOCIETY to promote the "concur and divide" subversion of the left who's ramped-up hijacking, of the party, by the communist illuminati since President Trump's election, is coming at us from academia, fake news media and paid for marxist organisations. WARNING GRAPHIC VIOLENCE

If 'global warming' is caused by C02 and levels are too high, lol, why are we doing this? Then, two test oxygen levels...FAIL!!! TAKE THE MASK OFF!!!

covid crap... over and over and over...all plandemic all day. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY !! GOD bless the US.

title says it all....................ALL LIVES MATTER

You ever wonder how the local, state and federal govs get your cell phone number to start with? fuck them all.


Just some pics and looks at the "People's Republic of Austin

CBS's "60 MINUTES" television news magazine weekly broadcast (before it was communist, Illuminati controlled - circa '78-'79. Regarding the Swine Flu outbreak of '76 and the government vaccine development and propaganda campaign.

One cannot please all of the people all of the time. But, I think i did some of my best work here. GOD bless all. And may GOD please let those that haven't figured it out yet...SEE what is happening in all four corners of this plane-t.

Use your brains... even four spud boys from Idaho (attended University in Ohio) KNEW there was something wrong with the educational system and the US 'technocrisy" that was emerging. The elites have been trying to implement 'their' plan since our country's inception. Too bad the SAME THING HAS AND IS, HAPPENING IN ENGLAND.

video speaks for itself. If you're tired of coronavirus and covid-1984 vids, here's this.


Just the most important part of the speech, lol. I think you'll understand

It's ALL fake, cover-ups and subversion of TRUTH


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

37 videos

Category Education

"Saul Goode" … because when we see TRUTH behind the lies of everyday programming, It's all good! We've been lied to about ALMOST EVERYTHING we've been taught. The agenda is control, manipulation and of course, MONEY. This world we live on is deeper and darker than what 'they' want us to see. Good vs evil - GOD vs. devil - black/white, on/off, night/day, yin/yang, plus/minus, ones/zeros, etc, etc, etc. Ask GOD to show you the TRUTH. Be nice to one another and ALWAYS, QUESTION EVERYTHING. And, with such controllers as "GOOGLE/THEIRTUBE", don't be surprised if one day they won't let you upload TRUTH and two weeks after that, they won't even let you 'SIGN IN' to access your own information/intellectual property. GOD bless you all. GOD bless true freedom on Earth, (which is by no means 25,000 miles in circumference!)