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Beyond the Veil…
(Written September 26th, 1978)

Enter a friend, who, early this morning, in a dream, said…
“Inside your head, and beneath your mind-lid, life is more real than what you call reality may be…

As you enter the resurrection hall for the newly risen dead…
hear the celestial musicians and the Cherubim Choir

And so step beyond the veil over your heart, and dare tread…
entering the Holy of holies, where Universe Mother, Radiant Fire
is singing siren-incensed melodies unto her myriad parts… This reality you are permitted to see…

In worship, the Over Soul of creation will lift veil from heart and head…
so you may now ascend ever higher and higher…”

There is only try; there is no fail
to qualify to step beyond the veil
inside you lies the true holy grail
connect to spirit you must avail

Be so real it must be the real you
when character, soul and spirit true
unified become one--a brilliant hue
beyond the veil--new worlds come into view...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls

I Love You...Even in Your...Imprisoned Withdrawal...
(Written March 17th, 2021)

Doing Right Builds Character

Strong characters are not derived from not doing wrong but rather from actually doing right.

The Urantia Book, (140:4.6)

When you project your hate onto any fellow being
by your very verbal admission you are not seeing
such programmed reactions are equal to your avoiding
truth... you hate yourself... evidence: your finger-pointing...

Then, you reveal that you are an intellectual fraud
through your accusations, harsh words, your god-like self--awed
at "one-up-manship" on a fellow child of God
you never question whether your behavior is...odd...

To you...nothing is "out of place," your reactions...normal...
you 'license liberty' action is...immoral...
war within...raging...with you, friend, I have no...quarrel...
I love you...even in your...imprisoned withdrawal...

And our Father loves you...could you yourself...
but hating to love...foisting hell
upon each you would force into servitude of self
as a means to elevate your ego...your...death knell...

Now, I choose to leave you to your...vain imaginings...
your sociopathic view...humans are objects...playthings...
all your words and actions are like the scorpion that stings
I pray for you...pray for the day your thoughts may grow wings...

To fly toward...light of truth...and your soul...resurrect...
on the Mansion world experiences...your soul...perfect...
sometime bear witness to...last character defect...
ego disappears...only true character...project...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

If you want to discover who your tribe is, speak your truth and see who sticks around. Those who remain behind, when all others have abandoned you are your tribe. You will feel so fortunate if there is one, two or three, maybe even four, who are left standing with you, and willing to defend your right to speak your truth.

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

All Is Anecdotal... Not Even Facts Are but Filtered Brain-Droppings
(Written March 22nd, 2021)

The insanity of hue-manity is like sounding brass that rings
nothing spoken is truth--but all that is spoken is proffered as truth
all is anecdotal... not even facts are but filtered brain-droppings,
inflated ego-mash ups by seasoned expert ones--the spooky sooth-

sayers, who can see and predict the future in the left-right headline news
they are lost in deep-ego-dive to show they know so much more than you!
countless hours of research... birds of a feather flock together... they choose
carefully other like-feathered birds...exclusive club for few...

To be "in it"...must begin to sacrifice your true identity...
your soul-reality you must sacrifice on the "Altar of God-Bias"
statism worship?...lost in third dimensional material reality...
and when you speak of...ascension to is...delusional...mindless...

Hue-man assumption of the "authority" to speak "absolute truth
is the universal "Luciferian" dis-ease between brain and mind
"God will defeat our enemies" "God will appear" mind of God...sleuth...
powerful you are to publicly proclaim God's thoughts in mortal time!

A greater truth is that so many serve the...God of Information...
whether in podcasts...we suffer from...overload...
and when anything suffers "overload" it slows down...degradation...
it may...disintegrate...cannot operate... what is reaped from...seeds sowed?

And like "rock stars," God is never referenced...but a God afar off...
in that gulf between hue-man and divine...God's will is a..."thing to own"...
better you humble yourselves...stop speaking "smack" as fact...not pretend...scoff...
at experiential truth...revealed by Father's presence within...truth known...

All "truth known" does not foist fear-anxiety-fraud upon a fellow being...
it does not foist storytelling that is "passing on the stories heard"...
it does not foist news headlines that presume to create news...sooth-seeing...
it does not foster "psyops" upon the easily deceived hue-man herd...

