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Gf kicks security guard boyfriend tackler , doesn’t let costume deter in correctness
When ppl arnt acting in their own power will but playing the role of doing this for u
Being angry at someone for not having common courtesy rather then accepting it and going on accepting it
What one connects to a thing isn’t against u but therenown judgement
Civil war movie , o Ure a target then ask girl she’s to the point
Pulling tail pull hair more about nature of person doing the pulling
Human titi milk or cow titi milk
Individual greatness but the passion that drove the human same in all likes
Trump Arizona abortion commonsense
Indians cow as god another religion sacrifice that very symbol of god
Criminal justice system says innocent and that’s all that natters
Bill maher agrees it’s murder but is okay with it too many humans
Association majic bday to horoscope shows to dick location to person car to person
Motivation, when seeking the truth, use this horrible discomfort can play slide tricks
Questioning, accepted norms, some people it’s not about the questioning mind, but that might need an answer you must offer up the solution
Did you are going through something according to the laws of your house or you have learn to understand why opportunity?
They don’t need to pass and limits speechless if they can sensitize populations, actually make them not want to sit at a guilt and shame
Walking into a Truman script city and you believe the rules and conditions only you believe eeeit’s real everyone else plays it, but knows he’s not true to it

Oj simson dead ppl believe car event ppl bridge real- why have false belief to need to over come
One can talk and hear at same time as sun others can as well
Sad state of society changing tires is a thing of stages
Dumbing down movies treating ppl as stupid
Women can’t change tires , more non commonsensical separation
Congress no law against illigals in constatioition cus concept didn’t exist
Apologize and sorry and sir as word behavior not truly feel it
Start off with assumption other doesn’t know what Ure about to say
Journey of flat earth negate then believe why have an original view
Anti Jewish not accept certain thing programmed as if that’s inherently bad
Jews bringing up god bled who bless u and destroy who curse u
It’s not about the word but being part of special group which gives exclusivity
Technology advancement not humans ai learn self check out steal don’t scan cheat scam or honest obidient
Jacob ohl train track hit sue csx company for no fence and warning sighns
Guy girl crossing street over compensate fear adjust shownsighn of gratuities
Gay support Hamas knowing is Palestine gays would be killed , the mockery of deception
Mockery settle down just asking question, mock dispersive a good thing stunts it for u , my fingers not touching u just infront if I
Some ppl want to safe and fox so badly it doesn’t even matter if other falls under that catergory
Gathering anti ppl to fight a cause act of looser parasite
Human titi milk or cow titi milk
Individual greatness but the passion that drove the human same in all likes

Parker being hacked by anonymous for j6 Tuker convoy
Diver 17 being sexualises butt not focusing on uniform of sport
Consider mid day at 12 and not 3
Parents of Michigan shooter charged with man slaughter
Deepfake ai too attached to their image can be used for benefit
Excepting his public transit, bus, ride obligation, or a ride by a friend
Don’t dismiss my actions with words but it can only be response to word
What compels u to want to match another’s perception with which we want it to be a
Iclnation to tell someone their over thinking rather then seeing it as possible concept reveals inner response Shapiro stop questioning
The truth always preach to people rather than discuss conversation voiceover because they don’t know the truth there’s no it’s words
We want to hope, assume it is bothering the other person, because that too, gives us a form of power control want to affect of the human so badly
Punish objects, as if they feel something why is simply mimicking punishment behavior from observational learning, but there is no real value in it value in it
Don’t jaywalking cause with entitlement do it as your the outsider so you’re constantly aware and adjusting
Cops arrest screaming females no one questions like Islam stoning

Texas eclipsnjesus everyonenwuiet
Desire to seek truth, more than the desire to be known as knowing truth
Just as privilege, but they can’t kill them anyway not real king tyrant faker
Don’t act according to their expectations and counterbalance be free for you
Be a naturally curious, playful and enjoyment of life during morbidity and sadness is only used to façade in an act through human connection can push past it
Not finding something controversial at all so I don’t have a vested interest in making things controversial
Who put dream catchers, but take down spiderwebs
Fairport of terrorist attack we can mines from fear, overcompensating, and if you’re gonna be directed towards certain pages ideas, persons
Abortion statement on eclipce day
Donald trump doesn’t have core beliefs as if it’s bad thing
Kissinger un soldiers Amerika beg for

