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I'm way too amused by this.

Lasagna Cat was a series of videos dedicated to making fun of Garfield comics and Jim Davis and given that this series started in 2008 you can probably point to it as the main reason why all these insane and weird Garfield memes exist.
The problem with some of these videos is that the theme of creating a musical tribute often triggers DMCA and Lasagna Cat videos have been everything from muted to outright removed from the website.
The creator never attempts to reupload them so it's just something the fans will have to do.

Fredrick Knudson hosts a channel called Down the Rabbit Hole, where he documents weird and dark stories in history, popular culture, and Internet History.
It's Internet Historian but with no attempts at humor.
This creator covers a few controversial topics, but the fallout is usually just one person upset over the video.
The exception being the Rajneeshpuram episode, where he got a lot of complaints from the cultists that represent the group.
He not only bent his knee very quickly to them; the video is now unavailable for public viewing.
Maybe he was afraid of being poisoned, perhaps he's a colossal coward, but at the end of the day, it's gone, and he didn't do anything wrong but rather than ask for him to re-upload it, I'll upload it here for him.
In the event of a copyright claim, I'll upload the video to torrenting services. At that point, it becomes impossible to remove from the internet.

I decided to do another video where I edit in a well known lets player with the much less well known Keepetclassey. This time it's Vinny playing Logan Kart 8 and just like last time, Keepetclassey is the funnier playthrough, Vinny phones it in really. Futz around with the game, do a Mario Luigi routine, and some Sonic noises and call it day. I also edit in a couple Mario Kart ads from Japan. I like editing videos like a psuedo tv show.

Remember when Coach Redpill said that Andy was going to be somebody? Ah, those were the days.

Here's part one of a three part series of Jontron era Game Grumps videos. Jontron era game grumps videos haven't been removed or anything but this particular compilation was deleted for an undisclosed reason so now I'm reuploading it here so this video compilation isn't lost forever.

A really long time ago Will Vinton animated a short for California Raisins and that went so well that they made a fauxdocumentary for the characters detailing their rise to fame.
A few decades later it's uploaded to Youtube in 3 parts. And every time it's uploaded to Youtube it's removed by various music brands.
This is the curse of making a short based entirely around songs. Music has a really hard time staying on Youtube, it's the first thing to get voiped.
I'll upload it here but I won't be surprised if it can't stay here either. At least I had the foresight to download it when I had the chance so at least I have it indefinitely.

As a side note it's a bit funny that part of the story is that the Raisins tried to branch out into other mediums but failed to accomplish that task and in real life the Raisins were in everything from Video games to Tv shows and all of those flopped.

Part two of a three part lost jontron game grumps compilation.

Ashen in a video promised to give a tour through Poundland which for the American viewers had been hyped up significantly. We imagined it was going to be a Dollar Store clone but it's more like a Big Lots.
Anyways this video has always been unlisted due to Ashen fearing the reprisal from Poundland if they considered the recording of the store to be an illegal activity which it apparently wasn't.
I don't know why Ashen was incredibly cowardly in this regard. Especially now since before the pandemic influencers could set fire to a parking lot and as lot as it wasn't a hate crime no one would get in trouble. Oh well, I guess he just wants to keep his squeaky clean record. Not that it helps. I've never EVER been recommended an Ashen video no matter how many times I watch his vids. Youtube doesn't like Ashen but it doesn't hate him either. I like Ashen but I don't like Unlisted videos so I'm reuploading it without his consent!

Several years ago I watched this clip from a QnA where Kevin Smith tells the story of how he and some kooky producer attempted to create a Superman movie where Superman dies, Braniac wrestles a bear, and a Giant Spider shows up at one point.
This was around the time Tim Burton was working on Batman so this never got off the ground but since then this story and this clip floated around on Youtube until the fateful day where Kevin Smith and Warner Brothers decided to turn this story into a documentary.
At least I assume that's what it is. I haven't watched it myself but all I know is since they revealed that they were making a film about the doomed development of Kevin Smith's Superman this clip has been removed from youtube.
It was in two parts but I fused them together as is and hopefully it's now something that you can watch and you don't have to worry about it being removed anytime soon.