"One great truth" must be continuously declared to become..."now presence"...
the...Fatherhood of God...and the...brotherhood of hue-mans...we are one...
because we are ALL our Father's mortal essence...
someday will...transcend all evil...when God's Love rules...battle won...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

You Can Accept God Becoming Man...But Not Yourself Becoming God...
(Written August 20th, 2014)

To whom did you give your power away...
in the exchange for what your money bought...?
give your power away every day...
without so much as a second hand thought...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
confess your sins, my son...go with God speed...

Clearly you accept God becoming man...
but you won't accept man becoming God...
you need a mediator...take you in hand...
the dictator with whom you are so awed...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
listen to me, my son...go with God speed...

Why you choose not to think and not to feel...?
you are deathly afraid of being the real...
in truth...could see the indwelling spirit...
with Father...a direct relationship...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
now follow me, my son...go with God speed...

You know not to live an authentic life...
a clone of a clone of a clone...unreal...
too lazy to think for light...
ever penetrates the mind...fear seals...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
just obey me, my son...go with God speed...

You will never change... you have no courage...
unless belief breaks down...opens to faith...
you think change is hanging on to baggage...
ever following behind you...your wraith...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
now die for me, my son...go with God speed...

The planet speeds along...masses...unchanged...
hypnotized, enslaved, psychotic....deranged...
no awakening, but those awakened...
who saved themselves from dark mind...fake it...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
I ate your soul...your children feed my needs...

The self-destruction cycle is unbroken...
as it has remained throughout history...
God will not save planets that have chosen...
to disown his light...who refuse to see...

The psychic vampires who rule the Earth...
masses look to for solace from their birth...
save me from myself! is what they do plead...
I am the Destroyer of Worlds...worship me...

When you continue to give away all of your personal and economic power to the psychic vampires…you are murdering yourself…and you yourself become the psychic vampire; your appetite is insatiable… You leave a trail of destruction behind you… And you yourself become…the Destroyer of Worlds…

50:6.2 The development of civilization on Urantia has not differed so greatly from that of other worlds which have sustained the misfortune of spiritual isolation. But when compared with the loyal worlds of the universe, your planet seems most confused and greatly retarded in all phases of intellectual progress and spiritual attainment.

–The Urantia Book – Paper 50 – The Planetary Princes

(2082.5) 195:8.13 The complete secularization of science, education, industry, and society can lead only to disaster. During the first third of the twentieth century Urantians killed more human beings than were killed during the whole of the Christian dispensation up to that time. And this is only the beginning of the dire harvest of materialism and secularism; still more terrible destruction is yet to come.

–The Urantia Book – Paper 195 – After Pentecost

You Can Accept God Becoming Man...but not Yourself Becoming God...3
MONSanto (MONSatan) should be awarded the title of the most evil corporation on the face of the Earth…

You Can Accept God Becoming Man...but not Yourself Becoming God...13
Mammoth tumors, cancer and death in rats and mice, as a result of eating MONSatan GMO corn…

God will not save planets that have chosen…
to disown his light…who refuse to see…
in truth…could see the indwelling spirit…
with Father…a direct relationship…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

Dr. Doom's Shutter Fly Flutters and Dies
(Written September 10th, 2018)

He works...watching time fly on by...
he will no longer wonder...why...
he has become the...monkey see...
and monkey do... thinks he is free...

Protozoan who flagellates...
at the altar where he self-hates...
swimming deep in the black abyss...
with endless stinking turds and piss...

Eternal days...always the same...
he hell of blame...
haunting voices of others say...
obey the rules or don't play...

Nothing more to see...there... move on...
leaving it all wrong...
psychopathy of 'beLIEf'...con...
pain of bliss...when you sing their song...

Always right..he is...ever bored...
those whose external songs are hyped...
like fingernails screeching blackboard...
songs followed as pied piper piped...

Where now is...his burning desire...?
Is it embers glowing...
no more logs to throw on the fire?
self-absorbed...his ego showing?

His looping script?
materialism...his selfish bent...
alcohol...continually nipped...
packs of cigarettes..lungs spent...

Massive sugar...daily consumed...
he pays with a toe..or...a leg...
fatal diabetes treatment...Dr. Doom...
nothing stops him...will never beg...

Monthly order...prescription drugs...
local dealer...designer thugs...
pills for every ache and pain...
pills to keep you sedate...insane...