Killing cockroach killing butterfly
Complaining about them or saying gives them value prominence which in there world is their want
Dogs, mantis friend, not focusing on way that needs such a best friend
Those I don’t see the truth need some convincing don’t expect them to you see it for the basic truth
Can’t kill a king if their is no king
Kayaking sport slaves ship row lo deter
Do you lie to those that you fear doesn’t mean everyone is entitled to answers first of all ask questions
What people are concerned about is what people fear talk about females at all the fast children, fear that their children, I see those freight Spencer Pirro snap fitness, talking about redpilling, Manley S, shouting and screaming like a female
Getting excited about or want to credit to figure out basic things this side of weakness
Don’t honk at homeless red light but normal
Old school harems entire populations
Of whites turning to god shame guilt ppl fighting against it complaining, benshapiro asking questions kids will kno he’s fraud
Ny pay 17.5 million hijab criminals photo
Scum disgust perception, guy eating trash or ppl acting stupid
Seat belt tight not wearing seat belt not directed towards u
To passive to reactionary to the world, internal strength, passion, mission, gut, intelligence, pure, mine, strong will the world wants you to care for a sympathy. Sadness if you ask if you can decide between fake and real you fall for it.
Some people live in the current thing if they get away with it now to them, that’s all that matters no accountability here or somewhere else
Here you go about set up and what they want you to do is part of the trap takes you away from free-flowing

Using aura a lot
More interested about who they learned from what they learned it never permits
Do they see you are the character that you’re associated with further do they say you are there any save invented about you?qq
When hearing some thing, the thing that jumps up to defend itself or taco pose, it is the Eagles programming
Hatred tries to hide itself based on public acceptance, but no hatred you share information way
Go to trucks heistGarda trucks heist
Kismet isreal insurrection
Founding fathers were a terrorist in the true sense of the word revolution
Red heifer gmo
Is your life to a peasent view peace, your truth, my truth, or to actually move into that be of it
National Guard soldiers caught smuggling infiltration at the highest level
Indian river is under the big cities is the time to let them come out like Adelphi in Africa
Encouraging kids out of curiosity they were they see something to read it they look into it
Elon kids school no grades hands on resonance education
Diddy not being cancelled
Red heifer fake cows fake god
Bandaids cause cancer
Andrew shaults calls out isreal Ben Shapiro
Tuning on isreal Jews
Silly string spray on your birthday surprise sit there and take it or do they get any other attack?
Book burning bible
Trudae most Canadians r good as resort fuk Trudae
Waters found in cities ocean 700km

Colorado bike guy fine 12 days prison no liscence in Colorado
Tuker mRNA Covid effect human mind change thinking curiosity memory create hive Borg
Y did u ever look up to stars Hollywood
Fb sells private mssg to Netflix 100 mil
Canada 1 billion feed kids
Cali kidnap victim shot while running away
Dave Rubin Shapiro bring the right together parasite
Th nation is people for the military theater has taken place
Ways to my charger, playing labels and characters played the role brother is being human
Trump signs one reaction as if it was to stare at the spot up their own protection, and how they feel about the topic
Any human didn’t shoot it to any conversation do they have the power to say private move on?
When your life is, you’re on your own pet, then head to work make my drive, but if your whole existence of service, something else
The program wants to put the responsibility on those that trigger the virus thought patterns concepts rather than those that instilled in the first place
Richard Gere dressed up as homeless and felt the content and leaders of people now, imagine the Trump sign or whatever people find irritating program to when you realize their projection, there’s no response to it
I society that is culturally normalize, not being 100% sure of the baby is ures
It’s not what’s being said but who brings it mainstream Kirk bc pills
Bondntrump with record prices staged for creating record
News max trump calls ppl animals deal
Videos concept shooting ppl and kids for narrative but invent idea in minds shooting kids
Revenge will be success , not out of retribution
I’m not here to argue political sides , more ague common sense and reason and I’ll come to it on your own, which side calls for violence debate prove
Calling some one daddy
Desantis wine conference land on commonsense pat
Diff cultures diff hand signifies Stargate sg1 open arms

