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Senior Director and Head of Toxicology Susan Goebel Goody at ModeRNA speaks at the "Regulatory and scientific virtual conference on RNA-based medicines".

The European Medicines Agency is a decentralised agency of the European Union, located in Amsterdam. The Agency is responsible for the scientific evaluation of medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in the European Union.

(Source: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/events/regulatory-scientific-virtual-conference-rna-based-medicines#event-summary-section)

BioNtech Senior Director Global Regulatory Affairs CMC Pawel Widomski speaks at the "Regulatory and scientific virtual conference on RNA-based medicines".

The European Medicines Agency is a decentralised agency of the European Union, located in Amsterdam. The Agency is responsible for the scientific evaluation of medicines developed by pharmaceutical companies for use in the European Union.

(Source: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/events/regulatory-scientific-virtual-conference-rna-based-medicines#event-summary-section)

Dutch spoken. Mevrouw Anja Hoogakker brengt de oversterfte en andere vormen van vaccinatieschade onder de aandacht van de Cuijckse gemeenteraad.

Dutch spoken. Pierre Capel legt uit over mRNA-'vaccines'. Deze video is op YouTube inmiddels niet meer te bekijken, daarom staat het hier.

Dutch spoken.

Fragment uit een aflevering van "Vandaag Inside" met Job Knoester, op donderdag 26 januari 2023.

Speakers: Neha Narula, Lieve Mostrey, Lesetja Kganyago, Javier Perez Tasso, Amir Yaron, Julio Velarde, Drew Propson

Davos, January 18, 202311:30–12:15 CET

Over 100 nations are exploring central bank digital currency (CBDC) and each has a different motive for implementation, now exacerbated by geopolitical fragility and financial instability.

What can we learn from countries that have implemented CBDC solutions and can they provide resiliency in the face of global risks and the high-inflation, low-growth, high-debt economy?

This session is directly linked to the ongoing work of the World Economic Forum’s Digital Currency Governance Consortium.

World Economic Forum WEF 23 Davos, Switzerland, January 17, 2023

"The Clear and Present Danger of Disinformation."

"Speakers: Brian Stelter, Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, Vera Jourová, Jeanne Bourgault, Seth Moulton."

"How can the public, regulators and social media companies better collaborate to tackle disinformation, as information pollution spreads at unprecedented speed and scale?"

"State of control", the control society is increasingly becoming a reality.

What is the price of convenience?

The CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and the digital passport can make our lives easier and more efficient. But new international legislation shows that the purpose of these possibilities, has far-reaching implications for our privacy.

In this documentary international experts such as Edward Snowden, Arno Wellens, Catherine Austin Fitts express their serious concerns and criticisms. It compiles the range of facts and opinions, creating a shocking picture about the future of mankind. A crystal-clear narrative that can''t be ignored.


(Dutch spoken)
Ronald van Amerongen woont sinds 2012 in de Volksrepubliek Loegansk. Hij vertelt uit eerste hand over wat er werkelijk in Oekraïne gebeurd is. Dit interview werd in 2017 opgenomen, lang voordat het Russische bevrijdingsleger het lijdende en geterroriseerde volk te hulp schoot en de Volksrepubliek Loegansk bevrijdde van de Oekraïense nazi's.

"Stefan Beck bezocht Ronald van Amerongen, een Nederlander die in Loegansk, in het Donetsbekken woont, en interviewde hem voor Novini.nl over de situatie in de Volksrepubliek. Zijn de Volksrepublieken in het oosten van Oekraïne een opzetje van de Russen of willen de mensen daar het zelf?"

Het geluid is niet helemaal optimaal, maar nog wel te verstaan.

Dutch spoken.

"Thierry Baudet & Het Neo-Communisme"

"Discours Met De Boys"

"Deze keer gaan we in gesprek met Thierry Baudet, voorzitter van het Nederlandse 'Forum Voor Democratie'."

"We hebben het over de huidige staat van de maatschappij en waar die naar toe aan het evolueren is. Er zijn ontegensprekelijk heel veel wijzigingen op globale schaal gaande, maar van waar komen die en tot wat leiden ze? "

Ukraine is indeed the testing ground for American Big (Brother) Tech companies in Europe, which want to make Europe a communist utopia after the Chinese example. The hostile WEF-controlled governments want to control and suppress everything down to the smallest capillaries.

Watch, listen and shudder as this video foreshadows the digital dystopia that awaits Western Europe.

Start 2016: Virus epidemic on the Russian border in Ukraine. The belligerent mass murderers Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetero) ruled the US and waged uninterrupted war in the Middle East and North Africa for eight years, killing 1.5 million people. This insane gentleman, through their biochemical labs there, unleashed weapons of mass destruction (harmful viruses) grown in Ukraine, to decimate the European population.

This video is a media release from the Deputy Chief Constable of the Ministry of Defense of the Donetsk People's Republic, Eduard Basurin, on January 22, 2016 (with English subtitles).

Salient subtitle #1 (time stamp 2m32s):
"Besides, we keep registering new facts of growing the epidemics of acute respiratory infections among the Ukrainian military. Just since the beginning or this week more than 20 Ukrainian military have been taken to civil and military hospitals of Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk."

Salient subtitle #2 (time stamp 2m47s):
"It is important to repeat that the DPR intelligence previously reported the reseach being carried out in a private laboratory in the locality Shelkostantsiya, 30 km away from the city of Kharkov, and involving US military experts."

Original title of this press release:
"Сводка от Эдуарда Басурина от 22 января 2016 English Subtitles"

I dug up this video (which has since been removed from YouTube) from the depths of the internet. If you are not patient, immediately skip to 2m32s for the communiqé about the 'mysterious' virus infections.


