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It seems as though I somehow switched a couple of the thumbnails for my videos, like I said, I'm still learning.

All of thes pictures were taken with my old Galaxy note 8, most of which were right in my front yard, or within a 30 mile radius, with no filters or special effects. Enjoy

Always look at the sky, you never know what you will find.

Just thought it was neat, had to share. Keep an eye on the sky!

I was working in the yard and looked up to see this, absolutely beautiful.

I have always watched the sky, you should too, they sure are different from when I was young.

I am just getting started so I have much to learn. These pictures were shot from my front yard or within a 30 mile radius. No filters, or special effects. We call our place Sunset Acres but sometimes the sunsets are a little weird.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

11 videos

Category None

Seeking knowledge and truth. It seems as though much information is seeping out, I am ready for a flood of information, and an end to the deceptions, the lies, and the cover ups.