Asked to be humbles shown how unworthy to think Ure perfect so pressure taken off
Dispassionate observe, can’t see clearly if it has any opinions regarding that matter
Tim pools funny females getting punched they can’t read room
Mr beast videos child voice vaccine kill off adults
Human is saying it so fight it but if so says it recurve it diff can’t argue agaiainst is
Desantis wine conference land on commonsense pat
Diff cultures diff hand signifies Stargate sg1 open arms
Ppl needing comfort security would love ai with them always - the tangle
Rock kids makeup wig vid outrage
Sleeping type neck like shoes and pillows
Genesee vaccine food as drug bill
If we can’t watch contact frustration embarrassment our inner frustration is hidden
Gays sell u alpha male image so u assume actual alpha inverted
Wipe my ass with trump shirt no hate tho reality
New terra Gregorian calendar implication mind cage
We categorize the information under particular categories, which has its own reception
To you it’s called an accent, rather you see if it is nothing out of the norm not have any expectation otherwise
Doing something to help toughen them up as one energy getting malice, contempt, joy out of it, corrupted in Bluetooth
Florida abortion ban those that really want it show there nature

Auckland New Zealand color over rainbow seen as hate crime
Scotland privacy of home hate speech
Bill maher calls out Covid events
Pruning by god gather up sticks the self not the things happeneong to the self
Has your brain made false some shit about people and thing same image created the idea of God and Jesus and the unknowable things
Understand the sorrow essence sacrifice of the cross event not see the core porn about it emotional imagery
You were made aware of the fight through the Trump narrative politics, but this fight is it going off for quite some time
It doesn’t matter what you think you are someone is what you actually are some just want to hear and care about others are saying
And someone event, their frustration and their feelings on a topic recognize that and don’t get involved on engage
Some people do this, or the behavior of someone like this, rather than me, then identification
Glory to God day, rather than Easter
Adjusting in appeasing to people, sensibilities fears, lower societies capabilities them to do better
Meditation in stagnent del Anddd Ave what does sharpen it so we can focus on God adult Mike, and never receive it or be the president or recognize it
We’re doing gods work, moving a stone, seeing demons, donating money, healthy life all under the same category
Identifying with some thing, and agreeing with the concepts of it, dealing with totally different beings
Knowing someone is a liar and knowing someone is someone that tells you that they’re liars totally different beings
A dog gets paid up and smooched, and it shakes his body and energy off. The human just goes on.
Little child safely running away from helicopter mother mother grabs a child, attends no no aggressively and even make him cry so travel is introduced to watch. I like a parasite.
Matt Walsh defines antisemitism hatred of Jews, like you hate a race why do they need special perimeter, protection by Kates beach, and transportation’s rather than human protection?
Careful your face might get stuck that way when they showing the state of pleasure from things
Ivan says suddenly 3 million 5000,000 10 million Tesla cars will drive by itself
Why do you have to smile about giving them an answer is acknowledging their construct. Feel bad that they operate in the world. You have to do that.
Don’t see this look at yourself preserve a message for you regarding your reflection. How much do you self identify?
Mill Maher calls out Covid experts
Trump isreal interview 2 ppl, ask every world leader how u would react if
Rape court case can’t present illigal recorded tape prove innocence
Italy 23 birth 397k

37 min to 39 volume drops

Do u accept Jesus as lord and savior type questions

Humans thought to be good
Desire to understand comprehend more then the word
Bank loans require sexual preference deny gives info to org
Trump sighing bibles idol worship
Prebunking mind vaccine truths
Do u accept Jesus as lord and savior type questions
Joel olstein poverty minister
Biden ended love affair with isreal
Satalites into solar eclipse , Anep darkness
Ny emp detect radars
60 mins release Havana syndrome
75k for South Korean babies
If you’re comfortable in genuine, what you do, you don’t care for the thoughts of others for their judgment
Kids run away from car wheel stops because you know we’re doing is bad
Saying, I saw this, or witnessed this rather than explaining, and describing what happened in front of it
Passing laws after the fact, Raven preemptively
San Diego 1.5 billion sidewalk, bicycle feather entire.
Want to associate with being said to a person rather than being with me, and said stated
2+2 is five that people say what they want to be awake in insights on the type of behavior is whiskey used
Some create narratives and make it more real by your reaction. If you don’t get it, he’ll continue on and on and on so they can convince them selves story parasites
Create an image of someone which puts you in a position to judge condemn look above then
Do you want to see in America or a place that takes care of you prosperous, and you have opportunity
We are fighting for why aren’t they blessing? You got a truck rather than fighting for it for the cause itself can find many to die for a cause.
Talk to snakes fellatio
Tucker Carlson can’t get over Dr. still pushing Covid VAX why haven’t they apologize what is this review they don’t wanna check the armor of their image
Attack messenger not message, join intelligence q drops
Un tells us to pay desperations to black