Short-circuited by...minds closed and blind...
shutter flies...blinds closed...never find...
truth around every corner...
losing the fight...regret..mourner...

Boundless mind...boundless thought...flowing...
faith exists only in...knowing...
secret efforts to share...
no thought ahead of what to wear...

Spirit uplifts soul to...glowing...
such profound rich gifts...bestowing...
invisible wealth...given away...
increased abundance each new day...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

My Brother...You are Right...Even when You are Wrong...
(Written 12/19/2014)

Yesterday...we had a long, long talk on the phone...
you were drunk, as usual...good humoring required...
the person is present...mind is no longer home...
alcohol is poison in the brain...neurons fire
at a far lowered rate...thoughts arrive late...soon gone...

Like your tragic legacy...
your driftwood...that never washes ashore...
illusions of the past...your present lunacy...
can never get enough whiskey...always need more...
a son's life lost...daughter's rejection...sad to see...

Your first words to me were..."The search is now full on!"
I asked you what that began to explain...
overt advances toward a woman were wrong...
she soon rejected you and that drives you insane...
"how can she reject this manly man?" same tired song...

Some men and women are so fearful to live life...
they become obsessed with romantic love...the test...
to prove their manhood or womanhood...not alive...
without sexual fulfillment...romantic love's zest...
in routines...romantic love lost...over time...

And so a young man, close, feels for your sorry plight...
and tells you he is going to find you a new love...
one that will make you feel like a man day and night...
"one" that will fit onto your life like hand in glove...
as the woman sees are a sorry sight...

Sixty-two going on eighty-five...thin as a rail...
fifty years of smoking and drinking...takes its toll...
soon you will be confined to a health fail...
sense you will soon be one more marker on the knoll...
yet there is much good in you...behind the dark veil...

My are right...even when you are wrong...
enjoy your life...what is left...of eventide's song...
you will not change, now, what you never understood...
to your very end...into sunset...drifting wood...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2021

All "Godless" Thoughts Short-Circuit Connection To Spirit
(Written 12/23/20)

What you project onto the world and onto others
is who and what you perceive-beLIEve yourself to be
project anything less than all hue-mans as brothers
and children of a heavenly won't see...

further than mere conceptual unreality...
all "godless" thoughts short-circuit connection to spirit
with unbroken faith you are one with reality
without God and love the "godless" will not survive it

All "godless" thoughts short-circuit connection to spirit
those who choose path of "godlessness" may grin and bear it
they are "broken inside" their emptiness cannot hide
only in "divine peace" may our Father's love abide...

There is no "resurrection" for those who reject God
if "blue team" wins the football game on Tell-LIES-Vision
do you not jump to your feet to cheer, yell, and applaud?
declare "all men are brothers" there is "dead silence" when

all present must see how each other is reacting...
the "hive mind" absorbs you into fear-banality
"angelic embryo"...fear is ever contracting...
grows-expands when God is the one true reality

All "godless" thoughts short-circuit connection to spirit
those who choose path of "godlessness" may grin and bear it
they are "broken inside" their emptiness cannot hide
only in "divine peace" may our Father's love abide...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

Within the Temple
(Written 3/31/2017)

Within this temple
sacred direction stretch forth
east, south, west and north

Within this temple
sacred protection perceive
only divine thought conceive

Within this temple
sacred correction believe
character flaws behind you leave

Within this temple
sacred connection interweave
a spirit-soul-in-personality identity

Within this temple
I honor you, Father Sky
you give life to every being alive

Within this temple
I honor you, Mother Earth
for all the wondrous beauty you birth

Within this temple
may Great Spirit-wind flow
let me ever walk the good red road

Within this temple
there is only and ever--love
spirit-soul-in-personality emerging as one...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls

I Am That I Am...Triune Actuality Experienced In Time...
(Written 12/16/20)

"It is to the mind of perfect poise, housed in a body of clean habits, stabilized neural energies, and balanced chemical function—when the physical, mental, and spiritual powers are in triune harmony of development—that a maximum of light and truth can be imparted with a minimum of temporal danger or risk to the real welfare of such a being. By such a balanced growth does man ascend the circles of planetary progression one by one, from the seventh to the first." (U.B. 110:6.4)


I am that I am...a fragment of Your Personality...
I unify mortal experiences into their triune whole...
I transfer the mortal experience seat of identity...
into mortal-morontial evolving angelic-like soul...

