game's with unrelated commentary

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game's with unrelated commentary



if you have a smaller channel, cheek to see if your older videos are still working
you may be unpleasantly surprised to find that they don't work anymore

the, not so great reset. the FBI chought in the act ( false flag attacks and seting people up )

( it seem bitchute has messed up most of my videos. most of the older ones are not even loading anymore and the ones that do play such as this one uselessly have large part of the visual part of the video removed.)

highlights from the first part of HumorNotIncluded lets play

though im not a fan of crude hummer he did a good job reviewing this game :)

i made anther omori edit!

all footage used is ether from the game itself or the trailers for it
the songs are just sped up versions of the phobia boss themes :)

remember to support there main channel if you liked the video :)

the sun shined brighter when she was here

omori easter egg + hidden dialogue ( spoilers )

they clam it is safe enough to dink so he offers them a glass

i made a music video :)

( this game is awesome )

song- everything she said

game- Omori

souse's down below ( everything else is form the game itself )



i'm not sure how actuate this video is, but its pretty interesting

( this is all from the early parts his play though )

full video here

--> ( spoilers ) <---
back up of video here

bitchute is making a lot of older videos form smaller chancels unplayable and undependable
but that link above should work for a wile

clips and audio used

funny audio

fan-made basil clip

everything else is taken directly from the game itself


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

169 videos

Category Gaming

don't take the vaccine's and ( of course ) don't force others to do so either. you would be putting your life in there evil hands.

this will not change based off of what narrative they spin or how many voices they cancer because it is reality.

it seems reedit has eased my post speaking about 2 Timothy 1

For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. 7For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline

with some translations refereeing to discipline as sound-mind, self control, and some winch call the spirit of timidity as a spirit of fear.
in that post i pointed out that this is useful as it shows what a helthy a good person looks like, being loveing/kind, powerful/helthy/brave, and, a master of there own mind and emotions.

heres a post from my minds acocut wich says more or less the same thing the removed post did

( from this link )

some time ago, i came across a single bible verse that contains a wealth of knowledge regarding good and evil.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

this not only tells you what is good, or of god, but also highlights the exact opposite of what evil wants.
evil wants people to be, heartless negative and demoralizing, weak and timid, and unable to control there own mind; and it just so happens that fear cause's all 3 of those things.

it can lead to people doing horrible things,
it weakens people, and it clouds there judgment; making people act without thinking.

good, on the other hand, wants you to be, fearless. strong and competent, a light on to others ( a positive force rather then a negative force) , and a master of your own mind: possessing a mind that helps you rather then hinders you, and that is controlled by yourself rather then others.

things can backfire on you without love as time go's on, and without power and a sound mind you can not only fail to attain your goals and protect yourself: rather it be from a direct conflict, or a conflict involving wicked tricky and lies in order to con you out of something or in to doing something. with power being useful for the former and sound mind for the latter.

on this website you can search for bible verse's and compare them with several different translation's to get a better understanding of the intent , it is vary handy :)