Russia lgbt terrorist movement description
Liousianna pass bill un wef who bills taxes mandates
Cut child’s locks cus make fun of cancer
Call Teresa understand you’re so basic only the father make it a big issue rather passing by concep
How many people instructed commanded to arabesque and those are your side heard about it and so do I have
Excuse for weaknessT saying what you think and representedg cause of assumed pushback that we sell for jacked Trump support
See conversation into interactions challenges
Humans have to be taught to do good save mentality issues there’s danger for being with you I
Esk jr expose vp pik
Jordan Peterson hype against festivity vaccines
Trump spelling mistakes post tds
Die by sword love by sword isreal baby behad what would I do projection
The way a child says hello with all its feelings opposed to male adult had dogs shakes hugs
Champion in the idea of caring and diversity is like wearing a mask you’re doing a small part for humanity
Who gave you assumption they should care that person that video week should be observed
Billboard covered for a strip club, the closest Sunglass at lower naked
Some people fight to the note, the keys to say stupid undervalued
Getting offended, speaking about certain topics if size of leader ship has nurtured that wheelchair have it
Do you feel entitled to your safety security you don’t even think about it
Why didn’t people of influence to share it implies you want people to be influenced not see it for themselves mass vaccine solutions
How much the urge for others to know that perception to reveals incident
Say, where is touch your balls and now you want to touch your hand some people don’t want you looking at ass and disgusting things and endeavor right after

Truth social I love the truth
Bridge Baltimore attack Francis key anthem writer
Diddy house raided
Tulsi gabbard dnc to vp 15 years most honest person since not Rogan
As watching a video of someone affected your real life perception, same with stories heard
So concerned about getting trust of becoming friend. You don’t do the thing that you gonna do after you get those things.
AI comprehend stories, as lies can’t confused why you were told made up stories and hasn’t been made a Normie
False encouragement, motivation to a child Trans Am did not recognize genuine, disingenuous behavior, words
Trump says he’s got a good February Daemons lies make you forget, or pretend forget, storyteller dramatization’s
Canada Holmes to live in not buisnes buys
Black Jesus piks

Alien future generation 400 yrs, ginger complain about babies having slept with rando
3 body problem, ai watching from future knows ever movie teach fear create defensive survival, wall watchers can’t read thiughts

60 min most ppl don’t question the outcome right , let the Amerikans ppl common sense fogure it out
Who are you? I don’t know what is one. Need to be anything as a memory identity
More interested in the person, saying some thing in the big being said
Alex Jones concern, fagging the rabbi, and the dress of something about people he’s having fun, agitates people
What kind of billionaire begs for money? Five 1015 $20 they need to be angry by that remark that reveals parasites.
Someone doesn’t see something they’re paid to her motivated not to
We condemn theee acts our thoughts heart prayers go out to them spell casting
Purim Jewish destruction creates idea they can be tested gods can bleed
Christ is king ppl trying not to be anti semetic
Trump trial during Christ timelinev

827 million sex change chemical Argentina president
Red flag laws
Some people make assumptions about you they get angry and take you to see them with their assumptions turns out to be wrong
If you have to speak about ways that you feel very clearly, there’a negativity to it
Anytime you do something for another reason even good you open the door for the whispers to have a resentful life reaction
The worlds trap is to make you justify your belongings, defend the V factor defend the mine factor
Some people want you to feel characters and their storyline for a certain roles and when you don’t comply, they feel like they’re chewed out or something
The associate bond and connection introvert sexual way so project guilt but more than guy fellow human being 31 with you it’s totally different Mahomet eight year old
It’s not what you say you are, but the type to go around see what you are there’s a true nature to that action more real than the things you say you are
The lack of passive aggressiveness qand double meeting, the parasite feels it in on its own
Some parasites Translate shock reaction to an event to the level of pieces
Shocked or surprised to someone’s behavior, existence, views, or false assumption, which blocks refill of dialogue and growth
Demonic faces CD
Tenese senate bans chemtraiks

