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Are Christians judgmental?

What is a difficult person and how do we deal with them?

Saul was a brutal Pharisee but God changed him.

What can we learn from the woman at the well - explained

His youth, and 600 mile forced march to Babylon


Can a Christian be patriotic? It depends on the definition of "patriotic"

What would it feel like to never make it home? No phone calls, no trace - you just dissapear

Have you ever met an angel... or a demon? Would you know it if you did?

The devil thinks he can defeat God

What is being ungrateful really like? Must be terrible to live that way... selfish, alone and doomed.

Why is faith important? Is it really our sheild? ANSWER > ABSOLUTLY!!!

Do we have to kneel, go prone or bow to pray?

To persevere
is a promise

Just a matter of time till we all have to deal with them

Encouragement is cool

Love God, your neighbor and yourself - not the world

The devil is smart but in no way creative - he wants you to feel like your rights are being violated - and he has many, many of the same old tricks - and we fall for them - unless you're prepared -

When all else fails... endure

Who is the devil?

What is true redemption?

Did you know that you can control your emotions?

The Shepherd's Life - There were large numbers of sheep in Palistine

Do we have to kneel or bow when we pray?

What does the Bible say about the Magi?


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

27 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Biblical concepts and lessons - short videos, usually less than 5 minutes - thanks for watching