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No love coming off of the Staten Island Advance's Tom Wrobleski who would not take TerribleTim's questions on the live feed.

There is no mistake that we are living in Tardsville. Dumb folk maintain superior numbers. They outnumber sane, reasonable rational people. Majority rules majority fools in these sick insane dark times we find ourselves in. The fake bug is the Mother of all psychologlcal operations and it is worldwide top down lockstep control of all humanity orchestrated by a very few shot callers at the top of the capstone. It cannot be more obvious. The significantly less than one percent body count screams this to us at the top of it's lungs.

Check the flow. TerribleTim will be wilding YO.

Get with the knowledge. Don't be a dumb dumb.

It has become so obvious that eeven folks who are not woke are starting to see it.

Deluxe edition edition including our post protest analysis. TerribleTim and John Dorr take it to the full out extent and blowing up the spot at the protest show We will be wilding YO. The skills are full blown son. Exterminate the Fake Bug

The fake bug

TerribleTim takes it to the full out extent and is back on the scene and all up in your club. TerribleTim keeps that dumb stupid animal Assthony Anus in check. The skills are blown blown coming off of TerribleTim. Recognize those skills are full blown.

TerribleTim keeps tryna swat the fake bug but it does not even exist. It's a phony fake show . Sucker MC'S with lame ass flows come correct. Don't 'yall young dumb mthfkers be blowing up the spot. TerribleTim will be wilding YO. TerribleTim got more game than a cornish hen and will take it to the full out extent son.

It is fake AF!!!

The admit that they are padding the body count. They admit on the CDC website they are cooking the books on the death toll. Are you a stupid person? Why can't you trust your own eyes? The eyes can only see what the mind can accept.

Mannequins get Corona too. SEE SOURCE VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFo5JPIeZ6c

Do the Corona

There is no mistake. Folks need to come into reality. Nobody you know is dying of this fake flu. Get woke. Don't be a dumb dumb.

The phony fake show rages on.

Where are the dead bodies at?

Check the flow. Wow

The Corona testing tent was a bust no one showed

Corona TerribleTim update

Shut down the world so no on gets a cold

A little free styling on various phony fake shows. Some evidence that cannot be overcome and a TerribleTim 9/11 ditty to conclude the presentation.

Starring TerribleTim

TerribleTim breaks down the latests Synagogue fake show

The phony fake show rages on

Get with the flow. All love goes to the Brotherman, not the other man.


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

104 videos

Category Entertainment

No love coming off of Peter Davidson