Southern Cross

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Southern Cross

Southern Cross


This world is fake, only you and your experiences are real. Enjoy the worldly show while it lasts and keep your head high, for you are the divine being who's been long awaited.

#christ #spirituality #clownworld #selfawareness

#religion #christianity #judaism #clownworld

Don't go back to the past looking for what you need now. The past cannot give you what you need. Look to the future, and do what needs to be done today. Today is the day of salvation.

But he was the greatest American painter according to (((them)))

Great writer, good color technique, funny faces, that's about all.

Roberto Matta, chilean painter. Movement: South American surrealism.

While most people in Chile have a somewhat favorable view of Pinochet, despite the 30+ years of commie propaganda, it is the Left who won't let go of him. They couldn't live with him, now they can't live without him.

Yes, it has fallen, but we still may have a chance through Christ, and the Christ is within, not in the satanic catholic church or above in a cloud.

Tick tock, the clock strikes.

Clown World will fight to keep you in bondage, following fools and idols who deserve nothing at all. Instead of bowing to evil, bow to yourself. Are you still doubting? You will never overcome the fear unless you understand who you are.

Learn something completely new about humans!

"In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Reject this world of nonsense. Reject everything and everyone that takes you away from the path.

When you put your country in the hands of the Far Left, when you mock your martyrs, when you destroy your institutions, when you neglect your people but embrace terrorists and illegal immigrants, when you surrender yourself to the U.N. and reject God, when you do all that and more, you are looking for trouble.

Don't be fooled, this shit is not art and these people are not artists. They are nothing but degenerate monsters.

We are living in Dragon Ball World but all the Bulmas got replaced by Karens and Goku is busy fighting the CCP.

The sad reality of my beloved little country. Will we rise again?
Pinochet is still leading us from the deep. All glory to the Christ within.

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The sad reality of my beloved little country. Will we rise again?

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Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

21 videos

Category Entertainment

Hello, I like to make short videos in my spare time. Hope you enjoy the simplicity.
I live in Santiago de Chile.