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Here's a taste of some Ghost of Tsushima gameplay from a playthrough in which I wracked up 3510 kills... I counted.


This little spooder moved into a prime hunting spot on the side of a tomato seedlings pot.

Here we see a lesser spotted flaming skull man in his natural habitat. Experiencing the randomness that is the Battlefield 1 single player campaign. Enjoy.

Just one of the random things that happened while I was playing the Battlefield 1 campaign. This is a very short one, however the tale shall be continued... maybe... at some point... when I stop being lazy.



Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

4 videos

Category Entertainment

Hello, and welcome viewer.

I am a flaming skull man, who enjoys playing around in games, and talking about the craft surrounding entertainment and story telling. While you may not see very much of that side of me on this channel (at first), I hope you enjoy some of the interesting, funny, amazing, or down right insane things I have encountered along my travels.

I am new to all this editing and having a channel and stuff, you'll have to forgive me if I do not upload regularly, or if my work seems simple or "lazy". In truth, I am lazy, so there you go.

As I improve, and expand upon my skills, I hope I can bring a smile or two, and provide a few minutes of entertainment to your day.

Thanks for watching.