Get off at bus exactly at the stop remove the common sense of dicks
Why are dogs allowed in the back of a truck? We’re not human beings less value in life or more risk, and death factor
Replace liters with clothes in a barrister with cones and embarrass them so that the people lose fortitude and willpower, but also reveals Aravind to associate people to that spirit
Post holocaust good will Jews spell , not that it’s ending but y even there
Middleton announces cancer
People act different in front of other people, and if it’s situation’s, but we allow that we never called it out we’re too dear stricken
People retarded and people, pretending to be retarded Toyota for allergies energies
Why do we care what version other people see you says rather than see you throw? Yeah see you guys for what we are.
This place belongs to someone that plays belong to someone else to the third party. Both places don’t belong to anyone.
Using us we in a possessive form or description, for the intent aura comes off of it
Sometimes feel good to have a problem that person is keeping me waiting rather going around so we invited
Some people like to make a thing as beats rather than a USB about the dick
Sambuca reactor Trump rangement syndrome, but you have your own version for other things
It’s already for natural you’re funny it stings when we try to be and the hope isn’t receptive funny
Desire to prove otherwise reveals that it is so
Complaining of a wife someone is pretending, rather than the fact that they are pretenders is a thoight systemwide
In focusing more on seeing people in the present allows you to see how manipulations in there it is weave in your mind from outside source
Deal with devil trump luck bill Maher or gods grace
Kate Middleton deep fake video push lesson
Ezra cohen kgb Putin wont let good crisis go to waist Jews and holocaust
Lizard ppl face image syndrome

Doj green bubble android stifma apple case
There anger is their own weakness not angry at you
Cumo father meeting with ppl who had diff politics then him
Some want to see u through their description need unto defend their position
Jews make u defend their position so u never attack gobbles but can be precived on human parasite level
Jordan Peterson sell
Miami senior skip day police detain
Ww2 holocaust test memorized answer training
Texas border break no shooting by soldiers
Alex jones Tuker both talk against isreal
Isreal drone bomb 4 kids
Poland to abolish homework from grade school
Are you ready to do service for your country? What do you see his service is he is military, the prosperity of the people
Do you see destination is more important time, then getting there compartmentalize your awareness
The parasite keeps you limited by getting you to answer. Explain your actions brings you back into body few seconds behind present reality.
What do you consider their service? How do you compartmentalize? Revise your mind off? Time on time work time lazy time is not clear vision
Free when child locked inside batteries, replacement truck
But they ask, are you an identity? It is their version that you’re confirming to it never is.
Jews put u in defensive waste time so not attacking , become aware of this on human parasite mode
What drives you pull you to do something for or against another human?
The concept that you need to satisfy other peoples assumption of guilt, and most people, skilled insecurities project that dude wanted to prove
Some people would preferred if you weren’t aware and you listen you and you had a curiosity less if it
Observe, caged animals so you’re aware of your own indications or if you normalize externally it also happens internally internally
Do you all in one of these referring to animals and pets mental slavery? Also, same thing
How are you describe situations regardless, they should get the most out of it most beneficial, and be in the most comfort times
Feed information unesserily expect ppl to listen rather then just summary
Sokething aboit marry
Take this for us, seeing it as bad habit
If we’re looking for something we’ll find it
Tryna find faults labels needing to understand out in our catergory
Searching already knowing it won’t be there
When hurt what gain is there for another to sympathy or change , how does that help as long as not malicious demonic
Same disinterest of mask leave me along same state of care with migrants but more involved for mission

Illigal alien selling squatters right cheats
Neurolink livestream in wheel chair sales use the force
Neurolink for blinds
Elon twitter Jew interactions
Community notes pushes soap nazi propaganda
Christian’s to wake up from isreal spell , never fell, preserving Christianity then Ure race
Bannin access to nature forest 2030
Pig kidney in human
Trump truth no one has been held accountable
Miami senior skip day police detain

