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Part 1 out of 4 on USA.
The Lobby is a series of documentaries produced by Al Jazeera that investigate the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom and in the United States and their relationship to the BDS movement.

Part 4 out of 4.
The Lobby is a series of documentaries produced by Al Jazeera that investigate the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom and in the United States and their relationship to the BDS movement.

Part 2 out of 4 on USA.
The Lobby is a series of documentaries produced by Al Jazeera that investigate the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom and in the United States and their relationship to the BDS movement.

Part 3 out of 4 on USA.
The Lobby is a series of documentaries produced by Al Jazeera that investigate the influence of the Israel lobby in the United Kingdom and in the United States and their relationship to the BDS movement.

From RT, Redacted Tonight
About TZM:
The Zeitgeist Movement is a global sustainability activist group working to bring the world together for the common goal of species sustainability before it is too late. Divisive notions such as nations, governments, races, political parties, religions, creeds or class are non-operational distinctions in the view of The Movement. Rather, we recognize the world as one system and the human species as a singular unit, sharing a common habitat.

The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire.

The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire.

The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire.

The British Empire in Colour is a major three part series that examines the history and experience of the British Empire, form the perspectives of both the rulers and the ruled. Using original colour archive film - much of which had never previously been seen - together with personal letters and diary extracts helping to capture the many complexities and contradictions of life in the British Empire.

Interview with Scott Ritter

Un portrait aérien et mouvant du plus grand pays du monde, entre nature sauvage et métropoles dynamiques. Cet épisode survole Saint-Pétersbourg et Moscou, avant de sillonner le delta de la Volga, qui accueille chaque hiver quelque 10 millions d’oiseaux.

Après l’ascension du mont Elbrouz, plus haut sommet du Caucase, culminant à 5 642 mètres d’altitude, le voyage se termine dans les steppes de Kalmoukie, au côté de troupeaux d’antilopes en quête de points d’eau.

Un portrait aérien et mouvant du plus grand pays du monde, entre nature sauvage et métropoles dynamiques. Cet épisode débute par un survol de la Sibérie et du lac Baïkal, plus grande réserve d’eau douce au monde à la beauté légendaire, inscrite au patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco.

En suivant le tracé du mythique Transsibérien, on survole ensuite les montagnes de l’Altaï, dans le sillage d’un groupe de nomades en route vers leur campement de printemps. Après un passage par la ville de Novossibirsk, on admire depuis le ciel la taïga déserte.

Un portrait aérien et mouvant du plus grand pays du monde, entre nature sauvage et métropoles dynamiques. Dans ce volet : des eaux gelées de l’océan Arctique au delta de la Lena, des arabesques de glace d’une beauté inouïe se dessinent depuis le ciel.

Autour du cap Schmidt, haut lieu stratégique russe, morses et ours polaires cohabitent avec un nombre croissant de bases militaires. On survole ensuite la péninsule de Yamal, qui abrite la plus grande réserve de gaz naturel du pays, et où les éleveurs de rennes perpétuent un mode de vie nomade.

Un portrait aérien et mouvant du plus grand pays du monde, entre nature sauvage et métropoles dynamiques. Cet épisode nous emmène à la découverte de la péninsule du Kamtchatka, soumise à un fort risque sismique avec ses vingt-neuf volcans actifs.

À l’extrémité est du pays, des surfeurs intrépides se mesurent aux éléments. Non loin de là, les ours bruns pêchent le saumon sans relâche. Sur l’île de Tiouleny, les ours de mer, également connus sous le nom d’otaries à fourrure du Nord, côtoient de nombreuses espèces d’oiseaux marins. Le périple s’achève à Vladivostok, ville la plus orientale du pays, souvent comparée à une San Francisco russe.

Un portrait aérien et mouvant du plus grand pays du monde, entre nature sauvage et métropoles dynamiques. Cet épisode part à la découverte du Daghestan et de sa flore exceptionnelle.

Cap ensuite sur Rostov, l’un des plus grands pôles industriels, scientifiques et culturels du sud de la Russie, situé à l’embouchure du Don – appelée aussi « porte du Caucase ». En poursuivant vers le sud-est, le delta de la Volga se dévoile. Il est alimenté par la mer Caspienne, le plus vaste lac salé du monde.

Cardiologist, Nuclear Cardiologist, Physicist, PhD, MD and JD, Dr. Fleming under oath describes the Spike protein bio weapon timeline and the parties involved in its development.

Narendra Modi is the leader of the world’s largest democracy, a man who has been elected twice as India’s prime minister and is widely seen as the most powerful politician of his generation. Seen by the west as an important bulwark against Chinese domination of Asia, he has been courted as a key ally by both the US and the UK.
Yet Narendra Modi’s premiership has been dogged by persistent allegations about the attitude of his government towards India’s Muslim population. This series investigates the truth behind these allegations and examines Modi’s backstory to explore other questions about his politics when it comes to India’s largest religious minority.
This episode tracks Narendra Modi’s first steps into politics, including his association with the right-wing Hindu organisation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, his rise through the ranks of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and his appointment as chief minister of the state of Gujarat, where his response to a series of riots in 2002 remains a source of controversy

The second episode examines the track record of Narendra Modi’s government following his re-election in 2019. A series of controversial policies – the removal of Kashmir’s special status guaranteed under Article 370 of the Indian constitution and a citizenship law that many said treated Muslims unfairly – has been accompanied by reports of violent attacks on Muslims by Hindus.
Modi and his government reject any suggestion that their policies reflect any prejudice towards Muslims, but these policies have been repeatedly criticised by human rights organisations such as Amnesty International. That organisation has now closed its offices in Delhi following the freezing of its bank accounts in connection with an investigation into financial irregularities, according to the Indian government, a charge rejected by Amnesty.

Third documentary by Boris Malagurski about NATO's bombing of Serbia.
Russian subtitles.

Der Film stellt dar, dass im Kalten Krieg unter der Präsidentschaft Ronald Reagans zahlreiche verdeckte Operationen ausgeführt worden seien, um das öffentliche Bild einer angeblich aggressiven Sowjetunion zu verstärken, die Entspannungspolitik des schwedischen Ministerpräsidenten Olof Palme zu unterlaufen und das neutrale Schweden an die NATO zu binden.

The documentary produced by Oliver Stone and directed by Ukrainian filmmaker Igor Lopatonok, takes an in-depth look at the protests that began in November 2013 and culminated in the violent coup that deposed President Viktor Yanukovich in February 2014, triggering civil war in Ukraine and a referendum in Crimea on joining Russia.

Thomas Was Alone is an indie minimalist 2D platformer about friendship and jumping and floating and anti-gravity. Guide a group of rectangles through a series of obstacles, using their different skills together to get to the end of each environment.Listen to awesome music by David Housden. Jump over rectangles meticulously placed by Mike Bithell. Listen to voiceover read wistfully and a bit amusingly by Danny Wallace.

Fair use of a clip created long before the conflict.
Credit goes to the person who added the flags.
Hollywood's predictions are really scary sometimes...

Fair use of sequence from "For your eyes only!" (1981)
Detente, Comrade!


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

28 videos

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