I am divine light shining within dark matter reality...
I am the acme of true character attainment--wisdom's goal...
I am personality-divine spirit actuality...
correcting, directing--divine spirit in supreme control...

I am the mortal-morontial-divine mind of perfect poise...
I am housed in a physical temple of clear mind habits...
I am stabilized in neural energies amidst the noise...
I am balanced in chemical function... each cell...truth inscripts...

I am physical, mental and spiritual powers...tuned...
to the triune harmony of divine love made manifest...
shining through the mind's eye lens into the tree of life well-pruned...
and by such balanced growth I am presently passing the test...

I am become the maximal receptor of light and truth...
I am completing the requirements of the first circle
of planetary progression and soul-mota-insights remove
doubt... Adjuster-fusion may then complete the cosmic cycle...

I am the mortal-morontial-divine mind of perfect poise...
I am housed in a physical temple of clear mind habits...
I am stabilized in neural energies amidst the noise...
I am balanced in chemical function... each cell...truth inscripts...

Seven circles completion and soul-mota-insights remove
doubt... Adjuster-fusion may then complete the cosmic cycle...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

Only Way To 'Know Truth' Is To 'Experience' It...
(Written 12/17/20)

There is a 'vibration' the 'resonation' of 'truth'
at any age and moment you may grab hold of it...
racing, busy mind, you never forcibly renew...
only the 'poise of inner listening' will acquit

'Acting upon inner light of truth' IS 'actual'...
'experience,' 'faith-knowing' 'objectively seeing'...
beyond 'surface appearance' makes 'visible' the 'real'...
truth, beauty, and goodness become 'manifest being'

Only way to 'know truth' is to 'experience' it...
all else you may hear is but second hand stories told...
'beLIEf' vs. 'faith-knowing,' sophistry vs. truth, admit...
then objectively sift...'til left with truth is the goal

Admit...'words' and 'thoughts' have 'meaning' and 'consequences'...
ALL programmed fear-based LIES are INHERENT in beLIEfs...
baseless FEAR will keep lazy minds sitting on fences...
False Evidence Appearing Real...Tell-LIES-Vision...THIEF!

Who is the 'real thief?' do you not permit to happen...?
'stolen reality' with 'satanic lies' replaces...
'objectively seeing' with 'delusions' which darken...
the connection to body, mind and soul...erases...?

Only way to 'know truth' is to 'experience' it...
all else you may hear is but second hand stories told...
'beLIEf' vs. 'faith-knowing,' sophistry vs. truth, admit...
then objectively sift...'til left with truth is the goal

'BeLIEf' vs. 'faith-knowing,' sophistry vs. truth, admit...
then objectively sift...'til left with TRUTH...IS...THE GOAL...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

A Diamond in the Rough (This Diamond in the Rough Shall Someday Shine)
(Written in 1995)

You are my hope of eternal survival
when this lowly material form has been shed…
multi-faceted patterning--open portal
all that I value…along the path I tread…
my priceless experiences of sharing
with family and friends...never stop caring...

The reality of indwelling God-fragment
connecting spiritual joy in foreseeing…
universe ascension career, at present
unconsciously rehearsed, in the now, in being…
and forever after will continue sharing
with family and friends...never stop caring...

Loyally taking the superuniverse vow
eternal loyalty to Paradise Father…
sometime witness the mystery of how
God-fragment and mortal soul fuse together…
experiences never-ending adventure
with family and friends...ever do wonder...

I await our emergence–from inside
second level of universe reality…
God-fragment fusing mortal soul and divine
supernal joy of our final destiny…
in glorious reunion–on mansion worlds to come
realization of family and friends--one...

Out of living life-force machine-mind
to which we are but presently entwined…
this diamond in the rough shall someday shine
mortal coil sloughed–soul-spirit unified…
observe selves transition from the human
rejoin family and friends...together stand...

For now, and evermore, so let it be meant
that love was sufficient–that love was enough…
that he remained loyal and noble to the time spent
cutting-polishing his diamond in the rough…
soul out of hue-man soil, now brightly glowing...
with glowing family and friends…all knowing...

