SchwarzWeißRot Germanicus

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SchwarzWeißRot Germanicus



British Secret Services' Activities in getting the USA into war and how they set up the USA Secret Services.
Michael Collins Piper with Carolyn Yaeger on the explosive book Desperate Deception

And as usual, this kind of content is under threat by the usual suspects, download it, save it and share it, preserve truth and freedom.

Russian proverb: "The Jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he won't tell you why".

Everything he said has become reality.
First the Germans were targeted, now all Europeans realise they were tricked into fighting the only man who ever dared to stand up and call out the evil that never had and never will have any culture. The only thing the devil gave them was greed. They have no morals or conscience. They are the offspring of the Devil indeed.

Habe da noch etwas gefunden. Es ist ganz schön Umfangreich.

Around 15 million lost their lives miserably. You wanted to remember what happened. And described it with the words: "The Holocaust of the Ukrainian people"

🎯 Kein Militär zu sehen!
🎯 Alte angelsächsische Pläne
🎯 Falsche Flagge

🎯 Geld regiert die Welt, aber nur bis zu dessen Zusammenbruch!

Now compare what the BIS is telling you straight in your face with what a certain Prophet said 90 years ago when he warned the world and it's populations. But the education taught you who to classify as an enemy and who to bow to.
The chickens have come home to roost. The obvious answer to the chaos is known, only your own indoctrination prevents you from seeing who the real enemy is.

Still in denial? Your indoctrinated Judeo-Christian belief that taught you who your Masters are?
Wake up. There is zero Christian values in Judaism. They are the children of the Devil, and the Bible taught you, but you prefer to ignore that part.

Important for whom?
Of course, for the Bankers. They want to know how many cents are left in your pocket. Can't have billions of people out there who's dealings are not known in the elite's financial slavery system.

The facts that are still hidden by the same media conglomerates

Ricarda Lang, das dümmste Ungetüm im Buntentag

2. Zukunftskongress Deutschland Interview mit HaJo

Adolf Hitler’s ”International clique”-speech reached 419000 views on Jewtube within 3 weeks. And the comment section is overwhelmingly positive.

White awakening is inevitable.

In dieser Dokumentation, geht es um die Historie des Vatikans.

Dieser Film war noch vor ein paar Tagen im Netz und wurde gelöscht. Ich bin froh, daß ich es noch Euch zeigen kann, da ich den Film noch archivieren konnte!!!

Diese Geschichte ist für die ganze Bevölkerung wichtig.
Deutschland hat sich als einziges Land gegen die Weltmacht (Vatikan) gestellt.

Eine Untersuchung über den Ursprung und Endziele des Weltkrieges

Die Deutschen sind am 2ten und 1ten Weltkieg nicht schuld... Putin bestätigt dass...

Sie lügen euch an in den Schulen... Die Schulen sind Satanisch..

Wartet ab bis Deutschland befreit ist und ein neues Schulsystem gekommen ist...

Where is the power?
Background to the system, which appears to be nearing it's end.

Der Achitekt Konrad Fischer erzählt uns die Hintergründe, was das Öl Geheimnis angeht. Sind Öl, Gas und Kohle fossile Vorkommen? Das haben wir in der Schule gelernt, aber entspricht es auch der Wirklichkeit?

👉🏻 Der Erdöl-Schwindel

🚨 The architects of western decline from the Frankfurt School ✡️

How the Tavistock Institute manipulates popular perception in order to shape society.

The wonder years of National Socialism free from the Zionist Banking Cartel. The years that the media and history have wiped from their records and demonised to hide the only system that created a prospering society for all it's people.
National Socialism is life.

Osa 1 - Hitlerin lapsuus

Educational video with a speech by Mosley.
Every European should think seriously about these words from near 80 years ago!


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

67 videos

Category Science & Technology