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Thumbnail guy clearly thought the VERY operation that killed him, was funny.

Notice the crack through the V

Series dedicated to Michel

THEY....are the Public

'Vid of the Day' from yesterday. I waited to upload.

autoimmune encephalitis - spinning

News at 3 11
The Olsson info will be in the next vid.

BUT....in one way it was! Free Cancer-Causing Shot. Courtesy of your zio masonic Bankster Government.

Golden Brown, Never a Frown

Loved by his People and Spun by the zio-ruled West.
On Topic: The Daniel Day Lewis There will be Blood. Both the clot shot 0p and the Ukraine 0p in 1 movie.

My Hero!
Fighting against the zio-ruled South.

Gotta Love him!
The zio media leads you RONG every time.:)

Thumbnail: Sorry no amputations. She died too rapidly.

Y'know wot. I'm gonna do an 'aggressive' word search on GoFraudMe and make a vid or two...


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

1223 videos

Category Health & Medical

Having seen the CPR footage, I have to consider the use of mannequins like in the Nice 0p a few years ago. So I'm not clear on this one at all. We will see.....