This diamond in the rough begins to shine…
mortal coil sloughed–soul-spirit...unified…
transition from human into...divine…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

Speak Deep Truth Few Others Dare To Admit
(Written 12/5/2020)

Lies, lies, your clever hue-manimal disguises
presumption is as presumption does--'surmises
to know' that which is 'never experienced as truth'
truth is as truth experiences..."fountain of youth"

Truth, truth, mortal man's "eternal fountain of youth"
feels like a warm springs bath that never ends to soothe
mind, soul, spirit and personality, in time
ever metered--the "will of God" in rhythm and rhyme

Realize that when you choose to speak...little lies...
grow bigger...'til there's a haunted look in your eyes
everything's better with truth butter on it
speak deep truths few others ever dare to admit

Lies, Lies, block circuit connections to spirit light
there was a time...try as I may...try as I might
know..."No! Try not! Do or do not! There is no try!"
living speak the wondering 'why?'

Truth, truth, perfect personality's expression
truth is always in season, always in session
there's one super-unifying truth under the sun
forever my will, Father, that your will be done

Realize that when you choose to speak...little lies...
grow bigger...'til there's a haunted look in your eyes
everything's better with truth butter on it
speak deep truths few others ever dare to admit

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

The Brundle Fly Disguise
(Written 12/4/20)

I see it in your eyes
your Brundle Fly disguise
not open to advise
if you could but realize

you wear a prison mask
in your dark pride you bask
arrogance a deep cask
of fear won't let you ask

questions to free your mind
you live a life unkind
to your hue-man design
poison-filled can't align

with spirit indwelling
all logic dispelling
inflammation swelling
fading life propelling

to inevitable end
death walks behind you, friend
not willing to amend
you never did transcend

self that stood in your way
not even one could sway
smoking, drugs, large buffet
programming leads astray

in confusion jungle
hack your way and bungle
grow limitless fungal
cancer into Brundle

Fly... a...monstrosity...
as you see..
your death will set you free
what is your destiny?

Brundle Fly...Brundle Fly...
not once did he ask why(?)
at life's end...whimper...cry...
let go, my friend...just die...

So many...Brundle Flies...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

A Daily Psalm
(Written in 1996)

O Universe Creator, our Eternal Teacher, You teach us to rest in the stillness of a calm spirit.

You illuminate our thoughts with enlightened ideas and divine results.

You daily rejuvenate our souls with Your Radiant, Life-giving Energy.

Our inner nature is dual; the limitations of our human origins assail the awareness of our divine heritage. Your Light, within us, prevails… Our dualities are unified.

Heavenly Father, You have thus spoken: Knock—and the door shall be opened unto you. Ask. And you shall receive. In the awakening , within us, of the divine law, let there be neither fears or doubts.

Paradise Father, You have endowed us in the likeness of Your Person; through the rebirth of the spirit are we translated into a more perfect universe form. Let us experience increasing joy, in increasing spirit-perfection.

O First Source of all life, Your blessings are abundant—like flowing rivers of virgin spring water…without end… From Your Eternal Abode they perpetually flow to daily quench our thirst and hunger—even in our ungratefulness.

All good things that belong to our spiritual destinies, we claim as our rightful inheritance, now, for right-use, in the uplifting of every soul on Earth.

It is our will that Your Will be done.

We will ever still our minds and hearts to listen to the whispers of Your Presence and Voice within our hearts, minds and souls.
And Your spirit, within us, and we…shall be as…one…
shall be as…one…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

Dogma Is "Amgod" When Spelled Backwards
(Written 10-10-20)

Dogma was there from the beginning
when one is absolutely right
ever ends in culling and thinning
"might must be right" in beholder's sight

Programmed to raise up many tyrants
families create endless sociopaths
low I.Q. become political giants
pillage, rape and murder in blood baths

Dogma is "amgod" when spelled backwards
dogma is god to the hue-man mind
dogma is dry unpassable mind turds
tyrants of past and of modern time

Tyrants dive into the shallow mind
dancing madly backwards they compete
for wealth, power, control...are blind
to their unreality and defeat

Evil acts sow seeds of destruction
greater truth is ever-demanding
evil projects lies for subversion
greater truth is ever-expanding

Dogma is "amgod" when spelled backwards
dogma is god to the hue-man mind
dogma is dry unpassable mind turds
tyrants of past and of modern time

Closed-minded "lethal ambushers"
...raptors passing into extinction...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

Perception Determines BeLIEf
(Written 11/23/20)

Reflecting Truth

"If I hear your prayers, it is because you come before me with a clean heart, free from falsehood and hypocrisy, with a soul which reflects truth like a mirror.

