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Includes the division fighting in the Soviet Union

From an American who visited during the year of 1938

Short clip from the Anschluss of Austria

Many officers of the Cossacks in the Wehrmacht were of Baltic German origin that could speak Russian. Later in the war Cossack officers living in Yugoslavia, France, Germany, and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia were later accepted. Also many Austrians were officers of the Cossacks as it was felt that they were more capable of dealing with Slavs rather than Prussians. The Cossacks mostly dealt with anti-partisan operations and were known to be brutal. They had also fought the Soviets on numerous occasions. Towards the end of the war they were later transferred to the SS.

After the end of WW2 many Cossacks retreated to Austria and surrendered to British troops. They were promised safety until they were betrayed and forcibly sent back to the USSR. The scene of the Cossacks upon hearing of that they were going to be sent back to the USSR was described as the following "The first to commit suicide, by hanging, was the Cossack editor Evgenij Tarruski. The second was General Silkin, who shot himself...The Cossacks refused to board the trucks. British soldiers [armed] with pistols and clubs began using their clubs, aiming at the heads of the prisoners. They first dragged the men out of the crowd, and threw them into the trucks. The men jumped out. They beat them again, and threw them onto the floor of the trucks. Again, they jumped out. The British then hit them with rifle butts until they lay unconscious, and threw them, like sacks of potatoes, in the trucks."

Those who did not escape were sent to the Gulags and their leaders were sentenced to death in Moscow of early 1947. Those were were still alive were released after Stalin's death in 1953.

Silent film showcasing the basic training of Wehrmacht recruits in 1940

Sung by Fritz Kuhn and his followers

Fritz Kuhn Speaks in German and English. Ends with Horst Wessel Lied being sung at the end

Video from 8th and 9th of November 1935 on the Anniversary of the Beer Hall Putsch

The miner and Sturmfuhrer [Wilhelm] Hambuecker, of __ Merkstein in the area of Aachen, fought tirelessly for Hitler's ideas. On the 19th of June he was shot by fanatical enemies.


Created 4 years, 8 months ago.

167 videos

Category Education

Historical movies, music, and videos of the Third Reich and other Axis nations