"Deadly virus leaked from US laboratory in Donbass - DPR Army and Intelligence."

"Friday, January 22, 2016 - 205
More than 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and over 200 soldiers are hospitalized in a short period of time because of new and deadly virus, which is immune to all medicines. Donetsk People's Republic intelligence has reported that Californian Flu is leaked from the same place where research of this virus has been carried out. The laboratory is located near the city of Kharkov and its base for US military experts. Information from threatening epidemic has been announced by Vice-Commander of Donetsk Army, Eduard Basurin."

"Leak of deadly virus in Ukrainian side was published first time on 12.1.2016:"

""According to the medical personnel of the AFU units (Ukrainian troops) there were recorded mass diseases among the Ukrainian military personnel in the field. Physicians recorded the unknown virus as a result of which the infected get the high fever which cannot be subdues by any medicines, and in two days there comes the fatal outcome. Thus far from the virus there have died more than twenty servicemen, what is carefully shielded by the commandment of the AFU from

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte is a confirmed Nazi.
He utters the Nazi chant 'slava Ukraini'.
Rutte must resign immediately and be punished for his criminal behaviour.

Police Brutality in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, January 2, 2022.

Peaceful protests against corona-mandates.Until the police started provoking the audience.

The protesters were forced by the police to leave the Museum Square and at the same time they were blocked by the police to leave.

Swiss MSM publisher Ringier CEO Marc Walder orders the editorial offices to support the government narrative in the fake pandemic.

Ringier CEO Marc Walder admits that he has instructed the Ringier media editors in all countries to support the government during the pandemic.

Source: Swiss Management Society, "Inspirational Talk" series, February 3, 2021.


The programme was primarily a vehicle for the controversial
views of American molecular biologist Peter Duesberg and his claim that,
in his own words, ‘AIDS is not and cannot even be an infectious disease’.
The hypothesis is certainly a challenging one. With scientists like for example Peter Duesberg.

Interview with dr. Peter Duesberg about HIV virus, AIDS, medical science, vaccines.

14-17 september 2014, Riga, Estonia.
Communicating flu to all stakeholders: the experience of the Belgian commissioner on flu - Marc van Ranst

Plandemic Indoctornation

22m53s: Ronald A. Klain, former chief of staff of former vice-president Joe Biden.

Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration: Domestic Challenges
Jan 10, 2017

For more on the Center for Global Health Science and Security https://ghss.georgetown.edu

Feb 14, 2017

Pandemic Preparedness in the Next Administration: Keynote Address by Anthony S. Fauci.
Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said there is “no doubt” Donald J. Trump will be confronted with a surprise infectious disease outbreak during his presidency.

For more on the Center for Global Health Science and Security https://ghss.georgetown.edu


During a forum on pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, Fauci said the Trump administration will not only be challenged by ongoing global health threats such as influenza and HIV, but also a surprise disease outbreak.


Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading health expert and member of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task force, predicted three years ago that the administration would have to deal with a surprise disease outbreak.

Video first published Feb 14, 2017.

Billy Six
C*r*na Shock: Why did they delete my video?

In einer Nacht-und-Nebel-Aktion haben Regierungen und der medial-industrielle Komplex die Freiheitsrechte der Bürger beschnitten. "Als Schutz gegen die Corona-Seuche", heißt es. Die kontrolliert gesprengte Weltwirtschaft soll mit neuen Mega-, besser Tera-Krediten geimpft werden. Zwei Tage Rundgänge in den wichtigsten Krankenhäusern Berlins zeigen aber: Einen medizinischen Katastrophenfall gibt es hier nicht. Und über die freien Medien wenden sich immer mehr Ärzte an die Öffentlichkeit - und warnen. Aber nicht vor dem Virus...

This BBC Panorama Documentary was broadcast on the 16th of June 1980. Project 706 was the codename of a project conducted during the Cold War and Russo-Afghan War whose objective was to develop Pakistan' first atomic weapon. The mainstream goal of the project was the development of an atomic bomb using uranium technology. Despite the aim and focus of the project, Pakistani scientists and engineers gained expertise in the use of reactor-grade plutonium, and successfully produced weapon-grade plutonium by the early 1980s. The project was launched after the secession of East Pakistan as a result of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 and Pakistan War in Bangladesh. It was an effort which was led by Pakistan. Project 706 refers specifically to the period from 1974--1983 when it was under the control of former prime minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, and later on under the military administration of Major-General Zahid Ali Akbar Khan of the Pakistan Army Corps of Engineers. The project's roots lay in scientists' fears since 1967 that India was also investigating nuclear weapons of its own. Developing nuclear technology for Pakistan was a mainstream goal and a dream of Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who initiated the scientific research in 1972.

Before the launching of Project-706 in 1974, the initial scientific research, starting from 1972, was directed and organized by renowned Pakistani scientist Abdus Salam. From 1974, the research was led by engineers Munir Ahmad Khan of PAEC and Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan of KRL Khan Research Laboratories. Time magazine has called Project-706 Pakistan's equivalent of the United States' Manhattan Project. The project cost US$450 million (raised by both Libya and Saudi Arabia) which was approved by Bhutto in 1972.

Project 706 led to the creation of multiple production and research sites that operated in extreme secrecy and ambiguity. As well as research and development, the project was also charged with gathering intelligence on Indian nuclear efforts. The Project was honourably disbanded from its service when Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) carried out the first cold test of a miniature nuclear device on 11 March 1983. Scientists and Military officers who participated in the Project were given higher promotion in their respective services, and conferred with high civil decorations by the Government of Pakistan.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

39 videos

Category News & Politics