Shintoism, The Urantia Book, (131:7.2)

How you perceive yourself, in relation to your fellow beings, within your circle, to the intelligent and inhabited cosmos, and to the Paradise Father of all, who indwells you, determines your degree of un-reality or reality.

For one to win over the other…you must bring your internal civil war to an end…in which case, you are left as either “mere physical animal” or “evolving soul” that is ever-ascending into higher and higher and greater and greater levels of reality-attainment.

Perception determines beLIEf determines your state of vibration--positive or negative, beLIEf rising to fAIth (Attained Insight) in God's will triumphing over evil, sin and wickedness, or beLIEf descending into insanity; the vibrant healthiness of the head, heart, soul in spirit connection, or rapid decay of health leading to continual illness, dis-ease and premature death of the material life mechanism.

Perception in one direction leads to un-reality and cosmic death, from which, there is no resurrection. The other leads to sanity, inner peace, wisdom, love for others, unselfish service, true character, the dominance of perfect personality over imperfect hue-manimal self (ego-pride), and unity with Father's indwelling spirit-presence, evolving into eternal life.

The choice is ever and always an individual one.
Which one are you choosing?
What choice are you ever-momentarily making?
Are you allowing yourself to connect with Father's indwelling spirit-presence (the still small voice within)?
Or are you choosing the…downward descent…into the “God-less” material animal state…and…eternal death…?

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

Perception Determines BeLIEf
(Written 11/23/20)

Reflecting Truth

"If I hear your prayers, it is because you come before me with a clean heart, free from falsehood and hypocrisy, with a soul which reflects truth like a mirror.

Shintoism, The Urantia Book, (131:7.2)

How you perceive yourself, in relation to your fellow beings, within your circle, to the intelligent and inhabited cosmos, and to the Paradise Father of all, who indwells you, determines your degree of un-reality or reality.

There, There, O Little Shadow...The Lowly Earth Born...
(Written 1/29/2015)

I lovingly accept you, little shadow black...
those momentary times when you slip back...
into the darkness...where you think you can hide...
when there is no hiding from the truth inside...

There, there, O little shadow...the lowly earth born...
you vibrate into me...your higher soul form...
in the inner are growing toward...
that moment...when it is cut the cord...

Momentary lapses of insanity...
won't stop your growing into eternity...
closing with the night...opening with the day...
one step...delayed...two steps forward in the light's ray...

There, there, O little shadow...the lowly earth born...
you vibrate into me...your higher soul form...
in the inner are growing toward...
that moment...when it is cut the cord...

Like the petals that are full sun...
you will vibrate...when the victory is won...
faster and faster...'til you vibrate apart...
to release the real with spirit's heart...

There, there, O little shadow...the lowly earth born...
you vibrate into me...your higher soul form...
in the inner are growing toward...
that moment...when it is cut the cord...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

(A metaphorical symbol of discovering inner tranquility and peace…)
(Written 1997)

“My son…for each and every day you are coming undone–is one more day you are having no fun…such that you could sublimely experience… get off the fence! and come sit awhile–on your bouldaphor in the middle of the stream… on your bouldaphor in the middle of the stream…you may–smile, shout, agonize–even scream, awhile… and you may bask in the radiance of my inner smile… in the solace and quietude–you are not required to emanate, radiate or exude…your story, to me, only, do you need to tell–then lift yourself out of your…living hell… you must accept your true identity–the seat of your soul-entity… sitting on your bouldaphor…in the middle of the stream…you may look into forever…when, again, you…dare to dream…”

I was sitting on a bouldaphor
at the edge of a mountain stream…
fortune had left me, once again…poor…
you succeeded in shattering my fondest dream…

I watched the rippling crystal flow…
sunbeams were dancing…on early Autumn’s breeze
releasing their energy–in past memories’ glow…
of lessons learned…when you set me free…

It all seems clear…I walk alone…
loving you comes with a price to pay…
it is a living hell–when affections grow cold
when my animal self–gets in the way…

I was sitting on a bouldaphor
at the edge of a mountain stream…
fortune had left me, once again…poor…
you succeeded in shattering my fondest dream…

I watched the rippling crystal flow…
sunbeams were dancing…on early Autumn’s breeze
releasing their energy–in past memories’ glow…
of lessons learned…when you set me free…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

A Cold Sun...of Lesser Light...May Plunge the Earth into a...Freezing Age of Hunger's Plight...

