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Yes, I did make the video about the final hearing and I want you guys to see it, it's on YouTube via this link

The ultimate set up.

What would you do?

I still couldn't use my back yard, and I couldn't think or prepare my case for court, either.

Flyy, Enzo and Jack and a song...

Ten TikToks to watch

Inspired by the darkness that have overtaken some social media platforms, I have a poem for you to enjoy.

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right...

I went to my VCAT hearing for compensation for my washing machine and dryer, and what happened at the hearing was just as shocking and disturbing as all the rest.

Flyysoulja and Jack Doherty fighting at Jack's house

This wasn't a joke.

I'm telling the truth cos I'm sick of all the lies.

Hi everyone, sorry I can't do a "proper" video atm as I am too sick.
This is a video of some Halloween/ Friday the 13th shots I did for TikTok which I hope you all enjoy.

Being poor keeps you vulnerable, and I think that's how it's designed. It's like a well-designed web, really.

Does anyone know how to repair a fence properly?

The consequences of what happened to me just kept snowballing.

I think censorship is to blame for a lot of fights between friends.

I had to lock down my social media accounts

And the psychological menacing continued...

Why are they fighting? I feel like I've missed something.

I did what I could to survive.

Trapped in their web.

Does it cost more to go to the movies when you're poor?

It wasn't a conspiracy, it just looked that way.

I just wanted to feel safe.


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

133 videos

Category Vlogging

My thought. My feelings. My life.