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Remember the one called Epstein? Going a bit down the internet black hole.
Watch this whenever you come across new videos questioning Trumps fear for G. Maxwell, what she could expose about Trump.
Always question the narative...

Oleksiy Arestovych , close advisor to Pres. Zelensky in 2019.
Now this man should be named besides people like Nostradamus...
Keep believing the shit your governments and media tell you.
Never search for yourself, never allow conspiracy nuts tell you otherwise...

So, we forget about Serbia. Syria, Lybia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia etc. etc...
But the West is all about Bad Russia now and those forlorn Ukrainians.
Watch Poroshenko from 2016 and the aftermath for the Russian speaking people in Ukraine.

Truth will prevail: the Nazi's DID NOT LOSE.....they are hiding in plain sight!

What would you say , in the 60's, the precious government/military, funded research into bio warfare using birds? Of course it is all a conspiracy...Well take a read and tell me:
Is it unthinkable the military or some other entity is researching biowarfare, but now with mosquito's?
Never would a government do this to their or other countries citizens, right?

A complete and utterly stupid narritive from the other side...
Question: Why, if Putin wants all of Ukraine, there are no attacks on Zaporizhzhia?
A "human corridor" ending in that city...on Ukraine territory?

Damn, all that shelling by the Russians is making me go crazy.

Well well well, all worried about those bad Russians, right?
Here is some 4 minutes of footage of the Ukrainians bombarding Donbass from 2014 - 2021
With proof of date in thumbnail.
Still want to go all together for Ukraine?
(shoutout to ASB to make this available)

Oh no biolabs right?
No dangerous pathogens right?
The only thing separating Biolab and Bioweapons is the INTENT!

some more proof directly brought to you by Reuters:

Nothing to see here folks (uh sheeple)

During the impeachment of the scariest man on earth, this is what was revealed.
And still morons believe the MSM narrative...
short clip which should tell you everything (or at least a bit of everything)

The Ukrainians deserve all our help and love. They only have fought and terrorized the minority Russians for about 8 years...nothing to see there people...

What seems like a reasonable man, pretty soon talks stupidly about how they are shelled day by day for 8 years. Thanks to DPR and Putin it has stopped....something like that.

A Russian convoy with heavy equipment rushes into Melitopol

Another proof the Russians are all evil.
Thanks to Patrick Lancaster!

So on 23rd of Februari, no Russians were in Donetsk (yet), but this is what happened.

Kids talking about being Ukranian or something like that....
Thanks to Patrick Lancaster: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjTWVaRx6jMN5ZYgbqe2_w

Of course the media shows you nothing about this....well they try to frame the Russians of course.

Random talk after bombing of civilian area by Russ...oops Ukraine

An elderly Russian woman talking about the war....
Thanks to Patrick Lancaster: support him on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjTWVaRx6jMN5ZYgbqe2_w

So here we found the rocket of the clusterbomb.
Thanks to Patrick Lancaster: support him on his channel !

So Russians are using clusterbombs? So lucky there is still some real reporting left.
Thanks to Patrick Lancaster: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjTWVaRx6jMN5ZYgbqe2_w
Follow his channel on youtube and support.


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

21 videos

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