"Seek not the things of this world," deep and bellowing command issued forth from within his mind...
he did not conjecture whether it was the voice of God...or injunction of conscience...
then followed visions of raging seas of licking fires...great tidal waves entwined...
to world wide eruptions...molten sensual desires infecting life with warring sins...

And the busy little antmen, their little antwives and antchildren...all busy drones...
barely noticed Nature's changes from two hundred year warm age to sun now growing cold...
while thousands of volcanoes, under the sea...warm the oceans...many more on land...groan...
cough up millions of tons of ash-filled smoke, as though doing homage to angry gods of old...

There were but little signs in weather, at first, which varied little from what is normally expected...
sudden catastrophic storms only took tens of thousands of lives around the earth...
as long as the weather extremes did not directly affect the antmen, they sped...
to and fro...across the land...nothing ever mattered except eating, work and pleasure...

There were many who sounded the alarm...the Earth gets warmer and colder in cycles...
"a new ice age cometh..." the antmen laughed... brainwashed that Earth was just getting hotter...
while they burned in excesses of money, food, wine, women, power and greed...disciples
of the great carbon god religion... mindlessly reveled in lustful laughter...consumers

who thought their dominating power over the Earth could not possibly come to end...
the great oceans kept on releasing unlimited moisture into the low atmosphere...
one day it started snowing... but the snows did not end... that was when the flash freezing began...
magnetic poles flipped... then great polar vortexes of deep cold...advancing glaciers...

world wide starvation…effecting anarchy within every nation and world war...
there had never been so greet the challenge of devastation...
of the power grids, the lack of food, the subsequent starvation...gangs that swarmed
all cities and homes...killing for food...cannibalizing...evil's infestation...

"A cold sun...of lesser light...may plunge the Earth into a...freezing age of hunger's plight...
but not to worry," the voice said is just a dream...not second sight...

Lunchtime in Rena’s
(Written in 1985)

Eating lunch in Rena’s Delicatessen
I see faces here I once knew
remaining anonymous in the crowd…

And herein lies the delicate lesson
wherein the face is familiar, but the self enshrouds
persons with which I no longer have to do…

I could reveal–puff up my chest
if only for the ego to show
yes, I remember them from memories laid to rest…

My mind-the spirit does quicken
their thoughts and actions to know
which betray motives under thin skin…

Ah…so my lunch is now over
And I pass by the faces I once knew
remaining anonymous in the crowd…

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

They May As Well Pick Up COC Pipe, Smoke UP, Or Freebase
(Written 11/18/2020)

'Professional joiners' are all a 'dime a dozen'
then, they...disappear...without reason, rhyme, or a trace
when they...try to think...are their brains suddenly 'frozen?'
remain in this state...intelligence...quickly erase...?

They may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase...
thought reduced to mimicry of the autocratic
mind, soul, spirit and personality...they debase...
at best...on animal-matic...

What, then, is meant by 'animal-matic,' you may ask?
ever happens when the mind is programmed to beLIEve
repeating, without question, is the deceit-full mask
blind to 'echo chamber' media's program to deceive

They may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase...
'free will' is emaciated--it withers and it dies... made unreal...when morality you erase...
the soul-devastation is the...'Swamp of Lies'

Understand...there are 'Swamps of Lies' all over the Earth
our 'volatile impatience' erupts into anger
we are taught to react this way from the moment of birth
has put the hue-man race in the greatest of danger

They may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase...
thus, reducing yourself to 'mere physical matter'
now, smoke that COC a thousand times more, just in case...
works as well as a 'gun to the temple' brains will splatter

Are you a 'professional joiner?' Are you 'brain-dead?'
head full of 'busy thoughts and beLIEfs' to hide behind?
you fear to speak--criticism--the 'terror in your head'
'no think' seems easier...but in 'no think' you lose your mind

How unkind you are to 'gifts' Father has given you
you are the servants who bury their talents in ground...
your failure to choose--permanent death--it is true
your only the 'Swamp of Lies' you drowned..

