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Jay Smith


In this lesson, we will continue our discussion on who or what Jesus is referring to as "That Woman Jezebel" in His letter to the congregation of Thyatira.

In this lesson, we will discuss who or what Jesus is referring to as "That Woman Jezebel" in His letter to the congregation of Thyatira.

This is a short introduction to the city of Thyatira and Jesus' letter to the Christian congregation there. We will also briefly discuss how the Bible foretells there being an absolute END to the wicked and corrupt world we live in today.

In this video, we will discuss the meanings behind the "Hidden Manna and White Stone" mentioned in Revelation 2:17.

In this episode, we will learn what the Bible says about sectarianism or denominations, and the consequences of knowing what is pure and true and going against it.

In this episode, we dive deeper into the letter that Jesus had John send to the congregation of Pergamos. I apologize for the abrupt ending. My phone ran out of memory...but not until I had covered everything that needed to be covered.

In this episode, we will discuss the first part of the letter sent from John to the Christian congregation in Pergamum.

In this episode, we will discuss Jesus' message to the congregation of Smyrna, where He commends them on being rich in "Heavenly Treasures".

In this episode, we will discuss Jesus' message to the congregation of Ephesus.

In this episode, we will take a look at the destruction of "False Religion" and how the faithful will escape God's wrath upon it.

In this episode, we will discuss how apostasy crept its way into Christianity and tainted pure worship for many, many years.

In this episode, we conclude the first chapter of Revelation. We will learn why Jesus has the title, "The First and The Last", as well as the meaning of the seven stars and seven candlesticks (lampstands) that appear in John's first vision.

In this episode, we will examine a portion of John's first vision, which is of the alive and well, Jesus Christ.

In this episode, we learn what Jesus plans on doing with the wicked and the righteous.

In this episode, we will break down the first 3 verses of Revelation. Where it came from, who it is for, and a peek into what to expect in future world events.

In this episode, I will discuss in further detail just who and what makes up Satan's "seed" mentioned in Genesis 3:15.

In this episode, I discuss Genesis 3:15, where God promises to put enmity between Satan's seed and the Woman's seed.

In these uncertain times, there is a lot of talk about the "Last Days". In this episode I will introduce the true meaning of the book of Revelation and some of the promises kept within.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

18 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Hi! My name is Jay Smith, and I am a retired competitive bodybuilder whose focus has shifted from the physical realm to the spiritual realm. I do not claim to be a preacher, but instead a student of the Bible. My goal for this channel is to share what I have learned regarding the book of Revelation.