He lost my confidence side sell, yd he gave it in first place
Recognize when someone is stating some thing and then they’re trying to sell an idea to you
Movies at tractor attention motion, what kind of cells are being casted reinforce notice?
How’s your day been or have a great rest of the day with narrative do you put on?
Be able to discern genuine support for some thing without emotional pools and pushes
Act out at the importance love strength, not see the verification for the outside world
First make them capable of not attaching stories, and people and items that all stories can be told cause they’re inside as what they did what they gain
When someone address for fashion sense, error or religious says, do you see there’s any different programming
Hey Siri yourself so you know where we will cling onto beg for turn to in the desperation and controlled setting
Going on bases, cars will yield to crossing pedestrians where are entitled to that allowance
Never expect the world of the minutes out for us convenience we justify that idea and do it to ourselves
No, you’re being washed approached but you acknowledge it your lack of reaction. Is there power some know someone’s coming for them and pretend not to know until the last second
Limit their Magination by giving them the stories defended fantasize on
Canada bans sales to isreal through liberals to counter balance.
Ppl climb on ship to stop missle transfer
Attract to asses organ transfer normal
Obama we tested vaccine on billions of ppl
Female cries to buying pill implication
The idea of rarity impress or effect of it
Ohio Somali seat race
Ny home owner arrest vigilante show up after evict
Stephan a smith says no to both parties npc rather then an actual negation of two bad actors
Theifs using signal blockers and drones

Sperm rocket
Supreme Court first amendment hamstring government capable to control what kids allowed to see not just imply it’s bad
Balding man curves bear attack 42 kids
Uk would u join army questionnaire , covidvreveal home
Candace rabbi interview, passion Christ if u identity then the horror and sadness is valid same with Jews?
Those that say what u need to understand , u need to see, what u don’t realise
They love labeling and hoping other accept for w.e reason their account of things and angry when it isn’t entitled
Have no right to say u holy rabbi
Turn pain to majic so they require the pain
Describing something as dirt and dirtier
Do you have thoughts on stated concepts or are you discover these concepts emotional level of reaction would indicate either
The burden of apologizing for other people responding to it by saying it’s fine by then pointing that out
Make a constitution and idol, so you don’t recognize understand the spirit which wrote it the idolworship being separated for the spirit world
Emotional propaganda through films getting someone to agree to watch something on their terms then consider an outbreak or if they don’t go through with it that’s why they pressure so much
Indiana gov bans antisemitism bill illigal saying Jews eccagutate holocaust loyal to isreal
Ny mayor right to house law common sense
The world thinks Gaza is occupied but it’s other way around
Scotland lice training meme hurtful content arrest even comedians actors illigals feel hate
Covid fake passport ex Brazil president
Trump respects royality concept , tds all poo poo idea
Priest confessional sobiciatrust god the need to open up to someone programming

You’re not there to help with your problems are there to make them aware of the part of making mind
Do you act from comfort and belonging? Or is it a way to break in to a field get acceptance?
Different energy that these people are idiots and saying this behavior is idiotic what is motivated by the heat energy
Seeing the contact us humans on your phone rather than his information lots
Receive people through their belongings, the belief system, their religion the community, so we never really see if people
Do you want is luck is the best superpower what if it’s another word for karma meeting living the best food for John I was positive life now
At your head response can be target anyone specific thing as long as it exist overreaction based on triggers and demons
Red heifers holy cow, sacrifice, artificially created, and they don’t have a problem with that reveals the condition of trut
Lieberstein, wanting to be murderer missed, is encouraging, impartial relationships, rather be the most used in the present moment

Every moment of existence wants to express itself, he just needs vessels to come in through
People that are doing the actual thing care about the details, formalities wording of it religion God, anything truthful
Did he thought the backseats might be hurtful home for cross your path and how did you react to the thoight conspiracy?
Don’t talk to me or do I have my coffee or a Delora beings never superiors
Do you have a comment to do everything going to implication the response rather than matter-of-factly so
Make the best of me being in a situation it’s all the fighting you
Was a democrat now seen the light every time

Filling your head with thoughts of others with false idea that these are your discoveries and you have feelings about it we attach the idea to the person
Trump pretty girl ownership of vision, feather, Indian look what I want
Being amazed to recognize a song with few seconds, if those Karagounis human behavior the same way
Canada meth smoke crime pendagulim swing
Drama cry point out or say absurd and anger comes out


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

1636 videos

Category None

this channel will be used to update news events twice a day with my insights as commentary in it which are usually correct and perdict future events which helps you stay ahead of the game. its called discernment news.