You may as well pick up COC pipe, smoke up, or freebase...
your 'free will' emaciated--it withered and it died...
your soul... made unreal...when morality you erased...
your soul-devastation is the...'Swamp of Lies'

Your Soul Devastation Is Real...In The...'Swamp Of Satanic Lies'

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

The Unbridled Superiority in Lucifer's Manifesto

The day the dawn stood dark to the stillness of light the fourth earth of an enlightened moon shrunk the just cause of Enoch.

At the same time the Goddess of Shalom was betrothed in wedlock to the minds eye of the charismatic characterizations of Mara’s extremists under the unholy banner of the fallen ones of Dalmatia.

In this union of death sprang forth new light unto the folly of mankind’s desires of superior titles and holy places of power amongst men.

At the time of the fourth awaking season of the supreme awakening of truth these titles were stripped for all to see.

Then the unholy holymen of old stole the crown of righteousness from the brotherhood of mankind undertaking the pentagrams of the statue of Babylon representative in the lady of night as the queen of justices.

In this representation you will find the arrogant teachings of unbridled superiority in Lucifer's Manifesto to proclaim any title you so choose and lord it over your inferior brethren.

Copyright Amadon Gabriel 2020

Beyond the Wormlike Hole…
(Written in 1979)

She was standing at my bed end
beckoning me with her ethereal hand
she led me beyond the wormlike hole
to a futuristic city with a blinding glow…

Angel said…

“The realm of the invisible
is what your mind and soul are made of
the universe, in the Universal Mind
is the mortal soul’s gateway to the Center of Life…

The presence of God, dwelling in your mind
is the presence of God, on Paradise…

When you journey beyond the wormlike hole
it will give you comfort, in the afterglow
there are worlds of light…
beyond the physical shadow of time…

When you journey beyond the wormlike hole
you must emerge as semi-spirit soul
take this trip with me and
you will never, again, journey, alone…”

She reached for me, with flowing hand
and place her finger, upon my head
then disappeared into a resonant glow…
the expanding tones, in my…tremolo soul…

Angel said…

“Vibration is the musical key…
the voice of God to all reality…
ultimatons of energy…
without end, in eternity…

This city, where you will someday be
passing through to greater destiny
you may not attain, but as a being of light
I am returning you, now, to your physical time…”

Then I awoke, with a delicate scream
was she really there? was it all a dream…?

She was standing at my bed end
beckoning me with her ethereal hand
she led me beyond the wormlike hole
to a futuristic city with a blinding glow…

Never forget…

© Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

In the Self-Reflecting Mirror...of Mind...
(Written 7/30/2017)

Self-reflecting in the mirror of mind...
point that accusing finger...blind...
the parroting ego...most unkind...
this is the story of...humankind...

The machine that sleeps and is...alive...
sees--but sees not for his...allotted time...
the living rhythm, which has little...rhyme...
this is the story of...humankind...

There is the self that learns
emerging from cocoon and...flutters by...
observes the lies--leaves them...behind...
a story...rewritten...of...humankind...

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within and Here
(Written 11-12-20)

Is it possible to see through someone else's eyes
were you to choose to remove your ego lies?
you must "live your religion" --not be content
with mere thinking and feeling--the life misspent

Now, listen, my friend, to these thoughts I share
this is "feeling" and "thought" in action--I dare
go deeper in meaning and deeper in love
to reach inward and to fit you like a glove

Could you but drop your mask long enough to see
hue-manity's awakening--must be free
the kingdom of heaven is within and here
the moment you choose to be free of all fear

I love you, my friend... you refuse to see me
in your own eyes--soul of maturing beauty,
soul of true character, desirous to blend
personality, soul and spirit ascend?

The time-space mirror of the Trinity
is reflecting in the evolving "real me,"
"real you" --within all who are spirit endowed
the soul only grows in fertile ground well ploughed

Could you but drop your mask long enough to see
hue-manity's awakening--must be free
the kingdom of heaven is within and here
the moment you choose to be free of all fear

To remove all fear--the weeding of the ground
tree of true character grow strong and abound
in the fruits of the spirit, plucked and enjoyed
become virus of love, in action, deployed

Know--the act is ours; the consequences God's
even on Earth, as lowly mortal, you trod
the challenging path all before have taken
we are not alone; we're never forsaken

Could you but drop your mask long enough to see
hue-manity's awakening--must be free
the kingdom of heaven is within and here
the moment you choose to be free of all fear

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within and Here
The Moment You Choose to Be Free of ALL Fear

Copyright Timothy Ray Walls 2020


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

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