Tellus Nuntius

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Tellus Nuntius



Canadian citizens are being confronted with assaults to their rights when trying to re-enter their country. They are being told they must be vaxxed, they must be tested, they must have the Arrive-Can App installed on their phone (so, are you also required to have a smart phone?), they are threatened with fines, etc. This officer gives tips to those Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents trying to return home.




私はカナダ出身ですが、カナダは非常に状況が悪いと言えます。 カナダは共産主義の国になってしまいました。 カナダ国民を含む多くの人々は、まだこのことに気づいていません。 私たちは旅行を制限されています。友人や親類を訪ねることも制限されています。レストランやジムに行くことも、公共交通機関に乗ることも制限され、マスクの着用を強制され、「ワクチン」と名前を変えた非常に危険な「遺伝子治療」を受けるよう押し付けられ、仕事に行くのを止められ、場所によっては外出禁止令が出され、抗議する人は刑務所に入れられ、銀行口座を凍結され、運転免許やパスポートを取り消され、子供を取り上げられ、その他にもいろいろなことをされています。 2年間、私たちには国会がなく、国民は何も言えなかったのです。 もしあなたが日本にいるならば、マスクを取って、「ノー!」と言いましょう。 応じてはいけません! マスクは共産主義への第一歩です。 ウィルスはありません。政府が嘘をついているのです。マスコミも嘘をついています。予防接種」は年齢を問わず多くの人を殺している。死なない人の中で、多くの人が変な病気になっています。若い健康な人たちが心臓発作を起こしている。 今政府は、若い人たち、たとえ赤ちゃんでも心臓発作を起こすのはごく普通のことだと言おうとしています。嘘、嘘、さらに嘘。もしあなたが日本にいるならば、お願いだから目を覚まして、従わずに、反撃してください、さもなければ、あなたもカナダのようになるでしょう。無料版)で翻訳しました。

[subtitles auto generated and auto translated]
Oct. 28,2021
Get your Covid card in a chip in your hand or elsewhere under your skin. Putting chips in your body with different kinds of information is becoming increasingly popular and now you can also put your Covid card in the chip.

How on earth did this talentless cunt get into the position she is in now? How did a communist swj feminist cunt who's hellbent on shitting on everything good with her ideological agenda move up the ranks to be in such a position? Well, unknown people behind the scenes had a hand in it. Without them, she'd be sweeping floors somewhere.

I'm uploading this merely to give it another place to reside as it's hard to find elsewhere.

Tracey Ullman.
I like Tracey Ullman.
She ain't no bitch cunt commie feminist man-hating carpet-licker.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) goes together with Critical Race Theory (CRT).

This is part of how children are being brainwashed and indoctrinated into communism and communist thought. Rather than teaching facts, rational thought, and critical thinking, they are brainwashed into seeing things which are not really there.

"The idea of this lesson is to get the kids to ignore what they see and let the teacher’s instructions override their own experience. In other words, training kids to accept gaslighting. It’s literally Orwellian." --James Lindsay

1. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse.
2. Gaslighting is aimed at undermining someone's views, beliefs, reactions, and perceptions.
3. Gaslighting is the process of causing someone to doubt their own thoughts, beliefs and perceptions.
4. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Using persistent denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, it attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's belief.







現在、複数の国で攻撃が行われています。 グローバリストの共産主義者たちは、一つの世界政府を作るために、複数の国を一度に乗っ取ろうとしています。彼らはこれを新世界秩序(NWO)と呼んでいます。 彼らは、支配するための手段として、偽のウイルス・パンデミックを使ってこれを画策しています。









社会の一員として、社会に対する責任があることを教えられます。 マスクをしたり、予防接種を受けたりすることは、社会に対する責任なのです。 これらは嘘です。他の国では、予防接種を受けたりマスクをしたりすれば、自由を取り戻すと約束されていました。しかし、彼らは自由を取り戻すことはできませんでした。むしろ、より多くの自由が奪われたのです。

新世界秩序(NWO)に参加している国はいくつありますか? それを知るための簡単な方法があります。ワクチンパスポートを導入している国はいくつありますか?これがそのリストです:





Wyoming high school student arrested by police for refusal to wear a mask.
The student also has been issued $1000 in fines.
The student has also been suspended from school for 6 days.
School put on complete lockdown while Grace Smith, a junior at Laramie High School, in Wyoming was arrested.

Uploader's thoughts:
Perhaps in the near future rather than putting exemplary students into honours classes where they can learn in a more advanced fashion than their peers, they will be prevented from being so 'smart'. This news story brings up memories of a particularly difficult-to-forget short story in an episode of The Twilight Zone, you may watch it here, it is only 10min long and well worth the time spent watching it:

In the near future, when students reach the age of 12 there is a standard government examination they must take.

Why did I upload this video? I was thinking of it today as I read a news story about a high school student who was arrested for refusing to wear a mask. Learn about this news story here:

Poland has joined the international movement of condemning Australia's treatment of citizens comparing it's radical left-wing policies to that of North Korea!
Human Rights hold universal values which should be protected by countries worldwide.
Truth be told, this is part of a multi-country global attempt at a communist one-world-government takeover.
It has nothing to do with any virus, that is merely an excuse in an attempted grab at total power and control.
Call it madness, but it is a planned organized attack.