Plague of Gripes released a video where he talked about how nonsensical time travel is in the Dragon Ball Z universe and up until I saw that video I considered it pretty straight forward but there are a few wrinkles in it and unfortunately that second time travel story where some guy becomes Goku is profoundly confusing.
Anyways. It's being reuploaded here because it was struck down on Youtube. An audio only version exists but the video version was something you had to download to watch so I'm helping ya out by letting you watch it here.
No surprise but Funimation struck it down for reasons that ignored fair use. It probably didn't help that Plague created a metaphor where Toriyama was raping someone...

Last part of the Jontron Gamegrumps era Compilation.

David Lynch explains his date with George Lucas and when he turned down a chance to produce Return of the Jedi.
I'm only half joking with calling their meetup a date. George takes David to a salad bar and then to his ranch and he talks about his Star Wars stuff like an Autist on his first date meanwhile David is pretending to have a headache so he can leave this man and go write a show that no one but him understands.
Lynch would have made Return of the Jedi better but by the same token Lynch is too weird for Jedi so it really wouldn't have worked out.
David Lynch did to George Lucas what Bill Waterson did to Jim Davis.
He basically found a nice way to call George Lucas a money hungry hack fraud with no artistic merit but a passion to make money.
He's not wrong but he is an asshole for saying that.
Anyways I'm reuploading this because the original is unlisted and the comments are disabled so fuck the people that locked that video down for no reason.

When the trailer for the Sonic Movie came out animators started going reanimating the trailer to show how good looking Sonic can and should be. This and a bunch of other protests from regular people convinced the studio to put the film in the oven for a few more months and with the new trailers Sonic looks good. Movie will be a C- but it will at least look good (It's already doing better than Space Jam in that regard) but between that point where people were talking about the old trailer and awaiting a new remade one Hotdiggitydemon made both a trailer video showing off his version on how this trailer should be made and just to keep a consistent image he also talked about why women should date him despite while being as creepy as possible.
Creepy nonsense aside he has some pretty good advice but there are arguments suggesting that Sonic is too Toony in the examples that were presented in this video.
Those people are right but it's certainly a far cry from being bad.

I found this little number on archive (I had to google it's exact name otherwise it didn't show up and while you could watch it on the archive site, there it just has 14 views and no other forms of interaction. Here it can be seen by more people and they can commit on it and show it love and other boring things that you deserve to have.

The original was removed by Miira who struck it on some bogus copyright grounds even though as usual it was fair use.

Also a lot of animated videos are getting fucked by Coppa. I'm contemplating the re-uploading of all those videos as well.

I'm just going to keep reuploading other people's stuff onto this site until they do it themselves.

The Content Cop of Leafy was removed under the belief that it was bullying. Any person that actually watched the video would know that Idubbz was just delivering Karmic punishment to a person who made their Youtube career bullying people but Youtube has lost all sense of humor and justice so it's gone and while a video has managed to live on the site it's life there is uncertain.
People tend to be lazy so I don't know if anyone will reupload it so I'll just do everyone a favor and get it done myself.

Colossal made a series of videos noting the banality and futility of posting quality content on YouTube. For one particular video he focused on the concept of pranks on You-tube and found quite a lot of garbage but unfortunately YouTube removed it and Clown being quite lazy will more than likely never dispute it or reupload the video so it's gone from YouTube forever.
I was able to find this video on the Wayback Machine and let me tell you. Ripping videos from that site is no picnic. I got it done though and now it's here for your pleasure.

The biggest h3 takedown video ever made has been removed not once but twice from Youtube. I was smart and captured the reupload so now it's on Bitchute (and Lbry as well). Lets see Ethan remove it now, oh wait. Not Ethan. Some random person that's manually flagging the video. Assuming Ethan would have a motive is a crazy conspiracy theory!

Wowie Zowie, I must be a nut because I think that theory has weight!


Created 6 years, 6 months ago.

17 videos

Category Entertainment

Here is my channel. it's comprised of both videos that I have edited and created as well as videos that I've salvaged from the Shadow Zone (Unlisted or deleted) on Youtube.

If you own any of the work I repost know that I have posted it because it's not publicly available anywhere else and I won't be removing it just because you'd prefer it be private.