Canadian Tyrant Doug Ford's daughter seems to be on the side of Canadians, NOT her father's side.
Krista Ford Haynes

Governments say, "Everything is fine, there is no need for concern, food supplies are fine," yet news outlets keep mentioning coming food and energy (oil, gas, electricity, etc.) shortages in the near future. Why? What could be the cause? Too many people dropping dead from COVID? No. Then what? Why are they predicting this? Why is the government denying there is anything wrong with the food and energy supply?

The official word from the USDA as of posing this video is "There are currently no nationwide shortages of food, although in some cases the inventory of certain foods at your grocery store might be temporarily low before stores can restock. Food production and manufacturing are widely dispersed throughout the U.S. and there are currently no wide-spread disruptions reported in the supply chain." Okay, so then there is nothing to worry about. Why all the talk about shortages? Very strange. Or maybe not, watch the video.

Bonnie Henry Non-Elected Health Tyrant Liar
Vaccine Passport

The original government video shown here is from May 25, 2021.

Trudy The Tyrant.

Is banning unvaccinated people from travel or anything actually illegal? Hmm... maybe not.

But just in case, the government is trying to get around this inconvenience by getting private companies to do the dirty-work for them.

Supposedly a "private company" can make up any rules they want. Of course, they are not allowed to discriminate against people for certain things, because "the prohibited grounds of discrimination are race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and conviction for an offence for which a pardon has been granted or in respect of which a record suspension has been ordered."

As you can see, nowhere does it say anything about discrimination on medical grounds, or on the grounds of "safety" etc. You can, in Canada make a "refusal of a request to undergo a genetic test or to disclose, or authorize the disclosure of, the results of a genetic test" but this is not on medical grounds, but on grounds of "genetic characteristics".

So, you can in fact, it seems, discriminate upon the grounds of medical procedures, diseases, or lack of diseases, or the make and model of the car which you own. No?

These discrimination laws haven't really been thought out very well. "Sorry, this place of employment requires that every employee own, without any money owing, a Ferrari of a model no older than 5 years from the current date." So, if they can demand that you have a vaccination, can't they also demand that you have a vasectomy? Oh no, that would fall under "sex". Okay, what if they require that every employee cut off your left pinky finger? Hm... that just might hold up and be okay with discrimination laws. But, maybe that would make it fall under a 'disability'. Okay, how about this: every employee and customer must show proof of a cholesterol level lower than 200 and the test must have been performed within the last week. Hm... I think this would be allowed, no?

Italy - GREEN PASS Protest. Burning symbolic pieces of green paper. As far as I know, the Green Pass is only available on smart phones as an app. What they expect people with no smart phone to do, I have no idea, but I suspect all politicians should be hung.

The supposed breaching of the capitol building was relatively quiet and orderly. Nothing broken. No fires. No assaults. No weapons. The doors were opened and people were allowed to enter.

Police said, "We could have forced the door in if you didn't open it."
So, police no longer need a court issued warrant to enter people's homes uninvited.
Under 'A State Of Emergency' measures, they think they can do anything they want.

Looks like this family just experienced what it's like being #metoo'd, or falsely accused.

This new type of false accusation isn't even based on a crime, it's based upon totalitarian restrictions.

If you think that by complying with all their tyrannical orders you will be spared, you're wrong.

Uploaded to archive video no longer available at ABC
Wednesday 7 September 2011 7:30pm
Transcript still available at ABC website though.

"Japan has not signed the Hague convention so it's becoming notorious as a safe haven for parents who abduct their own children after a relationship has broken down."

Another store from ABC News USA
American Children Abducted to Japan Desperate Father's Try to Contact Their Children - ABC News
15 Feb 2011
"American children torn from their fathers, taken thousands of miles away by Japanese mothers. Women who have found that once they arrive in Japan, the fathers are powerless to reunite with their sons and daughters." -- of course, the Japanese women already know this prior to getting into a relationship with a foreign man. They keep this as their trump card in their back pocket.

American Children Kidnapped and Taken to Japan 2/16/2011
"There are several ways for a father to lose a child, all excruciating, but the dad's you're about to meet are suffering a special kind of hellish frustration. One day they have beautiful sons or daughters, the next day the child is gone, spirited across the globe with no way to make contact..."

There are even cases of non-Japanese women kidnapping their father's children to Japan.

Japanese women kidnap their kids

Japan: parental kidnappings

Japan’s Child Abduction [ENG CC]

Speakeasy: Parental Child Abduction in Japanese Law

Fuck Japanese women, but you might not want to have children with them, unless you are willing to give up your children later on.

"Rather than end the authoritarian, anti-democratic lockdowns, Trudeau and the corrupt political class continue to double-down on ruthless government power."

TODAYS NEWS 11/20/2020 Sydney Powell interview with Howie Carr.
3 Million Dead Voted, 7 Million Votes Stolen From DJT. Sidney Powell With Howie Carr


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

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